Content Supported by Sourcelens Consulting

Begin VB.Form WinSeek 
   BackColor       =   &H00C0C0C0&
   BorderStyle     =   3  'Fixed Dialog
   Caption         =   "WinSeek"
   ClientHeight    =   4020
   ClientLeft      =   1920
   ClientTop       =   1890
   ClientWidth     =   3720
   BeginProperty Font 
      Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
      Size            =   8.25
      Charset         =   1
      Weight          =   700
      Underline       =   0   'False
      Italic          =   0   'False
      Strikethrough   =   0   'False
   ForeColor       =   &H00000080&
   Height          =   4395
   Left            =   1875
   MaxButton       =   0   'False
   MinButton       =   0   'False
   ScaleHeight     =   4020
   ScaleWidth      =   3720
   Top             =   1560
   Width           =   3810
   Begin VB.PictureBox Picture2 
      BorderStyle     =   0  'None
      Height          =   2895
      Left            =   720
      ScaleHeight     =   2895
      ScaleWidth      =   3855
      TabIndex        =   8
      Top             =   1080
      Visible         =   0   'False
      Width           =   3855
      Begin VB.ListBox lstFoundFiles 
         Height          =   2235
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   11
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   3375
      Begin VB.Label lblCount 
         Caption         =   "0"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   1200
         TabIndex        =   10
         Top             =   120
         Width           =   1095
      Begin VB.Label lblfound 
         Caption         =   "&Files Found:"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   9
         Top             =   120
         Width           =   1095
   Begin VB.PictureBox Picture1 
      BorderStyle     =   0  'None
      Height          =   2895
      Left            =   0
      ScaleHeight     =   2895
      ScaleWidth      =   3735
      TabIndex        =   2
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   3735
      Begin VB.DriveListBox drvList 
         Height          =   1530
         Left            =   2040
         TabIndex        =   7
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   1575
      Begin VB.DirListBox dirList 
         Height          =   1695
         Left            =   2040
         TabIndex        =   6
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   1575
      Begin VB.FileListBox filList 
         Height          =   2040
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   5
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   1815
      Begin VB.TextBox txtSearchSpec 
         Height          =   285
         Left            =   2040
         TabIndex        =   4
         Text            =   "*.*"
         Top             =   120
         Width           =   1575
      Begin VB.Label lblCriteria 
         Caption         =   "Search &Criteria:"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   600
         TabIndex        =   3
         Top             =   120
         Width           =   1335
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSearch 
      BackColor       =   &H00C0C0C0&
      Caption         =   "&Search"
      Default         =   -1  'True
      Height          =   720
      Left            =   480
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   3000
      Width           =   1200
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdExit 
      BackColor       =   &H00C0C0C0&
      Caption         =   "E&xit"
      Height          =   720
      Left            =   2040
      TabIndex        =   1
      Top             =   3000
      Width           =   1200
Option Explicit
Dim SearchFlag As Integer   ' Used as flag for cancel and other operations.

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
    If cmdExit.Caption = "E&xit" Then
    Else                    ' If user chose Cancel, just end Search.
        SearchFlag = False
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
' Initialize for search, then perform recursive search.
Dim FirstPath As String, DirCount As Integer, NumFiles As Integer
Dim result As Integer
  ' Check what the user did last.
    If cmdSearch.Caption = "&Reset" Then  ' If just a reset, initialize and exit.
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Update dirList.Path if it is different from the currently
    ' selected directory, otherwise perform the search.
    If dirList.Path <> dirList.List(dirList.ListIndex) Then
        dirList.Path = dirList.List(dirList.ListIndex)
        Exit Sub         ' Exit so user can take a look before searching.
    End If

    ' Continue with the search.
    Picture2.Move 0, 0
    Picture1.Visible = False
    Picture2.Visible = True

    cmdExit.Caption = "Cancel"

    filList.Pattern = txtSearchSpec.Text
    FirstPath = dirList.Path
    DirCount = dirList.ListCount

    ' Start recursive direcory search.
    NumFiles = 0                       ' Reset found files indicator.
    result = DirDiver(FirstPath, DirCount, "")
    filList.Path = dirList.Path
    cmdSearch.Caption = "&Reset"
    cmdExit.Caption = "E&xit"
End Sub

Private Function DirDiver(NewPath As String, DirCount As Integer, BackUp As String) As Integer
'  Recursively search directories from NewPath down...
'  NewPath is searched on this recursion.
'  BackUp is origin of this recursion.
'  DirCount is number of subdirectories in this directory.
Static FirstErr As Integer
Dim DirsToPeek As Integer, AbandonSearch As Integer, ind As Integer
Dim OldPath As String, ThePath As String, entry As String
Dim retval As Integer
    SearchFlag = True           ' Set flag so the user can interrupt.
    DirDiver = False            ' Set to True if there is an error.
    retval = DoEvents()         ' Check for events (for instance, if the user chooses Cancel).
    If SearchFlag = False Then
        DirDiver = True
        Exit Function
    End If
    On Local Error GoTo DirDriverHandler
    DirsToPeek = dirList.ListCount                  ' How many directories below this?
    Do While DirsToPeek > 0 And SearchFlag = True
        OldPath = dirList.Path                      ' Save old path for next recursion.
        dirList.Path = NewPath
        If dirList.ListCount > 0 Then
            ' Get to the node bottom.
            dirList.Path = dirList.List(DirsToPeek - 1)
            AbandonSearch = DirDiver((dirList.Path), DirCount%, OldPath)
        End If
        ' Go up one level in directories.
        DirsToPeek = DirsToPeek - 1
        If AbandonSearch = True Then Exit Function
    ' Call function to enumerate files.
    If filList.ListCount Then
        If Len(dirList.Path) <= 3 Then             ' Check for 2 bytes/character
            ThePath = dirList.Path                  ' If at root level, leave as is...
            ThePath = dirList.Path + "\"            ' Otherwise put "\" before the filename.
        End If
        For ind = 0 To filList.ListCount - 1        ' Add conforming files in this directory to the list box.
            entry = ThePath + filList.List(ind)
            lstFoundFiles.AddItem entry
            lblCount.Caption = Str(Val(lblCount.Caption) + 1)
        Next ind
    End If
    If BackUp <> "" Then        ' If there is a superior directory, move it.
        dirList.Path = BackUp
    End If
    Exit Function
    If Err = 7 Then             ' If Out of Memory error occurs, assume the list box just got full.
        DirDiver = True         ' Create Msg and set return value AbandonSearch.
        MsgBox "You've filled the list box. Abandoning search..."
        Exit Function           ' Note that the exit procedure resets Err to 0.
    Else                        ' Otherwise display error message and quit.
        MsgBox Error
    End If
End Function

Private Sub DirList_Change()
    ' Update the file list box to synchronize with the directory list box.
    filList.Path = dirList.Path
End Sub

Private Sub DirList_LostFocus()
    dirList.Path = dirList.List(dirList.ListIndex)
End Sub

Private Sub DrvList_Change()
    On Error GoTo DriveHandler
    dirList.Path = drvList.Drive
    Exit Sub

    drvList.Drive = dirList.Path
    Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Picture2.Move 0, 0
    Picture2.Width = WinSeek.ScaleWidth
    Picture2.BackColor = WinSeek.BackColor
    lblCount.BackColor = WinSeek.BackColor
    lblCriteria.BackColor = WinSeek.BackColor
    lblfound.BackColor = WinSeek.BackColor
    Picture1.Move 0, 0
    Picture1.Width = WinSeek.ScaleWidth
    Picture1.BackColor = WinSeek.BackColor
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub ResetSearch()
    ' Reinitialize before starting a new search.
    lblCount.Caption = 0
    SearchFlag = False                  ' Flag indicating search in progress.
    Picture2.Visible = False
    cmdSearch.Caption = "&Search"
    cmdExit.Caption = "E&xit"
    Picture1.Visible = True
    dirList.Path = CurDir: drvList.Drive = dirList.Path ' Reset the path.
End Sub

Private Sub txtSearchSpec_Change()
    ' Update file list box if user changes pattern.
    filList.Pattern = txtSearchSpec.Text
End Sub

Private Sub txtSearchSpec_GotFocus()
    txtSearchSpec.SelStart = 0          ' Highlight the current entry.
    txtSearchSpec.SelLength = Len(txtSearchSpec.Text)
End Sub