Content Supported by Sourcelens Consulting
Begin VB.Form frmDataCtlProp
BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Dialog
Caption = "Data Control Properties"
ClientHeight = 5280
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ClientWidth = 5910
BeginProperty Font
Name = "Tahoma"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
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Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
HelpContextID = 2016124
Icon = "DCPROP.frx":0000
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StartUpPosition = 1 'CenterOwner
Begin VB.PictureBox picCtlType
Appearance = 0 'Flat
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Height = 255
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TabIndex = 38
Top = 4440
Width = 2775
Begin VB.OptionButton optOLECtl
Caption = "OLE"
Height = 255
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TabIndex = 40
Top = 0
Width = 735
Begin VB.OptionButton optPictureCtl
Caption = "PictureBox"
Height = 255
Left = 1080
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 39
Top = 0
Width = 1215
Begin VB.CheckBox chkForwardOnly
Caption = "ForwardOnly"
Height = 255
Left = 2040
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 16
Top = 3000
Width = 1590
Begin VB.CheckBox chkFailOnError
Caption = "FailOnError"
Height = 255
Left = 840
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 15
Top = 3000
Width = 1215
Begin VB.CheckBox chkSQLPassthrough
Caption = "SQLPassthru"
Height = 255
Left = 3240
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 14
Top = 2760
Width = 1335
Begin VB.CheckBox chkConsistent
Caption = "Consistent"
Height = 255
Left = 2040
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 13
Top = 2760
Width = 1095
Begin VB.CheckBox chkInconsistent
Caption = "Inconsistent"
Height = 255
Left = 840
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 12
Top = 2760
Width = 1215
Begin VB.CheckBox chkAppendOnly
Caption = "AppendOnly"
Height = 255
Left = 4440
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 11
Top = 2520
Width = 1215
Begin VB.CheckBox chkReadOnly
Caption = "ReadOnly"
Height = 255
Left = 3240
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 10
Top = 2520
Width = 1095
Begin VB.CheckBox chkDenyRead
Caption = "DenyRead"
Height = 255
Left = 2040
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 9
Top = 2520
Width = 1095
Begin VB.CheckBox chkDenyWrite
Caption = "DenyWrite"
Height = 255
Left = 840
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 8
Top = 2520
Width = 1095
Begin VB.CheckBox chkDBReadOnly
Caption = "ReadOnly"
Height = 255
Left = 3000
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 3
Top = 1080
Width = 1215
Begin VB.CheckBox chkExclusive
Caption = "Exclusive"
Height = 255
Left = 1080
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 2
Top = 1080
Width = 1335
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdCancel
Cancel = -1 'True
Caption = "&Cancel"
Height = 375
Left = 3120
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 23
Top = 4800
Width = 2295
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRefresh
Caption = "&Refresh Data Control"
Height = 375
Left = 360
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 22
Top = 4800
Width = 2295
Begin VB.TextBox txtRecordSource
Height = 285
Left = 1320
TabIndex = 4
Top = 1800
Width = 4455
Begin VB.TextBox txtConnect
Height = 285
Left = 840
TabIndex = 1
Top = 720
Width = 4935
Begin VB.TextBox txtDatabaseName
Height = 285
Left = 840
TabIndex = 0
Top = 360
Width = 4935
Begin VB.PictureBox picRSType
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BorderStyle = 0 'None
ForeColor = &H80000008&
Height = 285
Left = 1680
ScaleHeight = 285
ScaleWidth = 4095
TabIndex = 29
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 2160
Width = 4095
Begin VB.OptionButton optRSType
Caption = "1 - Dynaset"
Height = 255
Index = 1
Left = 1200
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 6
Top = 5
Width = 1335
Begin VB.OptionButton optRSType
Caption = "0 - Table"
Height = 255
Index = 0
Left = 20
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 5
Top = 5
Width = 1215
Begin VB.OptionButton optRSType
Caption = "2 - Snapshot"
Height = 255
Index = 2
Left = 2640
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 7
Top = 5
Width = 1455
Begin VB.PictureBox picEOFAction
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BorderStyle = 0 'None
ForeColor = &H80000008&
Height = 255
Left = 1320
ScaleHeight = 255
ScaleWidth = 3855
TabIndex = 27
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 4080
Width = 3855
Begin VB.OptionButton optEOFAction
Caption = "2 - AddNew"
Height = 255
Index = 2
Left = 2520
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 21
Top = 0
Width = 1215
Begin VB.OptionButton optEOFAction
Caption = "0 - MoveLast"
Height = 255
Index = 0
Left = 0
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 19
Top = 0
Width = 1335
Begin VB.OptionButton optEOFAction
Caption = "1 - EOF"
Height = 255
Index = 1
Left = 1440
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 20
Top = 0
Width = 975
Begin VB.PictureBox picBOFAction
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BorderStyle = 0 'None
ForeColor = &H80000008&
Height = 255
Left = 1320
ScaleHeight = 255
ScaleWidth = 2535
TabIndex = 25
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 3720
Width = 2535
Begin VB.OptionButton optBOFAction
Caption = "1 - BOF"
Height = 255
Index = 1
Left = 1440
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 18
Top = 0
Width = 975
Begin VB.OptionButton optBOFAction
Caption = "0 - MoveFirst"
Height = 255
Index = 0
Left = 0
MaskColor = &H00000000&
TabIndex = 17
Top = 0
Width = 1335
Begin VB.Label lblLabels
Caption = "Bound Binary Control Type: "
Height = 195
Index = 9
Left = 120
TabIndex = 37
Top = 4440
Width = 2535
Begin VB.Label lblLabels
Alignment = 2 'Center
Caption = "Data Control Properties"
Height = 195
Index = 8
Left = 120
TabIndex = 36
Top = 3480
Width = 5655
Begin VB.Line Line1
BorderWidth = 3
Index = 1
X1 = 120
X2 = 5760
Y1 = 3360
Y2 = 3360
Begin VB.Line Line1
BorderWidth = 3
Index = 0
X1 = 120
X2 = 5760
Y1 = 1440
Y2 = 1440
Begin VB.Label lblLabels
Alignment = 2 'Center
Caption = "Recordset Properties"
Height = 195
Index = 10
Left = 120
TabIndex = 35
Top = 1560
Width = 5655
Begin VB.Label lblLabels
Alignment = 2 'Center
Caption = "Database Properties"
Height = 195
Index = 7
Left = 120
TabIndex = 34
Top = 45
Width = 5655
Begin VB.Label lblLabels
AutoSize = -1 'True
Caption = "Options: "
Height = 195
Index = 6
Left = 120
TabIndex = 33
Top = 2520
Width = 660
Begin VB.Label lblLabels
AutoSize = -1 'True
Caption = "RecordSource: "
Height = 195
Index = 5
Left = 120
TabIndex = 32
Top = 1800
Width = 1110
Begin VB.Label lblLabels
AutoSize = -1 'True
Caption = "Connect: "
Height = 195
Index = 4
Left = 120
TabIndex = 31
Top = 720
Width = 705
Begin VB.Label lblLabels
AutoSize = -1 'True
Caption = "Name: "
Height = 195
Index = 3
Left = 120
TabIndex = 30
Top = 360
Width = 510
Begin VB.Label lblLabels
AutoSize = -1 'True
Caption = "RecordsetType: "
Height = 195
Index = 2
Left = 120
TabIndex = 28
Top = 2160
Width = 1200
Begin VB.Label lblLabels
Caption = "EOFAction: "
Height = 195
Index = 1
Left = 120
TabIndex = 26
Top = 4080
Width = 1215
Begin VB.Label lblLabels
Caption = "BOFAction: "
Height = 195
Index = 0
Left = 120
TabIndex = 24
Top = 3720
Width = 1095
Attribute VB_Name = "frmDataCtlProp"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Const FORMCAPTION = "Data Control Properties"
Const BUTTON1 = "&Refresh Data Control"
Const BUTTON2 = "&Cancel"
Const Label1 = "Database Properties"
Const Label2 = "Recordset Properties"
Const LABEL3 = "Data Control Properties"
Const LABEL4 = "Bound Binary Control Type:"
Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Set gDataCtlObj = Nothing
Unload Me
End Sub
Sub cmdRefresh_Click()
On Error GoTo RefErr
gbSettingDataCtl = True
gDataCtlObj.DatabaseName = txtDatabaseName.Text
gDataCtlObj.Connect = txtConnect.Text
gDataCtlObj.Exclusive = IIf(chkExclusive.Value = vbUnchecked, 0, -1)
gDataCtlObj.ReadOnly = IIf(chkDBReadOnly.Value = vbUnchecked, 0, -1)
gDataCtlObj.RecordSource = txtRecordSource.Text
If optRSType(0).Value Then
gDataCtlObj.RecordsetType = 0
ElseIf optRSType(1).Value Then
gDataCtlObj.RecordsetType = 1
gDataCtlObj.RecordsetType = 2
End If
gDataCtlObj.Options = 0
'set the selected options
If chkDenyWrite.Value = vbChecked Then
gDataCtlObj.Options = gDataCtlObj.Options Or dbDenyWrite
End If
If chkDenyRead.Value = vbChecked Then
gDataCtlObj.Options = gDataCtlObj.Options Or dbDenyRead
End If
If chkReadOnly.Value = vbChecked Then
gDataCtlObj.Options = gDataCtlObj.Options Or dbReadOnly
End If
If chkAppendOnly.Value = vbChecked Then
gDataCtlObj.Options = gDataCtlObj.Options Or dbAppendOnly
End If
If chkInconsistent.Value = vbChecked Then
gDataCtlObj.Options = gDataCtlObj.Options Or dbInconsistent
End If
If chkConsistent.Value = vbChecked Then
gDataCtlObj.Options = gDataCtlObj.Options Or dbConsistent
End If
If chkSQLPassthrough.Value = vbChecked Then
gDataCtlObj.Options = gDataCtlObj.Options Or dbSQLPassThrough
End If
If chkFailOnError.Value = vbChecked Then
gDataCtlObj.Options = gDataCtlObj.Options Or dbFailOnError
End If
If chkForwardOnly.Value = vbChecked Then
gDataCtlObj.Options = gDataCtlObj.Options Or dbForwardOnly
End If
If optBOFAction(0).Value Then
gDataCtlObj.BOFAction = 0
gDataCtlObj.BOFAction = 1
End If
If optEOFAction(0).Value Then
gDataCtlObj.EOFAction = 0
ElseIf optEOFAction(1).Value Then
gDataCtlObj.EOFAction = 1
gDataCtlObj.EOFAction = 2
End If
gDataCtlObj.Tag = IIf(optOLECtl.Value, "OLE", "PIC")
Unload Me
Exit Sub
gbSettingDataCtl = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 And Shift = 0 Then
DisplayTopic 2016124
End If
End Sub
Sub Form_Load()
cmdRefresh.Caption = BUTTON1
cmdCancel.Caption = BUTTON2
lblLabels(7).Caption = Label1
lblLabels(10).Caption = Label2
lblLabels(8).Caption = LABEL3
lblLabels(9).Caption = LABEL4
txtDatabaseName.Text = gDataCtlObj.DatabaseName
txtConnect.Text = gDataCtlObj.Connect
chkExclusive.Value = IIf(gDataCtlObj.Exclusive, 1, 0)
chkDBReadOnly.Value = IIf(gDataCtlObj.ReadOnly, 1, 0)
txtRecordSource.Text = gDataCtlObj.RecordSource
optRSType(gDataCtlObj.RecordsetType).Value = True
If (gDataCtlObj.Options And dbDenyWrite) = dbDenyWrite Then
chkDenyWrite.Value = vbChecked
End If
If (gDataCtlObj.Options And dbDenyRead) = dbDenyRead Then
chkDenyRead.Value = vbChecked
End If
If (gDataCtlObj.Options And dbReadOnly) = dbReadOnly Then
chkReadOnly.Value = vbChecked
End If
If (gDataCtlObj.Options And dbAppendOnly) = dbAppendOnly Then
chkAppendOnly.Value = vbChecked
End If
If (gDataCtlObj.Options And dbInconsistent) = dbInconsistent Then
chkInconsistent.Value = vbChecked
End If
If (gDataCtlObj.Options And dbConsistent) = dbConsistent Then
chkConsistent.Value = vbChecked
End If
If (gDataCtlObj.Options And dbSQLPassThrough) = dbSQLPassThrough Then
chkSQLPassthrough.Value = vbChecked
End If
If (gDataCtlObj.Options And dbFailOnError) = dbFailOnError Then
chkFailOnError.Value = vbChecked
End If
If (gDataCtlObj.Options And dbForwardOnly) = dbForwardOnly Then
chkForwardOnly.Value = vbChecked
End If
optBOFAction(gDataCtlObj.BOFAction).Value = True
optEOFAction(gDataCtlObj.EOFAction).Value = True
optOLECtl.Value = IIf(gDataCtlObj.Tag = "OLE", True, False)
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub