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MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "clsTape"
Attribute VB_Base = "0{FCFB3D2A-A0FA-1068-A738-08002B3371B5}"
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Attribute VB_Customizable = False
' Class module for the VCR sample application
' Acts as the tape transport mechanism for the
' VCR and controls "playback" of the images
Option Explicit
Public Left As Integer 'Last location
Public Forward As Boolean 'Tape direction
Public Speed As Integer 'Tape speed
' Purpose: Calculates the new coordinates for
' each animation step.
' Inputs: Width: the width of the picture box
' where the animation is displayed
Public Sub Animate(Width As Integer)
If Forward = True Then
' moving forward - increment the current left
' unless approaching the right edge
If Left < Width - 50 Then
Left = Left + 50
Left = 0
End If
' moving forward - decrement the current left
' unless approaching the left edge
If Left > 0 Then
Left = Left - 50
Left = Width - 50
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' Initialize the class properties
Forward = True
Left = 0
Speed = 300
End Sub