Content Supported by Sourcelens Consulting
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Private Sub Template1_Form1()
With Response
.Write "<html>"
.Write "<body>"
.Write "The contents of this page were dynamically generated by code in Template1_Form1() procedure. The procedure fired when you selected the button on the previous page."
.Write "<p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "This is a custom event for Template1</p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "When you click the link below, processing will shift from this event back to the Template1_Respond event.</p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "<a href = """ & URLFor(Template1) & """>Back to Template1</a></p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "</body>"
.Write "</html>"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Template1_ProcessTag(ByVal TagName As String, TagContents As String, SendTags As Boolean)
Dim NewContents As String
NewContents = "<p>"
NewContents = NewContents & "The contents of this page are generated by code in the following procedure.</p>"
NewContents = NewContents & "<p>"
NewContents = NewContents & "Private Sub Template1_ProcessTag(ByVal TagName As String, TagContents As String, SendTags As Boolean)</p>"
NewContents = NewContents & "<ul>"
NewContents = NewContents & "<li>TagName = " & TagName & "</li>"
NewContents = NewContents & "<li>"
NewContents = NewContents & "TagContents = " & TagContents & "</li>"
NewContents = NewContents & "<li>"
NewContents = NewContents & "SendTags = " & SendTags & "</li>"
NewContents = NewContents & "</ul>"
NewContents = NewContents & "<p>"
NewContents = NewContents & "The ProcessTag event was fired when this '<WC@NEW>HTMLTagcontents</WC@NEW>' code in the Page11.htm of this project was parsed. View Page11.htm to see the HTML page that caused this event to be fired.</p>"
NewContents = NewContents & "<p>"
NewContents = NewContents & "This webclass project contains one template and three custom webitems. You are viewing the template. There are two connected events: the button below, and the image at the bottom of the screen. The hyperlinks below are generated dynamically with the contents of the page. </P>"
NewContents = NewContents & "Click on any of the following links for a demostration of that feature."
NewContents = NewContents & "<ul>"
NewContents = NewContents & "<li><a href = """ & URLFor(WebItem1) & """>Fire the respond event in Custom WebItem1</a>" & "</li>"
NewContents = NewContents & "<li><a href = """ & URLFor(WebItem1, "CustomEventInWebItem1") & """>Call a Custom Event in Custom WebItem1</a>" & "</li>"
NewContents = NewContents & "<li><a href = """ & URLFor(Template1, "UserEventInTemplate1") & """>Fire an HREF to UserEvent in Template1</a>" & "</li>"
URLData = "Generic"
NewContents = NewContents & "<li><a href = """ & URLFor(WebItem3) & """>We set URLData=Generic and this hyperlink calls a custom WebItem that uses URLData</a></li>"
NewContents = NewContents & "</ul>"
NewContents = NewContents & "<p>"
TagContents = NewContents
SendTags = False
End Sub
Private Sub Template1_Respond()
End Sub
Private Sub Template1_UserEvent(ByVal EventName As String)
With Response
.Write "<html>"
.Write "<body>"
.Write "The contents of this page were dynamically generated by code in Template1_UserEvent() procedure. The procedure fired when you selected the hyperlink on the previous page, which fired the following custom event:"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "Template1_UserEvent(ByVal EventName As String)</p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "EventName = " & EventName & "</p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "When you click the link below, processing will shift from this event back to the Template1_Respond event.</p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "<a href = """ & URLFor(Template1) & """>Back to Template1</a></p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "</body>"
.Write "</html>"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub WebClass_Start()
Set NextItem = Template1
End Sub
Private Sub WebItem1_CustomEventInWebItem1()
With Response
.Write "<html>"
.Write "<body>"
.Write "The contents of this page were dynamically generated by code in WebItem1_CustomEventInWebItem1() procedure. The procedure fired when you selected the hyperlink on the previous page, which fired the following custom event:"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "WebItem1_CustomEventInWebItem1()</p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "When you click the link below, processing will shift from this event back to the Template1_Respond event.</p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "<a href = """ & URLFor(Template1) & """>Back to Template1</a></p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "</body>"
.Write "</html>"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub WebItem1_Respond()
With Response
.Write "<html>"
.Write "<head>"
.Write "</head>"
.Write "<body>"
.Write "The contents of this page were dynamically generated by code in WebItem1_Respond() procedure. The procedure fired when you selected the hyperlink on the previous page, which fired the following Respond event:"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "WebItem1_Respond()</p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "When you click on any hyperlink on this page, processing will shift from this event back to the Template1_Respond event.</p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "<a href = """ & URLFor(Template1) & """>Back to Template1</a>"
.Write "<table border=1>"
For Each Key In Request.ServerVariables
.Write "<tr><td>"
' Shows how to href on specific fields in table
.Write "<a href=" + URLFor(Template1) + ">"
.Write Key
.Write "</a>"
.Write "</td><td>"
.Write Request.ServerVariables(Key)
.Write "</td></tr>"
.Write "</table>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "<a href = """ & URLFor(Template1) & """>Back to Template1</a>"
.Write "</body>"
.Write "</html>"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub WebItem2_Respond()
Dim ba() As Byte
Dim hFile As Long
hFile = FreeFile
'Make this a relative path to an img on your server
Open App.Path & "\explorer.bmp" For Binary As #hFile
ReDim ba(LOF(hFile))
Get #hFile, , ba
Close #hFile
Response.BinaryWrite ba
End Sub
Private Sub WebItem3_Respond()
With Response
.Write "<html>"
.Write "<head>"
.Write "</head>"
.Write "<body>"
.Write "The contents of this page were dynamically generated by code in WebItem3_Respond() procedure. The procedure fired when you selected the hyperlink on the previous page, which fired the following respond event:"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "WebItem3_Respond()</p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "URLData = " & URLData & "</p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "We set the value of URLData to 'Generic' in the Template1_Respond event before you selected the hyperlink that fired this event. </p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "When you click the link below, processing will shift from this event back to the Template1_Respond event.</p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "<a href = """ & URLFor(Template1) & """>Back to Template1</a></p>"
.Write "<p>"
.Write "</body>"
.Write "</html>"
End With
End Sub