Content Supported by Sourcelens Consulting
2_ 0_ Controls cmd N 13_ 0_ Databases db N 3_ 0_ Menus menu N 7_ 0_ ActiveX ole N 4_ 0_ Reports frx N 6_ 0_ Toolbars tbr N 46_ 13_ Indexes idx N 45_ 13_ Tables dbf N 15_ 2_ Editbox edt N 16_ 2_ Grid grd N 24_ 2_ List box lst N 23_ 2_ Option buttons opt N 37_ 2_ Page frame pgf N 14_ 2_ Text box txt N 33_ 2_ Timer tmr N 21_ 3_ Add menu items at runtime dot fillmenu Fmenus 20_ 3_ Disable or display a check beside a menu item dot chkmenu Fmenus 18_ 16_ Display calculated values in a column dot calc Fcontrols\grid 17_ 16_ Display controls in a grid dot controls Fcontrols\grid 19_ 16_ Dynamically format grid columns dot dyngrid Fcontrols\grid 27_ 24_ Add items interactively to a list box dot ladd Fcontrols\lists 26_ 24_ Display multiple columns in a list box dot lmulcol Fcontrols\lists 30_ 24_ Move items between list boxes dot lmover Fcontrols\lists ! 28_ 24_ Multiselect items in a list box dot lmsel Fcontrols\lists $ 32_ 24_ Open multiple files interactively dot multfile Fcontrols\lists ( 29_ 24_ Sort list box items dot lsort Fcontrols\lists * 31_ 24_ Fill a list with values from different sources dot multdat1 Fcontrols\lists - 36_ 33_ Display a stop watch dot swatch Fcontrols\timer 0 35_ 33_ Display a system clock dot clock Fcontrols\timer 4 34_ 33_ Execute commands at specified intervals dot timecomm Fcontrols\timer 6 38_ 37_ Change the number of tabs at run time dot pfsam1 Fcontrols\pgframe 8 39_ 37_ Display different pages without tabs dot pfsam2 Fcontrols\pgframe ; 44_ 45_ Create a default unique id value for a field dot newid Fdb = 49_ 46_ Index on expressions dot index2 Fdb @ 52_ 45_ Sort or order a table at run time dot order Fdb C 54_ 15_ Edit a memo field or text file dot editbox Fcontrols\txt_edt F 55_ 2_ Command buttons cmd N 56_ 2_ Check box chk N 57_ 45_ Programmatically check table properties dot info Fdb H 62_ 16_ Display child records from a relationship dot 1_many Fcontrols\grid L 64_ 14_ Format input and validate data in a text box dot textbox Fcontrols\txt_edt P 66_ 55_ See command button design options dot cmdbtn Fcontrols\buttons S 68_ 0_ Windows API api N 71_ 56_ See check box design options dot checkbox Fcontrols\checkbox U 72_ 23_ Present a user with multiple choices dot quiz Fcontrols\buttons X 73_ 15_ Programmatically manipulate text dot text Fcontrols\txt_edt [ 75_ 23_ Change pages when a user chooses a button dot msgbox Fcontrols\pgframe ] 77_ 6_ Coordinate menu items and toolbar buttons dot toolmenu Fmenus ` 78_ 3_ Coordinate menu items and toolbar buttons dot toolmenu Fmenus c 79_ 68_ Use API functions that require a STRUCT dot systime Fwinapi f 80_ 68_ Use API functions that require pointers to arrays dot syscolor Fwinapi j 81_ 68_ Read and write VFP Registry values dot regfox Fwinapi n 90_ 68_ Get application information from the Windows Registry dot regfile Fwinapi q 93_ 24_ Display pictures in a list dot piclist Fcontrols\lists t 100_13_ Transactions db N 101_7_ ActiveX controls ole N 103_7_ Automation ole N 104_101_Add and remove items in a treeview control dot bldtree Fole w 105_103_Manipulate display characteristics of a graph dot olegraph Fole z 106_101_Provide a hierarchical display of items dot outline Fole | 108_68_ Read ODBC Registry values dot regodbc Fwinapi ~ 114_103_Automate a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet dot olexl Fole � 115_103_Refresh a graph in a form dot stock Fole � 117_103_Automate a Microsoft Word document in a form dot oleword Fole � 120_100_Nest transactions dot transact Fdb � 121_3_ Add a menu to an SDI form dot sdiform Fforms � 122_13_ Views/Queries qpr N 125_46_ Create small indexes using BINTOC( ) dot index1 Fdb � 128_4_ Print a percent of total in a report dot percent Rreports � 132_2_ Combo box cbo N 133_132_Add new items to a combo box dot lookup Fcontrols\combobox � 134_2_ General cmd N 135_134_Resize and reposition controls at run time dot cresize Fforms � 136_134_Allow users to drag and drop controls dot ddrop Fforms � 154_101_Use the richtext control dot rtf Fole � 155_0_ Forms frm N 158_155_Form graphics frm N 159_158_Draw lines and shapes on a form dot fdmain Fforms\graphics � 160_158_Graph equations on a form dot graph Fforms\graphics � 161_158_Display line animation on a form dot anim Fforms\graphics � 162_155_Data entry frm N 163_162_Create a single table data entry form dot single Fforms � 164_162_Create a 1-to-many data entry form dot many Fforms � 165_155_Create an SDI form dot sdiform Fforms � 167_155_Return a value from a form dot logform Fforms � 168_155_Provide What's This help on a form dot whatthis Fforms � 169_155_Create a query by example form dot qbf Fforms � 170_155_Programmatically manipulate objects dot objects Fforms � 171_155_Run multiple instances of a form dot launch Fforms � 173_101_Use slider and status bar controls dot slider Fole � 174_4_ Use conditional formatting in a report dot colors Rreports � 175_4_ Print an invoice dot invoice Rreports � 176_4_ Print report details in a ledger style dot ledger Rreports � 177_4_ Print in catalog format dot wrapping Rreports � 178_122_Select records from both inner and outer joins dot comboj Q..\data � 179_122_Select records from a full outer join dot fouterj Q..\data � 180_122_Select records from an inner join dot innerj Q..\data � 181_122_Select records from a nested join dot nested Q..\data � 182_122_Select records from a right outer join dot routerj Q..\data � 183_122_Select records from a left outer join dot louterj Q..\data � 184_122_Interactively build a SELECT statement dot makesql Fforms � 185_68_ Play multimedia files using MCI commands dot mci_play Fforms � 186_101_Display system information dot sysinfo Fole � 188_122_Select the top ten best selling products dot topten Q..\data � 189_122_Select the ten worst selling products dot worstten Q..\data � 190_155_Pass parameters between forms dot param Fforms � 191_4_ Print customer mailing labels dot cust.lbx Rreports � 192_155_Display pictures in an image control dot image Fforms � 193_103_Automate Microsoft Word and Excel dot oleaut1 Fole � 194_3_ Display shortcut menus dot shortcut Fmenus � 195_6_ Change font attributes dot format Ftoolbars � 196_101_Send mail dot sendmail Fole � 197_101_Customize the open dialog box dot commdlog Fole � 198_68_ Get Version Information dot getver Fwinapi � 199_132_Allow users to choose list values dot datalook Fforms 200_3_ Create dynamic shortcut menus dot dynshort Fmenus 201_103_Print product orders by quarter dot ordgraph Freports 202_101_Play an AVI file in an ActiveX control dot mmsample Fole � 203_122_Select customers in a specific country dot customers in specific country Vdata � 204_4_ Print data dictionary information dot dbctofrx Freports 205_0_ Foundation Classes cmd N 206_205_Run Word, Excel and Graph automation dot automate Fffc 9 207_205_Add miscellaneous form buttons dot buttons Fffc 208_205_Handle data conflicts dot conflicts Fffc
209_205_Add data-bound calendar dot datacal Fffc
210_205_Use edit buttons for a complex form dot dataedit Fffc 211_205_Use edit buttons for a simple form dot dataedit2 Fffc 212_205_Add data-lookup combo boxes dot datalook2 Fffc 213_205_Add navigation to forms dot datanav Fffc 214_205_Add data querying to forms dot dataqry Fffc 215_205_Add data sorting and filtering to forms dot datasort Fffc 216_205_Use common application dialog boxes dot dialogs Fffc 217_205_Generate HTML dot dohtml Fffc 218_205_Handle application environment tasks dot environ Fffc 219_205_Application error handling dot error Fffc < 220_205_Retrieve project location and name dot getproject Fffc $ 221_205_Create record-bound graphs dot graphrec Fffc & 222_205_Add web hyperlinks to a form dot hyperlnk Fffc ) 223_205_Create "coolbar" control effects dot mousefx Fffc , 224_205_Use mover list boxes for selecting data dot movers Fffc . 225_205_Add shortcut menus to objects dot newmenu Fffc 1 226_205_Display data reporting output options dot output Fffc 4 227_205_Use progress thermometer dot therm Fffc 7 228_205_Create a Visual FoxPro web browser dot webvwr Fffc ? 229_205_Handle common windowing tasks dot whandler Fffc " 230_205_Use array handling dot arrays Fffc 231_0_ New Features for VFP 6.0 cmd Ftahoe 232_231_Fun with Access/Assign methods dot aa_fun Ftahoe P 233_231_Use Access/Assign methods for polymorphism dot aa_outline Ftahoe S 234_231_Create Active Documents for the web dot actdoc Ftahoe M 235_231_Track activities in a project dot acttrack Ftahoe A 236_231_Treeview/Listbox drag and drop dot listdd Ftahoe K 237_231_Fun with OLE drag and drop dot oledd Ftahoe I 238_231_OLE drag and drop data formats dot querydd Ftahoe E 239_68_ View type library information dot typelib Fwinapi W