Content Supported by Sourcelens Consulting
Attribute VB_Name = "modMT"
Option Explicit
' This module demonstrates that Visual Basic
' creates a separate instance of global data
' for each thread. Thus, the glngGlobalData
' variable will have a separate value for
' each thread Visual Basic starts.
' This fact is used to keep a count of Coffee
' objects on each thread: In the Coffee
' object's Initialize event, it adds one to
' glngGlobalData; in its Terminate event,
' it subtracts one.
' Any Coffee object can then find out how
' many Coffee objects are on its thread by
' testing glngGlobalData. Clients can also
' find out by calling the NumberOnThread
' method, which returns glngGlobalData.
' When MTCoffee is run in the development
' environment, where there's only a single
' thread, NumberOnThread is the total number
' of Coffee objects. When MTCoffee is
' compiled with Thread Per Object selected,
' the count will be one (1) for each Coffee
' object, unless you call GetCoffeeOnSameThread
' to create a second Coffee on the thread.
' When MTCoffee is compiled with thread pooling,
' NumberOnThread will be greater than one
' on some thread whenever the number of
' active Coffee objects is greater than
' the number of threads in the pool.
' This subject is covered in "Scalability and
' Multithreading," in Books Online.
Public glngGlobalData As Long