Content Supported by Sourcelens Consulting

(object Petal
    version    	42
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(object Design "Logical View"
    is_unit    	TRUE
    is_loaded  	TRUE
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    root_usecase_package 	(object Class_Category "Use Case View"
	quid       	"32FB76010331"
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	logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list)
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    root_category 	(object Class_Category "Logical View"
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	subsystem  	"Component View"
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	logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
	    (object Class_Category "User Services"
		attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
		    (object Attribute
			tool       	"VisualBasic"
			name       	"TierPackage"
			value      	"User Services"))
		quid       	"32FB7602038B"
		documentation 	"User services provide the visual interface for presenting information and gathering data in an application. The user services connect the user with the application and request the business and/or data services needed by the user to execute business tasks."
		visible_categories 	(list visibility_relationship_list
		    (object Visibility_Relationship
			attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"VisualBasic"
				name       	"TierPackage"
				value      	"Business Services"))
			quid       	"32FB76020391"
			supplier   	"Logical View::Business Services"
			quidu      	"32FB7602038D")
		    (object Visibility_Relationship
			attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"VisualBasic"
				name       	"TierPackage"
				value      	"Data Services"))
			quid       	"32FB76020392"
			supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services"
			quidu      	"32FB7602038F"))
		exportControl 	"Public"
		subsystem  	"Component View"
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		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list)
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	    (object Class_Category "Business Services"
		attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
		    (object Attribute
			tool       	"VisualBasic"
			name       	"TierPackage"
			value      	"Business Services"))
		quid       	"32FB7602038D"
		documentation 	"Business services respond to requests from the user (or other business services) in order to execute a business task. They accomplish this by requesting the data services needed and applying formal procedures and business rules to the relevant data. This protocol insulates the user from direct interaction with the database. Because business rules tend to change more frequently than the specific business tasks they support, they are ideal candidates for encapsulating in components that are physically separate from the application logic itself."
		visible_categories 	(list visibility_relationship_list
		    (object Visibility_Relationship
			attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"VisualBasic"
				name       	"TierPackage"
				value      	"User Services"))
			quid       	"32FB76020393"
			supplier   	"Logical View::User Services"
			quidu      	"32FB7602038B")
		    (object Visibility_Relationship
			attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"VisualBasic"
				name       	"TierPackage"
				value      	"Data Services"))
			quid       	"32FB76020394"
			supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services"
			quidu      	"32FB7602038F"))
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		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list)
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		    (object ClassDiagram "Package Overview"
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			title      	"Package Overview"
			zoom       	100
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			items      	(list diagram_item_list))))
	    (object Class_Category "Data Services"
		attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
		    (object Attribute
			tool       	"VisualBasic"
			name       	"TierPackage"
			value      	"Data Services"))
		quid       	"32FB7602038F"
		documentation 	"Data services maintain, access, and update data. They also manage and satisfy requests to manipulate data that are initiated by business services. Separating data services allows the data structure and access mechanisms to be maintained, modified, or, if necessary, even re-architected without affecting business or user services."
		visible_categories 	(list visibility_relationship_list
		    (object Visibility_Relationship
			attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"VisualBasic"
				name       	"TierPackage"
				value      	"User Services"))
			quid       	"32FB76020395"
			supplier   	"Logical View::User Services"
			quidu      	"32FB7602038B")
		    (object Visibility_Relationship
			attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"VisualBasic"
				name       	"TierPackage"
				value      	"Data Services"))
			quid       	"32FB76020396"
			supplier   	"Logical View::Business Services"
			quidu      	"32FB7602038D"))
		exportControl 	"Public"
		subsystem  	"Component View"
		quidu      	"32FB76010332"
		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
		    (object Class_Category "RDO"
			attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"Visual Basic"
				name       	"HelpFile"
				value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"Visual Basic"
				name       	"HelpContext"
				value      	"310312"))
			quid       	"32EE5A2A0064"
			documentation 	"RDO Objects and Collections provide a framework for  using code to create and manipulate components of a remote ODBC database system. "
			exportControl 	"Public"
			logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
				quid       	"32EE5A4E03C0"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
					quid       	"32EE5A4E03C1"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEngine"
					quidu      	"32EE5A4100E6")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoEnvironments"
					quid       	"32EE5A4F000A"
					documentation 	"Contains all active rdoEnvironment objects of the rdoEngine object"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoEnvironments"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEnvironments"
					quidu      	"32EE5B380295"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$2"
				quid       	"32EE5A4F0078"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$3"
					quid       	"32EE5A4F0079"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEngine"
					quidu      	"32EE5A4100E6")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoErrors"
					quid       	"32EE5A4F007A"
					documentation 	"Contains all stored rdoError objects"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoErrors"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoErrors"
					quidu      	"32EE5B5C0212"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$4"
				quid       	"32EE5A4F007B"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
					quid       	"32EE5A4F007C"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEngine"
					quidu      	"32EE5A4100E6")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoDefaultCursorDriver"
					quid       	"32EE5A4F007D"
					documentation 	"Indicates where cursors are created"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoDefaultCursorDriver"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::CursorDriverConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A30001E"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$6"
				quid       	"32EE5A4F029E"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$7"
					quid       	"32EE5A4F029F"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEngine"
					quidu      	"32EE5A4100E6")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoLocaleID"
					quid       	"32EE5A4F02A0"
					documentation 	"Locale ID used to load resources"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoLocaleID"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::rdoLocaleIDConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A380000"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$8"
				quid       	"32EE5A700352"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$9"
					quid       	"32EE5A700353"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoConnection"
					quidu      	"32EE5A5300F0")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoTables"
					quid       	"32EE5A700354"
					documentation 	"Contains all rdoTable objects in a database"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoTables"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoTables"
					quidu      	"32EE5B17028D"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$10"
				quid       	"32EE5A700387"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$11"
					quid       	"32EE5A700388"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoConnection"
					quidu      	"32EE5A5300F0")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoResultsets"
					quid       	"32EE5A700389"
					documentation 	"Contains all open rdoResultset objects in an rdoConnection"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoResultsets"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoResultsets"
					quidu      	"32EE5B2F01B8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$12"
				quid       	"32EE5A71000A"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$13"
					quid       	"32EE5A710046"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoConnection"
					quidu      	"32EE5A5300F0")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> LastQueryResults"
					quid       	"32EE5A710047"
					documentation 	"The last resultset returned by a call on the connection to a prepared statement"
					label      	"<<Get>> LastQueryResults"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoResultset"
					quidu      	"32EE5A8900E6"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$14"
				quid       	"32EE5A710048"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$15"
					quid       	"32EE5A710049"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoConnection"
					quidu      	"32EE5A5300F0")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> CursorDriver"
					quid       	"32EE5A71004A"
					documentation 	"Determines where the cursor is to be created"
					label      	"<<Get>> CursorDriver"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::CursorDriverConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A30001E"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$16"
				quid       	"32EE5A7100B4"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$17"
					quid       	"32EE5A7100B5"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoConnection"
					quidu      	"32EE5A5300F0")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoQueries"
					quid       	"32EE5A7100B6"
					documentation 	"rdoQueries collection"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoQueries"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoQueries"
					quidu      	"32EE5B510033"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$18"
				quid       	"32EE5A840230"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$19"
					quid       	"32EE5A840231"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoColumn"
					quidu      	"32EE5A7100E6")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Type"
					quid       	"32EE5A840232"
					documentation 	"Indicates the type or data type of an object"
					label      	"<<Get>> Type"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::DataTypeConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A340399"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$20"
				quid       	"32EE5A84029E"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$21"
					quid       	"32EE5A84029F"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoColumn"
					quidu      	"32EE5A7100E6")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Attributes"
					quid       	"32EE5A8402A0"
					documentation 	"Indicates characteristics of an rdoColumn object"
					label      	"<<Get>> Attributes"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::AttributeConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A3400D2"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$22"
				quid       	"32EE5A84037A"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$23"
					quid       	"32EE5A84037B"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoColumn"
					quidu      	"32EE5A7100E6")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Status"
					quid       	"32EE5A84037C"
					documentation 	"Returns/Sets the column buffer status"
					label      	"<<Get>> Status"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::ColumnStatusConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A3C0078"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$24"
				quid       	"32EE5A8900B4"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$25"
					quid       	"32EE5A8900B5"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoTable"
					quidu      	"32EE5A8403B6")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoColumns"
					quid       	"32EE5A8900B6"
					documentation 	"Contains stored rdoColumn objects"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoColumns"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoColumns"
					quidu      	"32EE5B0E03D4"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$26"
				quid       	"32EE5AB70028"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$27"
					quid       	"32EE5AB70029"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoResultset"
					quidu      	"32EE5A8900E6")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoColumns"
					quid       	"32EE5AB7002A"
					documentation 	"Contains stored rdoColumn objects"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoColumns"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoColumns"
					quidu      	"32EE5B0E03D4"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$28"
				quid       	"32EE5AB70064"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$29"
					quid       	"32EE5AB70065"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoResultset"
					quidu      	"32EE5A8900E6")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Type"
					quid       	"32EE5AB70066"
					documentation 	"Indicates the type or data type of an object"
					label      	"<<Get>> Type"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::ResultsetTypeConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A33014B"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$30"
				quid       	"32EE5AB70104"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$31"
					quid       	"32EE5AB70105"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoResultset"
					quidu      	"32EE5A8900E6")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> ActiveConnection"
					quid       	"32EE5AB70106"
					documentation 	"Returns/Sets the parent connection object."
					label      	"<<Get>> ActiveConnection"
					supplier   	"_rdoConnection"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$32"
				quid       	"32EE5AB70140"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$33"
					quid       	"32EE5AB70141"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoResultset"
					quidu      	"32EE5A8900E6")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> LockType"
					quid       	"32EE5AB70142"
					documentation 	"Determines the type of concurrency handling"
					label      	"<<Get>> LockType"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::LockTypeConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A3102A9"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$34"
				quid       	"32EE5AB70172"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$35"
					quid       	"32EE5AB70173"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoResultset"
					quidu      	"32EE5A8900E6")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Status"
					quid       	"32EE5AB701AE"
					documentation 	"Current row status"
					label      	"<<Get>> Status"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::RowStatusConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A3A0276"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$36"
				quid       	"32EE5ADD0334"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$37"
					quid       	"32EE5ADD0335"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoPreparedStatement"
					quidu      	"32EE5AB701E0")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Type"
					quid       	"32EE5ADD0336"
					documentation 	"Indicates the type or data type of an object"
					label      	"<<Get>> Type"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::QueryTypeConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A380371"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$38"
				quid       	"32EE5ADD03A2"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$39"
					quid       	"32EE5ADD03A3"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoPreparedStatement"
					quidu      	"32EE5AB701E0")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoParameters"
					quid       	"32EE5ADD03A4"
					documentation 	"Contains all rdoParameter objects of an rdoQuery"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoParameters"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoParameters"
					quidu      	"32EE5B240349"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$40"
				quid       	"32EE5ADD03A5"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$41"
					quid       	"32EE5ADD03A6"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoPreparedStatement"
					quidu      	"32EE5AB701E0")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> LockType"
					quid       	"32EE5ADD03D4"
					documentation 	"Determines the type of concurrency handling"
					label      	"<<Get>> LockType"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::LockTypeConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A3102A9"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$42"
				quid       	"32EE5ADE0028"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$43"
					quid       	"32EE5ADE0029"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoPreparedStatement"
					quidu      	"32EE5AB701E0")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoColumns"
					quid       	"32EE5ADE002A"
					documentation 	"Contains stored rdoColumn objects"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoColumns"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoColumns"
					quidu      	"32EE5B0E03D4"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$44"
				quid       	"32EE5ADE005A"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$45"
					quid       	"32EE5ADE005B"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoPreparedStatement"
					quidu      	"32EE5AB701E0")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> CursorType"
					quid       	"32EE5ADE005C"
					documentation 	"Determines the type of cursor"
					label      	"<<Get>> CursorType"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::ResultsetTypeConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A33014B"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$46"
				quid       	"32EE5ADE0096"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$47"
					quid       	"32EE5ADE0097"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoPreparedStatement"
					quidu      	"32EE5AB701E0")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> ActiveConnection"
					quid       	"32EE5ADE0098"
					documentation 	"Parent Connection"
					label      	"<<Get>> ActiveConnection"
					supplier   	"_rdoConnection"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$48"
				quid       	"32EE5AF500DC"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$49"
					quid       	"32EE5AF500DD"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoQuery"
					quidu      	"32EE5ADE00C8")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Type"
					quid       	"32EE5AF500DE"
					documentation 	"Indicates the type or data type of an object"
					label      	"<<Get>> Type"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::QueryTypeConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A380371"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$50"
				quid       	"32EE5AF501B8"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$51"
					quid       	"32EE5AF501B9"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoQuery"
					quidu      	"32EE5ADE00C8")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoParameters"
					quid       	"32EE5AF501EA"
					documentation 	"Contains all rdoParameter objects of an rdoQuery"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoParameters"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoParameters"
					quidu      	"32EE5B240349"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$52"
				quid       	"32EE5AF50226"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$53"
					quid       	"32EE5AF50227"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoQuery"
					quidu      	"32EE5ADE00C8")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> LockType"
					quid       	"32EE5AF50228"
					documentation 	"Determines the type of concurrency handling"
					label      	"<<Get>> LockType"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::LockTypeConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A3102A9"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$54"
				quid       	"32EE5AF50258"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$55"
					quid       	"32EE5AF50259"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoQuery"
					quidu      	"32EE5ADE00C8")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoColumns"
					quid       	"32EE5AF5025A"
					documentation 	"Contains stored rdoColumn objects"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoColumns"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoColumns"
					quidu      	"32EE5B0E03D4"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$56"
				quid       	"32EE5AF50294"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$57"
					quid       	"32EE5AF50295"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoQuery"
					quidu      	"32EE5ADE00C8")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> CursorType"
					quid       	"32EE5AF50296"
					documentation 	"Determines the type of cursor"
					label      	"<<Get>> CursorType"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::ResultsetTypeConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A33014B"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$58"
				quid       	"32EE5AF502C6"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$59"
					quid       	"32EE5AF502C7"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoQuery"
					quidu      	"32EE5ADE00C8")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> ActiveConnection"
					quid       	"32EE5AF502C8"
					documentation 	"Parent Connection"
					label      	"<<Get>> ActiveConnection"
					supplier   	"_rdoConnection"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$60"
				quid       	"32EE5B0503CA"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$61"
					quid       	"32EE5B0503CB"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEnvironment"
					quidu      	"32EE5AF50302")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> rdoConnections"
					quid       	"32EE5B0503CC"
					documentation 	"Contains all open rdoConnection objects opened in an rdoEnvironment object"
					label      	"<<Get>> rdoConnections"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoConnections"
					quidu      	"32EE5B1A023A"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$62"
				quid       	"32EE5B060014"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$63"
					quid       	"32EE5B060015"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEnvironment"
					quidu      	"32EE5AF50302")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> CursorDriver"
					quid       	"32EE5B060016"
					documentation 	"Determines where the cursor is to be created"
					label      	"<<Get>> CursorDriver"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::CursorDriverConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A30001E"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$64"
				quid       	"32EE5B0E02F8"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$65"
					quid       	"32EE5B0E02F9"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoParameter"
					quidu      	"32EE5B060082")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Type"
					quid       	"32EE5B0E02FA"
					documentation 	"Indicates the type or data type of an object"
					label      	"<<Get>> Type"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::DataTypeConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A340399"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$66"
				quid       	"32EE5B0E0366"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$67"
					quid       	"32EE5B0E0367"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoParameter"
					quidu      	"32EE5B060082")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Direction"
					quid       	"32EE5B0E0368"
					documentation 	"Determines how an argument is passed to or from a procedure"
					label      	"<<Get>> Direction"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::DirectionConstants"
					quidu      	"32EE5A37000A"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$68"
				quid       	"32EE5B17028A"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$69"
					quid       	"32EE5B17028B"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoColumns"
					quidu      	"32EE5B0E03D4")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Item"
					quid       	"32EE5B17028C"
					documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
					label      	"<<Get>> Item"
					supplier   	"_rdoColumn"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$70"
				quid       	"32EE5B1A0190"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$71"
					quid       	"32EE5B1A0191"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoTables"
					quidu      	"32EE5B17028D"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Item"
					quid       	"32EE5B1A0192"
					documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
					label      	"<<Get>> Item"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoTable"
					quidu      	"32EE5A8403B6"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$72"
				quid       	"32EE5B24030C"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$73"
					quid       	"32EE5B24030D"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoConnections"
					quidu      	"32EE5B1A023A")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Item"
					quid       	"32EE5B240348"
					documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
					label      	"<<Get>> Item"
					supplier   	"_rdoConnection"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$74"
				quid       	"32EE5B2F00DC"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$75"
					quid       	"32EE5B2F00DD"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoParameters"
					quidu      	"32EE5B240349"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Item"
					quid       	"32EE5B2F010E"
					documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
					label      	"<<Get>> Item"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoParameter"
					quidu      	"32EE5B060082"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$76"
				quid       	"32EE5B380262"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$77"
					quid       	"32EE5B380263"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoResultsets"
					quidu      	"32EE5B2F01B8")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Item"
					quid       	"32EE5B380294"
					documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
					label      	"<<Get>> Item"
					supplier   	"_rdoResultset"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$78"
				quid       	"32EE5B510000"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$79"
					quid       	"32EE5B510001"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEnvironments"
					quidu      	"32EE5B380295")
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Item"
					quid       	"32EE5B510032"
					documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
					label      	"<<Get>> Item"
					supplier   	"_rdoEnvironment"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$80"
				quid       	"32EE5B5C0136"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$81"
					quid       	"32EE5B5C0172"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoQueries"
					quidu      	"32EE5B510033"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Item"
					quid       	"32EE5B5C0173"
					documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
					label      	"<<Get>> Item"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoQuery"
					quidu      	"32EE5ADE00C8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$82"
				quid       	"32EE5B6A03D4"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$83"
					quid       	"32EE5B6A03D5"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoErrors"
					quidu      	"32EE5B5C0212"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "<<Get>> Item"
					quid       	"32EE5B6A03D6"
					documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
					label      	"<<Get>> Item"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoError"
					quidu      	"32EE5A4F02DA"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Class_Category "rdoConstants"
				quid       	"32EFB05302B2"
				documentation 	"This package contains the constants used by RDO"
				exportControl 	"Public"
				logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
				    (object Class "AttributeConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310342"))
					quid       	"32EE5A3400D2"
					documentation 	"Attributes Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdFixedColumn"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3402BC"
						documentation 	"The column size is fixed (default for numeric columns)."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdVariableColumn"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A34032A"
						documentation 	"The column size is variable (VarChar and LongVarChar columns only)."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"2"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdAutoIncrColumn"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A340366"
						documentation 	"The column value for new rows is automatically incremented to a unique integer that can't be changed."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"16"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdUpdatableColumn"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A340367"
						documentation 	"The column value can be changed."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"32"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTimestampColumn"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A340398"
						documentation 	"The column is a timestamp value. This attribute is set only for rdClientBatch cursors."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"64"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "ColumnStatusConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310031"))
					quid       	"32EE5A3C0078"
					documentation 	"Column Status Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdColUnmodified"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3D0000"
						documentation 	"The row has not been modified or has been updated successfully."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"0"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdColModified"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3D0001"
						documentation 	"The row has been modified."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "CursorDriverConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310318"))
					quid       	"32EE5A30001E"
					documentation 	"CursorDriver Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdUseIfNeeded"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A300280"
						documentation 	"The ODBC driver will choose the appropriate style of cursors. Server-side cursors are used if they are available."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"0"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdUseOdbc"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A300320"
						documentation 	"Use the ODBC cursor library."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdUseServer"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A30035C"
						documentation 	"Use server-side cursors."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"2"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdUseClientBatch"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A30035D"
						documentation 	"Use the optimistic batch cursor library."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"3"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdUseNone"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A310014"
						documentation 	"Result set is not returned as a cursor."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"4"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "DataTypeConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310348"))
					quid       	"32EE5A340399"
					documentation 	"Data Type Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeCHAR"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3501D6"
						documentation 	"Fixed-length character string. Length set by Size property."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeNUMERIC"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A350212"
						documentation 	"Signed, exact, numeric value with precision p and scale s (1  p 15; 0  s  p)."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"2"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeDECIMAL"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3502B2"
						documentation 	"Signed, exact, numeric value with precision p and scale s (1  p 15; 0  s  p)."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"3"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeINTEGER"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3502B3"
						documentation 	"Signed, exact numeric value with precision 10, scale 0 (signed: -231  n  231-1; unsigned:  0  n  232-1)."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"4"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeSMALLINT"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A35035C"
						documentation 	"Signed, exact numeric value with precision 5, scale 0 (signed: -32,768  n  32,767, unsigned: 0  n  65,535)."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"5"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeFLOAT"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A35038E"
						documentation 	"Signed, approximate numeric value with mantissa precision 15 (zero or absolute value 10-308  to 10308)."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"6"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeREAL"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A360014"
						documentation 	"Signed, approximate numeric value with mantissa precision 7 (zero or absolute value 10-38  to 1038)."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"7"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeDOUBLE"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A360082"
						documentation 	"Signed, approximate numeric value with mantissa precision 15 (zero or absolute value 10-308  to 10308)."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"8"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeDATE"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3600BE"
						documentation 	"Date -- data source dependent."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"9"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeTIME"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3600BF"
						documentation 	"Time -- data source dependent."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"10"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeTIMESTAMP"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3600F0"
						documentation 	"TimeStamp -- data source dependent."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"11"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeVARCHAR"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3601CC"
						documentation 	"Variable-length character string. Maximum length 255."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"12"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeLONGVARCHAR"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A360208"
						documentation 	"Variable-length character string. Maximum length determined by data source."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"-1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeBINARY"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A360209"
						documentation 	"Fixed-length binary data. Maximum length 255."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"-2"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeVARBINARY"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3602A8"
						documentation 	"Variable-length binary data. Maximum length 255."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"-3"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeLONGVARBINARY"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3602DA"
						documentation 	"Variable-length binary data. Maximum data source dependent."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"-4"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeBIGINT"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3602DB"
						documentation 	"Signed, exact numeric value with precision 19 (signed) or 20 (unsigned), scale 0; (signed: -263  n  263-1; unsigned:  0  n  264-1)."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"-5"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeTINYINT"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A360384"
						documentation 	"Signed, exact numeric value with precision 3, scale 0; (signed: -128  n  127, unsigned: 0  n  255)."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"-6"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdTypeBIT"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3603B6"
						documentation 	"Single binary digit."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"-7"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "DirectionConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310368"))
					quid       	"32EE5A37000A"
					documentation 	"Direction Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdParamInput"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3701F4"
						documentation 	"The parameter is used to pass information to the procedure."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"0"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdParamInputOutput"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A37029E"
						documentation 	"The parameter is used to pass information both to and from the procedure."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdParamOutput"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A37030C"
						documentation 	"The parameter is used to return information from the procedure as in an output parameter in SQL."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"2"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdParamReturnValue"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A37033E"
						documentation 	"The parameter is used to return the return status value from a procedure."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"3"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "EditModeConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310324"))
					quid       	"32EE5A310015"
					documentation 	"EditMode Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdEditNone"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A31023A"
						documentation 	"No editing operation is in progress."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"0"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdEditInProgress"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A310276"
						documentation 	"Edit method has been invoked, and the current record is in the copy buffer."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdEditAdd"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3102A8"
						documentation 	"AddNew method has been invoked, and the current record in the copy buffer is a new record that hasn't been saved in the database."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"2"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "LockTypeConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310328"))
					quid       	"32EE5A3102A9"
					documentation 	"LockType Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdConcurReadOnly"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A320154"
						documentation 	"Cursor is read-only. No updates are allowed."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdConcurLock"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A320190"
						documentation 	"Pessimistic concurrency."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"2"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdConcurRowVer"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A320191"
						documentation 	"Optimistic concurrency based on row ID."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"3"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdConcurValues"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3201C2"
						documentation 	"Optimistic concurrency based on row values."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"4"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdConcurBatch"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3201FE"
						documentation 	"Optimistic concurrency using batch mode updates. Status values returned for each row successfully updated."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"5"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "OptionConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310334"))
					quid       	"32EE5A32026C"
					documentation 	"Options Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdAsyncEnable"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A33006E"
						documentation 	"Execute the query asynchronously."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"32"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdExecDirect"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A33010E"
						documentation 	"Use the ODBC SQLExecDirect API function to execute query."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"64"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdFetchLongColumns"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A33010F"
						documentation 	"Download all the data for long character and long binary columns."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"128"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdBackgroundFetch"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A33014A"
						documentation 	"Download all the data for long character and long binary columns."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"256"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "PromptConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310313"))
					quid       	"32EE5A2D026C"
					documentation 	"Prompt Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdDriverPrompt"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A2F024E"
						documentation 	"The driver manager displays the ODBC Data Sources dialog box."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"0"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdDriverNoPrompt"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A2F02F8"
						documentation 	"The driver manager uses the connection string provided in Connect.  If sufficient information is not provided, the OpenConnection method returns a trappable error."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdDriverComplete"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A2F032A"
						documentation 	"If the connection string provided includes the DSN keyword, the driver manager uses the string as provided in Connect, otherwise it behaves as it does when rdDriverPrompt is specified."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"2"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdDriverCompleteRequired"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A2F0366"
						documentation 	"Behaves like rdDriverComplete except the driver disables the controls for any information not required to complete the connection."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"3"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "QueryTypeConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310014"))
					quid       	"32EE5A380371"
					documentation 	"Query Type Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdQSelect"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A39021C"
						documentation 	"Select"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"0"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdQAction"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3902BC"
						documentation 	"Action"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdQProcedures"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3902BD"
						documentation 	"Procedural"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"2"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdQCompound"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3902F8"
						documentation 	"The query contains both action and select statements"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"3"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "ResultsetTypeConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310337"))
					quid       	"32EE5A33014B"
					documentation 	"Resultset Type Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdOpenForwardOnly"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3303A2"
						documentation 	"Fixed set, non-scrolling."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"0"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdOpenKeyset"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3303DE"
						documentation 	"Updatable, fixed set, scrollable query result set cursor."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdOpenDynamic"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3303DF"
						documentation 	"Updatable, dynamic set, scrollable query result set cursor."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"2"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdOpenStatic"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A340028"
						documentation 	"Read-only, fixed set."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"3"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "RowStatusConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310025"))
					quid       	"32EE5A3A0276"
					documentation 	"Row Status Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdRowUnmodified"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3B01FE"
						documentation 	"The row has not been modified or has been updated successfully."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"0"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdRowModified"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3B02A8"
						documentation 	"The row has been modified and not updated in the database."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdRowNew"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3B02DA"
						documentation 	"The row has been inserted with the AddNew method, but not yet inserted into the database."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"2"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdRowDeleted"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3B0384"
						documentation 	"The row has been deleted, but not yet deleted in the database."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"3"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdRowDBDeleted"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3B03B6"
						documentation 	"The row has been deleted locally and in the database."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"4"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "SQLRetcodeConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310019"))
					quid       	"32EE5A39032A"
					documentation 	"SQL Retcode Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdSQLSuccess"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3A0168"
						documentation 	"The operation is successful."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"0"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdSQLSuccessWithInfo"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3A0208"
						documentation 	"The operation is successful, and additional information is available."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdSQLNoDataFound"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3A0209"
						documentation 	"No additional data is available."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"100"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdSQLError"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3A0244"
						documentation 	"An error occurred performing the operation."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"-1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdSQLInvalidHandle"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3A0245"
						documentation 	"The handle supplied is invalid."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"-2"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "UpdateCriteriaConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310037"))
					quid       	"32EE5A3E0136"
					documentation 	"Update Criteria Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdCriteriaKey"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3E0398"
						documentation 	"Uses just the key column(s) in the Where clause."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"0"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdCriteriaAllCols"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3F001E"
						documentation 	"Uses the key column(s) and all updated columns in the Where clause."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdCriteriaUpdCols"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3F0050"
						documentation 	"Uses the key column(s) and all the columns in the Where clause."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"2"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdCriteriaTimeStamp"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3F0051"
						documentation 	"Uses just the timestamp column if available (will generate a runtime error if no timestamp column is in the resultset)."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"3"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "UpdateOperationConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310034"))
					quid       	"32EE5A3D006E"
					documentation 	"Update Operation Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdOperationUpdate"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3E005A"
						documentation 	"Uses an Update statement for each modified row."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"0"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdOperationDelIns"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3E0104"
						documentation 	"Uses a pair of Delete and Insert statements for each modified row."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "UpdateReturnCodeConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310042"))
					quid       	"32EE5A3F008C"
					documentation 	"Update Return Code Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdUpdateSuccessful"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3F0352"
						documentation 	"The developer handled the update and was successful in doing so."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"0"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdUpdateWithCollisions"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A41000A"
						documentation 	"The developer handled the update, was successful, but some rows produced collisions (batch mode only)."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdUpdateFailed"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A410078"
						documentation 	"The developer attempted to handle the update, but encountered an error when doing so."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"2"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdUpdateNotHandled"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A4100AA"
						documentation 	"The developer did not handle the update, RDO should continue notifying, and if no one handles the update RDO should update the data itself."
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"3"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoLocaleIDConstants"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 200))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310005"))
					quid       	"32EE5A380000"
					documentation 	"rdoLocaleID  Constants"
					stereotype 	"Enum"
					class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdLocaleEnglish"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A380226"
						documentation 	"English"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"1"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdLocaleFrench"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A380258"
						documentation 	"French"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"2"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdLocaleGerman"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A380294"
						documentation 	"German"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"3"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdLocaleItalian"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3802C6"
						documentation 	"Italian"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"4"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdLocaleJapanese"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A3802C7"
						documentation 	"Japanese"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"5"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdLocaleSpanish"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A380302"
						documentation 	"Spanish"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"6"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdLocaleChinese"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A380303"
						documentation 	"Chinese"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"7"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdLocaleSimplifiedChinese"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A380334"
						documentation 	"Simplified Chinese"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"8"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdLocaleKorean"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A380335"
						documentation 	"Korean"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"9"
						exportControl 	"Public")
					    (object ClassAttribute "rdLocaleSystem"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"IsConst"
							value      	TRUE)
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"Subscript"
							value      	""))
						quid       	"32EE5A380370"
						documentation 	"System"
						type       	"Integer"
						initv      	"0"
						exportControl 	"Public"))
					language   	"Visual Basic"))
				logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
				    (object ClassDiagram "Constants"
					quid       	"32EFA6AD00BE"
					title      	"Constants"
					zoom       	100
					max_height 	28350
					max_width  	21600
					origin_x   	0
					origin_y   	0
					items      	(list diagram_item_list
					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::PromptConstants" @1
						ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
						location   	(264, 138)
						font       	(object Font
						    italics    	FALSE)
						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@1
						    location   	(88, 109)
						    nlines     	1
						    max_width  	352
						    justify    	0
						    label      	"PromptConstants")
						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@1
						    location   	(88, 59)
						    anchor     	10
						    nlines     	1
						    max_width  	352
						    justify    	0
						    label      	"<<Enum>>")
						icon_style 	"Icon"
						quidu      	"32EE5A2D026C"
						width      	370
						height     	182
						annotation 	8
						autoResize 	TRUE)
					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::EditModeConstants" @2
						ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
						location   	(822, 138)
						font       	(object Font
						    italics    	FALSE)
						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@2
						    location   	(628, 109)
						    nlines     	1
						    max_width  	388
						    justify    	0
						    label      	"EditModeConstants")
						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@2
						    location   	(628, 59)
						    anchor     	10
						    nlines     	1
						    max_width  	388
						    justify    	0
						    label      	"<<Enum>>")
						icon_style 	"Icon"
						quidu      	"32EE5A310015"
						width      	406
						height     	182
						annotation 	8
						autoResize 	TRUE)
					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::OptionConstants" @3
						ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
						location   	(1362, 138)
						font       	(object Font
						    italics    	FALSE)
						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@3
						    location   	(1192, 109)
						    nlines     	1
						    max_width  	340
						    justify    	0
						    label      	"OptionConstants")
						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@3
						    location   	(1192, 59)
						    anchor     	10
						    nlines     	1
						    max_width  	340
						    justify    	0
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						    Parent_View 	@5
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						    location   	(2310, 59)
						    anchor     	10
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						    Parent_View 	@6
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						    location   	(2911, 59)
						    anchor     	10
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						location   	(3714, 138)
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						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@7
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						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
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						    location   	(3491, 59)
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						    Parent_View 	@8
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						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@8
						    location   	(90, 299)
						    anchor     	10
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						location   	(1026, 378)
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						    italics    	FALSE)
						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@9
						    location   	(768, 349)
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						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@9
						    location   	(768, 299)
						    anchor     	10
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						location   	(1716, 378)
						font       	(object Font
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						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@10
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						    anchor     	10
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					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::UpdateReturnCodeConstants" @11
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						location   	(2424, 378)
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						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@11
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						    Parent_View 	@11
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						    anchor     	10
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						location   	(3114, 378)
						font       	(object Font
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						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@12
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						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
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						    location   	(2896, 299)
						    anchor     	10
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						    Parent_View 	@13
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						location   	(282, 617)
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						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@15
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						    location   	(95, 538)
						    anchor     	10
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						location   	(894, 618)
						font       	(object Font
						    italics    	FALSE)
						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@16
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						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@16
						    location   	(659, 539)
						    anchor     	10
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						location   	(1512, 618)
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						    italics    	FALSE)
						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@17
						    location   	(1318, 589)
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						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@17
						    location   	(1318, 539)
						    anchor     	10
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					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants::rdoLocaleIDConstants" @18
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						location   	(2070, 660)
						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@18
						    location   	(1853, 631)
						    nlines     	1
						    max_width  	434
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						    label      	"rdoLocaleIDConstants")
						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@18
						    location   	(1853, 581)
						    anchor     	10
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						    max_width  	434
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						    label      	"<<Enum>>")
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			    (object Class_Category "rdoObjects"
				quid       	"32EFB0B0023A"
				documentation 	"This package contains the extensibility classes for the Remote Data Objects"
				visible_categories 	(list visibility_relationship_list
				    (object Visibility_Relationship
					quid       	"330372080258"
					supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoConstants"
					quidu      	"32EFB05302B2"))
				exportControl 	"Public"
				logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
				    (object Class "rdoColumn"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310105"))
					quid       	"32EE5A7100E6"
					documentation 	"Represents a column of data with a common data type and a common set of properties."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "Value"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7102D0"
						documentation 	"Determines the value of an object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Variant"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Value"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7200DC"
						documentation 	"Determines the value of an object"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Type"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A730064"
						documentation 	"Indicates the type or data type of an object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"DataTypeConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7301E0"
						documentation 	"Indicates the name of a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A730398"
						documentation 	"Indicates the name of a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Size"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A74035C"
						documentation 	"Indicates the size of an rdoColumn object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Size"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A750122"
						documentation 	"Indicates the size of an rdoColumn object"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "AllowZeroLength"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7600E6"
						documentation 	"Indicates if a zero-length string is valid for the Value property"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "AllowZeroLength"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A76029E"
						documentation 	"Indicates if a zero-length string is valid for the Value property"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Boolean"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Attributes"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A770258"
						documentation 	"Indicates characteristics of an rdoColumn object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"AttributeConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Updatable"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7703DE"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether changes can be made to a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Updatable"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7801AE"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether changes can be made to a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Boolean"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "OrdinalPosition"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A790168"
						documentation 	"Relative position of an rdoColumn object within the collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Integer"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Required"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A790320"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether an rdoColumn requires a non-Null value"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "SourceColumn"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7A0122"
						documentation 	"Indicates the rdoColumn object data's original source column name"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "SourceColumn"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7A02DA"
						documentation 	"Indicates the rdoColumn object data's original source column name"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "SourceTable"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7B0230"
						documentation 	"Indicates the rdoColumn object data's original source table name"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "SourceTable"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7C0000"
						documentation 	"Indicates the rdoColumn object data's original source table name"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "ChunkRequired"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7C0334"
						documentation 	"Indicates if data must be accessed using the GetChunk method"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "AppendChunk"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7D0104"
						documentation 	"Appends data from a string expression to an rdoColumn object"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Chunk"
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "GetChunk"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7E0050"
						documentation 	"Returns the contents of an rdoColumn object"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Size"
							type       	"Long"))
						result     	"Variant"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "ColumnSize"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7F00F0"
						documentation 	"Returns the number of bytes in an rdoColumn object"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BatchConflictValue"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A7F02DA"
						documentation 	"Returns a value currently in the database that is newer than the Value property as determined by an optimistic batch update conflict."
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Variant"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "OriginalValue"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A800118"
						documentation 	"Returns the value of the column as first fetched from the database."
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Variant"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Status"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A800302"
						documentation 	"Returns/Sets the column buffer status"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"ColumnStatusConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Status"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A8100D2"
						documentation 	"Returns/Sets the column buffer status"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"ColumnStatusConstants"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "KeyColumn"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A820096"
						documentation 	"Returns/sets a value that specifies if this column is part of the primary key."
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "KeyColumn"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A82024E"
						documentation 	"Returns/sets a value that specifies if this column is part of the primary key."
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Boolean"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "DataChanged"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5A830208"
						documentation 	"Fired when the value of the column has changed"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "WillChangeData"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5A830352"
						documentation 	"Fired before data is changed in the column"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByRef newvalue"
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoColumns"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310281"))
					quid       	"32EE5B0E03D4"
					documentation 	"Contains all rdoColumn objects of an rdoResultset or rdoTable object."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "Count"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B1001CC"
						documentation 	"Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Refresh"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B16003C"
						documentation 	"Refreshes the column definitions"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Item"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B1601C2"
						documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Index"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"_rdoColumn"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoConnection"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310068"))
					quid       	"32EE5A5300F0"
					documentation 	"Represents an open connection to a remote data source and a specific database on that data source, or an allocated but as yet unconnected object, which can be used to subsequently establish a connection. "
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "QueryTimeout"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A530384"
						documentation 	"Timeout value for query execution"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "QueryTimeout"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A540186"
						documentation 	"Timeout value for query execution"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoTables"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A55014A"
						documentation 	"Contains all rdoTable objects in a database"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoTables"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoPreparedStatements"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A550334"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoPreparedStatements"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoResultsets"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A560172"
						documentation 	"Contains all open rdoResultset objects in an rdoConnection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoResultsets"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Connect"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A560366"
						documentation 	"Provides information about the source of an open rdoConnection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Connect"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5701A4"
						documentation 	"Provides information about the source of an open rdoConnection"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A580190"
						documentation 	"User-defined name for a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5803B6"
						documentation 	"User-defined name for a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RowsAffected"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A59037A"
						documentation 	"The number of rows affected"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Transactions"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5A017C"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether a Cursor supports transactions"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Updatable"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5A03A2"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether a Cursor is updatable"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Version"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5B0140"
						documentation 	"ODBC driver version"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "hDbc"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5B035C"
						documentation 	"The ODBC connection handle"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "StillExecuting"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5C0168"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether an asynchronous query is still executing"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "AsyncCheckInterval"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5C038E"
						documentation 	"Polling interval for asynchronous queries"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "AsyncCheckInterval"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5D0190"
						documentation 	"Polling interval for asynchronous queries"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Close"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5E01C2"
						documentation 	"Close the connections"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Execute"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5E02D0"
						documentation 	"Executes a query or SQL statement on an object"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Source"
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "OpenResultset"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5F0258"
						documentation 	"Creates a new rdoResultset object"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Name"
							type       	"String")
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal Type"
							type       	"Variant")
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal LockType"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"rdoResultset"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CreatePreparedStatement"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A610208"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Name"
							type       	"String"))
						result     	"rdoPreparedStatement"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BeginTrans"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A6201CC"
						documentation 	"Begins a new transaction"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CommitTrans"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A620348"
						documentation 	"Commits any outstanding transactions"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RollbackTrans"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A630118"
						documentation 	"Rolls back any outstanding transactions"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Cancel"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A630226"
						documentation 	"Cancels an asynchronous query or pending results against the rdoResultset object"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LastQueryResults"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A6303DE"
						documentation 	"The last resultset returned by a call on the connection to a prepared statement"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoResultset"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CursorDriver"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A6401EA"
						documentation 	"Determines where the cursor is to be created"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"CursorDriverConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CursorDriver"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A650028"
						documentation 	"Determines where the cursor is to be created"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"CursorDriverConstants"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LoginTimeout"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A66001E"
						documentation 	"Login timeout in seconds"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LoginTimeout"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A66023A"
						documentation 	"Login timeout in seconds"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "EstablishConnection"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A6701FE"
						documentation 	"Connect to data source"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal Prompt"
							type       	"Variant")
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal Readonly"
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "StillConnecting"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A690032"
						documentation 	"Still connecting to data source."
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CreateQuery"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A6901EA"
						documentation 	"Creates a new rdoQuery object"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Name"
							type       	"String"))
						result     	"rdoQuery"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoQueries"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A6A00FA"
						documentation 	"rdoQueries collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoQueries"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LogMessages"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A6A0320"
						documentation 	"Determines the pathname of the ODBC trace file"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LogMessages"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A6B023A"
						documentation 	"Determines the pathname of the ODBC trace file"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Connect"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5A6C01FE"
						documentation 	"Fired after a connection is made to the data source"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal ErrorOccurred"
							type       	"Boolean"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BeforeConnect"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5A6D0186"
						documentation 	"Fired before the call to SQLDriverConnect"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByRef ConnectString"
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Disconnect"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5A6E0096"
						documentation 	"Fired after a connection has been closed"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "QueryComplete"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5A6E01E0"
						documentation 	"Fired after an asynchronous query has completed"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByRef Query"
							type       	"rdoQuery"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "QueryTimeout"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5A6F00FA"
						documentation 	"Fired after the query execution time has exceeded the queryTimeout value"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByRef Query"
							type       	"rdoQuery"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "WillExecute"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5A700014"
						documentation 	"Fired before the query is run."
						stereotype 	"Event"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByRef Query"
							type       	"rdoQuery"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoConnections"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310289"))
					quid       	"32EE5B1A023A"
					documentation 	"Contains all rdoConnection objects opened or created in an rdoEnvironment object, or allocated and appended to the rdoConnections collection using the Add method."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "Count"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B1B0186"
						documentation 	"Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Remove"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B1E0384"
						documentation 	"Removes a specific member from a collection."
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal ItemToRemove"
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Add"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B200186"
						documentation 	"Add item to collection"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByRef prdoConnection"
							type       	"rdoConnection"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Refresh"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B220172"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Item"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B2202EE"
						documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Index"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"_rdoConnection"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoEngine"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310047"))
					quid       	"32EE5A4100E6"
					documentation 	"The Remote Data Object Engine object. The base object. Created automatically when you first access RDO in your application."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "rdoDefaultLoginTimeout"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A41033E"
						documentation 	"Timeout value for connecting to a data source"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoDefaultLoginTimeout"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A4201EA"
						documentation 	"Timeout value for connecting to a data source"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoDefaultUser"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A4301A4"
						documentation 	"Default user name assigned to any new rdoEnvironment"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoDefaultUser"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A4302EE"
						documentation 	"Default user name assigned to any new rdoEnvironment"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoDefaultPassword"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A440244"
						documentation 	"Default password assigned to any new rdoEnvironment"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoDefaultPassword"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A44038E"
						documentation 	"Default password assigned to any new rdoEnvironment"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoEnvironments"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A450348"
						documentation 	"Contains all active rdoEnvironment objects of the rdoEngine object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoEnvironments"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoErrors"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A46014A"
						documentation 	"Contains all stored rdoError objects"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoErrors"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoVersion"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A460302"
						documentation 	"Version of the RDO library associated with the object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoDefaultCursorDriver"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A4700D2"
						documentation 	"Indicates where cursors are created"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"CursorDriverConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoDefaultCursorDriver"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A47028A"
						documentation 	"Indicates where cursors are created"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"CursorDriverConstants"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoDefaultErrorThreshold"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A48024E"
						documentation 	"Default Error Threshold for ODBC connections"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoDefaultErrorThreshold"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A490050"
						documentation 	"Default Error Threshold for ODBC connections"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoRegisterDataSource"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A4A00E6"
						documentation 	"Registers a database with ODBC"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal DSN"
							type       	"String")
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Driver"
							type       	"String")
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Silent"
							type       	"Boolean"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoCreateEnvironment"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A4C0064"
						documentation 	"Creates a new rdoEnvironment object"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Name"
							type       	"String")
						    (object Parameter "ByVal User"
							type       	"String"))
						result     	"_rdoEnvironment"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoLocaleID"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A4D00FA"
						documentation 	"Locale ID used to load resources"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoLocaleIDConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoLocaleID"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A4D0244"
						documentation 	"Locale ID used to load resources"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"rdoLocaleIDConstants"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "InfoMessage"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5A4E01CC"
						documentation 	"SQL error object are added to rdoErros collection"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoEnvironment"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310248"))
					quid       	"32EE5AF50302"
					documentation 	"Defines a logical set of connections for a particular user ID. Contains both open and allocated (but unopened) connections, provides mechanisms for simultaneous transactions, and provides a security context for data manipulation language (DML) operations on the database. rdoEnvironments(0) created automatically."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "rdoConnections"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AF601E0"
						documentation 	"Contains all open rdoConnection objects opened in an rdoEnvironment object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoConnections"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AF7001E"
						documentation 	"Indicates the name of a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "UserName"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AF70244"
						documentation 	"Determines a value representing a user of an rdoEnvironment object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "UserName"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AF80190"
						documentation 	"Determines a value representing a user of an rdoEnvironment object"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Password"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AF901F4"
						documentation 	"Represents the password used during the creation of an rdoEnvironment"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LoginTimeout"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AFA0258"
						documentation 	"Timeout value for connecting to data source"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LoginTimeout"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AFB035C"
						documentation 	"Timeout value for connecting to data source"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CursorDriver"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AFD015E"
						documentation 	"Determines where the cursor is to be created"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"CursorDriverConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CursorDriver"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AFE003C"
						documentation 	"Determines where the cursor is to be created"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"CursorDriverConstants"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "hEnv"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AFF00A0"
						documentation 	"The ODBC environment handle"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BeginTrans"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AFF02C6"
						documentation 	"Begins a new transaction"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Close"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B000096"
						documentation 	"Closes an open remote data object"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CommitTrans"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B0001A4"
						documentation 	"Ends the current transaction and saves the changes"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RollbackTrans"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B0002BC"
						documentation 	"Ends the transaction and restores the database to its state before the most recent BeginTrans"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "OpenConnection"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B01008C"
						documentation 	"Opens a connection to an ODBC data source"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal dsName"
							type       	"String")
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal Prompt"
							type       	"Variant")
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal Readonly"
							type       	"Variant")
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal Connect"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"_rdoConnection"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BeginTrans"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5B04028A"
						documentation 	"Fired after the beginTrans method has completed"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CommitTrans"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5B0500C8"
						documentation 	"Fired after the CommitTrans method has completed"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RollbackTrans"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5B0502B2"
						documentation 	"Fired after the RollbackTrans method has completed"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoEnvironments"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310300"))
					quid       	"32EE5B380295"
					documentation 	"Contains all active rdoEnvironment objects of the rdoEngine object. rdoEnvironments(0) is created automatically."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "Count"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B3B0168"
						documentation 	"Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Remove"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B3D03AC"
						documentation 	"Removes a specific member from a collection."
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal ItemToRemove"
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Add"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B43017C"
						documentation 	"Adds a member to a Collection object."
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByRef prdoEnvironment"
							type       	"rdoEnvironment"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Refresh"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B480096"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Item"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B4A01CC"
						documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Index"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"_rdoEnvironment"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoError"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310060"))
					quid       	"32EE5A4F02DA"
					documentation 	"Contains details about remote data access errors. Used to handle all ODBC errors and messages generated by RDO. Created automatically."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "Number"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5001B8"
						documentation 	"A numeric value specifying a native error"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Source"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A500302"
						documentation 	"A value indicating the source of a remote data access error"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Description"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A510096"
						documentation 	"A descriptive string associated with an error"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "HelpContext"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A51024E"
						documentation 	"A Windows Help file topic context ID"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "HelpFile"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5103D4"
						documentation 	"Fully qualified path to the Windows Help file"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "SQLState"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A5201A4"
						documentation 	"The type of error as defined by the X/Open and SQL Access Group SQL"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "SQLRetcode"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A520320"
						documentation 	"Error return code from the most recent RDO operation"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoErrors"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310308"))
					quid       	"32EE5B5C0212"
					documentation 	"Contains all stored rdoError objects which pertain to a single operation involving Remote Data Objects (RDO)."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "Count"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B63037A"
						documentation 	"Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Refresh"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B65021C"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Item"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B660244"
						documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Index"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"rdoError"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Clear"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B690334"
						documentation 	"Removes all objects in a collection."
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoParameter"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310268"))
					quid       	"32EE5B060082"
					documentation 	"Represents a parameter associated with an rdoQuery object. Query parameters can be input, output, or both."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B060352"
						documentation 	"Indicates the name of a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5B0700E6"
						documentation 	"Indicates the name of a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Type"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B0800DC"
						documentation 	"Indicates the type or data type of an object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"DataTypeConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Type"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5B0802D0"
						documentation 	"Indicates the type or data type of an object"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"DataTypeConstants"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Value"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B090398"
						documentation 	"Determines the data value of an object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Variant"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Value"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5B0A01A4"
						documentation 	"Determines the data value of an object"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Direction"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B0B02A8"
						documentation 	"Determines how an argument is passed to or from a procedure"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"DirectionConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Direction"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5B0C0078"
						documentation 	"Determines how an argument is passed to or from a procedure"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"DirectionConstants"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "AppendChunk"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B0D01B8"
						documentation 	"Appends data from a string expression to an rdoParameter object"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Chunk"
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoParameters"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310294"))
					quid       	"32EE5B240349"
					documentation 	"Contains all the rdoParameter objects of an rdoQuery object once the SQL statement is successfully parsed. Contains an rdoParameter object for each marked parameter in the query."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "Count"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B260172"
						documentation 	"Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Refresh"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B27001E"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Item"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B2701D6"
						documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Index"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"rdoParameter"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoPreparedStatement"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310207"))
					quid       	"32EE5AB701E0"
					documentation 	"A prepared query definition"
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "QueryTimeout"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AB80168"
						documentation 	"Determines the ODBC's driver manager query timeout value"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "QueryTimeout"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AB90014"
						documentation 	"Determines the ODBC's driver manager query timeout value"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Type"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5ABA0154"
						documentation 	"Indicates the type or data type of an object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"QueryTypeConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "MaxRows"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5ABA037A"
						documentation 	"Determines the maximum number of rows returned from a query"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "MaxRows"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5ABB01AE"
						documentation 	"Determines the maximum number of rows returned from a query"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BindThreshold"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5ABC02EE"
						documentation 	"Determines the size of the largest column automatically bound under ODBC"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BindThreshold"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5ABD019A"
						documentation 	"Determines the size of the largest column automatically bound under ODBC"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoParameters"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5ABE0316"
						documentation 	"Contains all rdoParameter objects of an rdoQuery"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoParameters"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5ABF01B8"
						documentation 	"Indicates the name of a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AC000D2"
						documentation 	"Indicates the name of a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RowsAffected"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AC1024E"
						documentation 	"Number of rows affected by the most recently invoked Execute method"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "SQL"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AC200FA"
						documentation 	"Determines the SQL statement defining the executed query"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "SQL"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AC30046"
						documentation 	"Determines the SQL statement defining the executed query"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LockType"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AC403DE"
						documentation 	"Determines the type of concurrency handling"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"LockTypeConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LockType"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AC503A2"
						documentation 	"Determines the type of concurrency handling"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"LockTypeConstants"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoColumns"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AC70384"
						documentation 	"Contains stored rdoColumn objects"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoColumns"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "KeysetSize"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AC80230"
						documentation 	"Determines the number of rows in the keyset buffer"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "KeysetSize"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AC900DC"
						documentation 	"Determines the number of rows in the keyset buffer"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RowsetSize"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5ACA01E0"
						documentation 	"Determines the number of cursor rows kept in memory"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RowsetSize"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5ACB001E"
						documentation 	"Determines the number of cursor rows kept in memory"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "hStmt"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5ACC019A"
						documentation 	"The ODBC statement handle"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "StillExecuting"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5ACD0046"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether an asynchronous query is still executing"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CursorType"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5ACD02DA"
						documentation 	"Determines the type of cursor"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"ResultsetTypeConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CursorType"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5ACE017C"
						documentation 	"Determines the type of cursor"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"ResultsetTypeConstants"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "ActiveConnection"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AD001A4"
						documentation 	"Parent Connection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"_rdoConnection"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "ActiveConnection"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 209)))
						quid       	"32EE5AD1015E"
						documentation 	"Parent Connection"
						stereotype 	"Set"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByRef "
							type       	"_rdoConnection"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Prepared"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AD202D0"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether the query should be prepared"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Prepared"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AD301B8"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether the query should be prepared"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Boolean"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LogMessages"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AD402BC"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LogMessages"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AD500FA"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Close"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AD6026C"
						documentation 	"Closes an open remote data object"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Execute"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AD70078"
						documentation 	"Executes a query or SQL statement on an object"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal Options"
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "OpenResultset"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AD8010E"
						documentation 	"Creates a new rdoResultset object"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal Type"
							type       	"Variant")
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal LockType"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"rdoResultset"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Cancel"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5ADA0050"
						documentation 	"Cancels an asynchronous query or pending results against the rdoResultset object"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Updatable"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5ADA01D6"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Connect"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5ADB0014"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "ErrorThreshold"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5ADB023A"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "ErrorThreshold"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5ADC0078"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoQueries"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310305"))
					quid       	"32EE5B510033"
					documentation 	"Contains rdoQuery objects that have been added to the rdoQueries collection either automatically via the CreateQuery method, or with the Add method."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "Count"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B530168"
						documentation 	"Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Refresh"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B55003C"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Item"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B5602C6"
						documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Index"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"rdoQuery"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoQuery"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310207"))
					quid       	"32EE5ADE00C8"
					documentation 	"An SQL query definition that can include zero or more parameters."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "QueryTimeout"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5ADE0398"
						documentation 	"Determines the ODBC's driver manager query timeout value"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "QueryTimeout"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5ADF0168"
						documentation 	"Determines the ODBC's driver manager query timeout value"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Type"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE000B4"
						documentation 	"Indicates the type or data type of an object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"QueryTypeConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "MaxRows"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE00230"
						documentation 	"Determines the maximum number of rows returned from a query"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "MaxRows"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE10000"
						documentation 	"Determines the maximum number of rows returned from a query"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BindThreshold"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE1033E"
						documentation 	"Determines the size of the largest column automatically bound under ODBC"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BindThreshold"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE2010E"
						documentation 	"Determines the size of the largest column automatically bound under ODBC"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoParameters"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE3005A"
						documentation 	"Contains all rdoParameter objects of an rdoQuery"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoParameters"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE30212"
						documentation 	"Indicates the name of a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE3035C"
						documentation 	"Indicates the name of a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RowsAffected"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE402A8"
						documentation 	"Number of rows affected by the most recently invoked Execute method"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "SQL"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE500B4"
						documentation 	"Determines the SQL statement defining the executed query"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "SQL"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE5026C"
						documentation 	"Determines the SQL statement defining the executed query"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LockType"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE601B8"
						documentation 	"Determines the type of concurrency handling"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"LockTypeConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LockType"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE60302"
						documentation 	"Determines the type of concurrency handling"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"LockTypeConstants"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoColumns"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE701EA"
						documentation 	"Contains stored rdoColumn objects"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoColumns"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "KeysetSize"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE70398"
						documentation 	"Determines the number of rows in the keyset buffer"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "KeysetSize"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE80168"
						documentation 	"Determines the number of rows in the keyset buffer"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RowsetSize"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE900BE"
						documentation 	"Determines the number of cursor rows kept in memory"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RowsetSize"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AE90276"
						documentation 	"Determines the number of cursor rows kept in memory"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "hStmt"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AEA0230"
						documentation 	"The ODBC statement handle"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "StillExecuting"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AEB00AA"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether an asynchronous query is still executing"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CursorType"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AEB0302"
						documentation 	"Determines the type of cursor"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"ResultsetTypeConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CursorType"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AEC0104"
						documentation 	"Determines the type of cursor"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"ResultsetTypeConstants"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "ActiveConnection"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AEC0398"
						documentation 	"Parent Connection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"_rdoConnection"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "ActiveConnection"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 209)))
						quid       	"32EE5AED0168"
						documentation 	"Parent Connection"
						stereotype 	"Set"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByRef "
							type       	"_rdoConnection"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Prepared"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AEE00BE"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether the query should be prepared"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Prepared"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AEE0276"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether the query should be prepared"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Boolean"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LogMessages"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AEF01C2"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LogMessages"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AEF037A"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Close"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AF00258"
						documentation 	"Closes an open remote data object"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Execute"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AF00334"
						documentation 	"Executes a query or SQL statement on an object"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal Options"
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "OpenResultset"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AF103D4"
						documentation 	"Creates a new rdoResultset object"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal Type"
							type       	"Variant")
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal LockType"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"rdoResultset"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Cancel"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AF30014"
						documentation 	"Cancels an asynchronous query or pending results against the rdoResultset object"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Updatable"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AF300F0"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Connect"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AF3023A"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "ErrorThreshold"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AF30384"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "ErrorThreshold"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AF400E6"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoResultset"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310141"))
					quid       	"32EE5A8900E6"
					documentation 	"The rows resulting from a query"
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "Bookmark"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A8A003C"
						documentation 	"Determines a bookmark that uniquely identifies the current row"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Variant"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Bookmark"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A8A0294"
						documentation 	"Determines a bookmark that uniquely identifies the current row"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "rdoColumns"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A8C00C8"
						documentation 	"Contains stored rdoColumn objects"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoColumns"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BOF"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A8C0320"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether the current row is before the first row"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Bookmarkable"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A8D00F0"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether an rdoResultset object supports bookmarks"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "EOF"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A8D02E4"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether the current row is after the last row"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LockEdits"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A8E0122"
						documentation 	"Indicates the locking in effect during editing"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A8E02DA"
						documentation 	"User-defined name for a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A8F00DC"
						documentation 	"User-defined name for a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"String"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Transactions"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9001E0"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether an object supports transaction operations"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Type"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A91008C"
						documentation 	"Indicates the type or data type of an object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"ResultsetTypeConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RowCount"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A91035C"
						documentation 	"Indicates the number of rows available in an rdoResultset object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Updatable"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9201CC"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether a remote data object can be changed"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Restartable"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9203B6"
						documentation 	"Indicates the type or data type of an object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "EditMode"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9301F4"
						documentation 	"Indicates the editing state for the current row"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "PercentPosition"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9303AC"
						documentation 	"Determines the current row's location in the rdoResultset object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Single"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "PercentPosition"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9401B8"
						documentation 	"Determines the current row's location in the rdoResultset object"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Single"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "hStmt"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A95021C"
						documentation 	"Determines the ODBC statement handle"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "AbsolutePosition"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A950398"
						documentation 	"Determines the absolute row number of an rdoResultset object's current row"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "AbsolutePosition"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A960168"
						documentation 	"Determines the absolute row number of an rdoResultset object's current row"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "StillExecuting"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A970190"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether an asynchronous query is still executing"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LastModified"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9703B6"
						documentation 	"Returns the bookmark of the last row modified"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Variant"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BatchSize"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9801C2"
						documentation 	"Number of records in Batch Update"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BatchSize"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A98037A"
						documentation 	"Number of records in Batch Update"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "UpdateOperation"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9A0028"
						documentation 	"Returns/sets a value that specifies if the optimistic batch update should use an Update statement or a Delete followed by an Insert."
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Integer"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "UpdateOperation"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9A032A"
						documentation 	"Returns/sets a value that specifies if the optimistic batch update should use an Update statement or a Delete followed by an Insert."
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Integer"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "UpdateCriteria"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9C0082"
						documentation 	"Returns/sets a value that specifies how the WHERE clause is constructed for each row during an optimistic batch update operation."
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Integer"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "UpdateCriteria"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9C02A8"
						documentation 	"Returns/sets a value that specifies how the WHERE clause is constructed for each row during an optimistic batch update operation."
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"Integer"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "AddNew"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9D02D0"
						documentation 	"Initializes copy buffer for a new row"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Close"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9E0064"
						documentation 	"Closes an open remote data object"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Delete"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9E017C"
						documentation 	"Deletes the current row"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Edit"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9E02C6"
						documentation 	"Copies the current row to the copy buffer for editing"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "MoveFirst"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9E03D4"
						documentation 	"Moves the current row pointer to the first row in the result set"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "MoveLast"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A9F0172"
						documentation 	"Moves the current row pointer to the last row in the result set"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal Options"
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "MoveNext"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA0012C"
						documentation 	"Moves the current row pointer to the next row in the result set"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "MovePrevious"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA00244"
						documentation 	"Moves the current row pointer to the previous row in the result set"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Update"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA00352"
						documentation 	"Saves the copy buffer to the database"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Requery"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA10122"
						documentation 	"Re-executes the query on which the rdoResultset object is based"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal Options"
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Move"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA200AA"
						documentation 	"Repositions the current row in an rdoResultset object"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Rows"
							type       	"Long"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "MoreResults"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA300A0"
						documentation 	"Discards the current rdoResultset and indicates if an additional result set is available"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Cancel"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA302C6"
						documentation 	"Cancels a query running in asynchronous mode or cancels pending results"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CancelUpdate"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA40104"
						documentation 	"Cancels pending updates"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "GetRows"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA40280"
						documentation 	"Retrieves multiple rows into an array"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal NumRows"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"Variant"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BatchUpdate"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA5023A"
						documentation 	"Performs a batched optimistic update."
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal SingleRow"
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "CancelBatch"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA601FE"
						documentation 	"Cancels all uncommitted changes in the local cursor (used in batch mode)."
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal SingleRow"
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "ActiveConnection"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA70186"
						documentation 	"Returns/Sets the parent connection object."
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"_rdoConnection"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "ActiveConnection"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 209)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA7033E"
						documentation 	"Returns/Sets the parent connection object."
						stereotype 	"Set"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByRef "
							type       	"_rdoConnection"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BatchCollisionCount"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA80366"
						documentation 	"Number of collision rows"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "BatchCollisionRows"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA90136"
						documentation 	"Array of collision rows"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Variant"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LockType"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AA90320"
						documentation 	"Determines the type of concurrency handling"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"LockTypeConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "LockType"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AAA015E"
						documentation 	"Determines the type of concurrency handling"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"LockTypeConstants"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Status"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AAB0122"
						documentation 	"Current row status"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"RowStatusConstants"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Status"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AAB0348"
						documentation 	"Current row status"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal "
							type       	"RowStatusConstants"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "GetClipString"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AAC0302"
						documentation 	"Retrieves multiple rows into a string"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal NumRows"
							type       	"Long")
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal ColumnDelimiter"
							type       	"Variant")
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal RowDelimiter"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Collect"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5AAE038E"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Index"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"Variant"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Collect"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 210)))
						quid       	"32EE5AB001C2"
						stereotype 	"Let"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Index"
							type       	"Variant"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Resync"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5AB10370"
						documentation 	"Fetch batch conflict values for the current row"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Associate"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5AB201AE"
						documentation 	"Fired after a new connection associated with the object"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "ResultsChanged"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5AB20398"
						documentation 	"Fired after current rowset is changed"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Dissociate"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5AB300C8"
						documentation 	"Fired after the connection is set to nothing"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RowStatusChanged"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5AB30280"
						documentation 	"Fired after the state of current row has changed"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RowCurrencyChange"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5AB40014"
						documentation 	"Fired after the resultset is positioned to a new row or no row at all"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "WillAssociate"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5AB40190"
						documentation 	"Fired before a new connection is associated with the object"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByRef Connection"
							type       	"rdoConnection"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "WillDissociate"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5AB50154"
						documentation 	"Fired before the connection is set to nothing"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByRef Cancel"
							type       	"Boolean"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "WillUpdateRows"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 218)))
						quid       	"32EE5AB600A0"
						documentation 	"Fired before an update to the server occurs"
						stereotype 	"Event"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByRef ReturnCode"
							type       	"Integer"))
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoResultsets"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310297"))
					quid       	"32EE5B2F01B8"
					documentation 	"Contains all open rdoResultset objects in an rdoConnection."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "Count"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B32015E"
						documentation 	"Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Refresh"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B340032"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Item"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B3500C8"
						documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Index"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"_rdoResultset"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoTable"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310134"))
					quid       	"32EE5A8403B6"
					documentation 	"The stored definition of a base table or SQL view"
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "rdoColumns"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A8501F4"
						documentation 	"Contains stored rdoColumn objects"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"rdoColumns"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Name"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A85033E"
						documentation 	"Indicates the name of a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Updatable"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A86010E"
						documentation 	"Indicates whether changes can be made to a remote data object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Boolean"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "RowCount"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A86028A"
						documentation 	"Indicates the number of rows accessed in an rdoResultset object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Type"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
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							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5A87005A"
						documentation 	"Indicates the type or data type of an object"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"String"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "OpenResultset"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5A870212"
						documentation 	"Creates a new rdoResultset object"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal Type"
							type       	"Variant")
						    (object Parameter "Optional ByVal LockType"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"rdoResultset"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Class "rdoTables"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"ImplementationType"
						value      	("ImplementationTypeSet" 201))
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpFile"
						value      	"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\rdo96.hlp")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"Visual Basic"
						name       	"HelpContext"
						value      	"310285"))
					quid       	"32EE5B17028D"
					documentation 	"Contains all stored rdoTable objects in a database."
					stereotype 	"Interface"
					operations 	(list Operations
					    (object Operation "Count"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B180136"
						documentation 	"Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						result     	"Long"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Refresh"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 205)))
						quid       	"32EE5B18035C"
						documentation 	"Refreshes the table definitions"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0)
					    (object Operation "Item"
						attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"OperationKind"
							value      	("OperationKindSet" 207))
						    (object Attribute
							tool       	"Visual Basic"
							name       	"PropertyKind"
							value      	("PropertyKindSet" 206)))
						quid       	"32EE5B19012C"
						documentation 	"Returns a specific member of a collection"
						stereotype 	"Get"
						parameters 	(list Parameters
						    (object Parameter "ByVal Index"
							type       	"Variant"))
						result     	"rdoTable"
						concurrency 	"Sequential"
						opExportControl 	"Public"
						uid        	0))
					language   	"Visual Basic")
				    (object Association "$UNNAMED$84"
					quid       	"32FFCBBA0221"
					roles      	(list role_list
					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$85"
						quid       	"32FFCBBB00A6"
						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoColumns"
						quidu      	"32EE5B0E03D4"
						is_navigable 	TRUE
						is_aggregate 	TRUE)
					    (object Role "<<Get>> Item"
						quid       	"32FFCBBB00BA"
						label      	"<<Get>> Item"
						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoColumn"
						quidu      	"32EE5A7100E6"
						is_navigable 	TRUE)))
				    (object Association "$UNNAMED$86"
					quid       	"32FFCC1E0062"
					roles      	(list role_list
					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$87"
						quid       	"32FFCC210215"
						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoConnections"
						quidu      	"32EE5B1A023A"
						is_navigable 	TRUE
						is_aggregate 	TRUE)
					    (object Role "<<Get>> Item"
						quid       	"32FFCC21021F"
						label      	"<<Get>> Item"
						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoConnection"
						quidu      	"32EE5A5300F0"
						is_navigable 	TRUE)))
				    (object Association "$UNNAMED$88"
					quid       	"32FFCC380268"
					roles      	(list role_list
					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$89"
						quid       	"32FFCC390057"
						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEnvironments"
						quidu      	"32EE5B380295"
						is_navigable 	TRUE
						is_aggregate 	TRUE)
					    (object Role "<<Get>> Item"
						quid       	"32FFCC390061"
						label      	"<<Get>> Item"
						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEnvironment"
						quidu      	"32EE5AF50302"
						is_navigable 	TRUE)))
				    (object Association "$UNNAMED$90"
					quid       	"3300A6DE025B"
					roles      	(list role_list
					    (object Role "OpenResultset"
						quid       	"3300A6DF0234"
						label      	"OpenResultset"
						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoResultset"
						quidu      	"32EE5A8900E6"
						is_navigable 	TRUE)
					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$91"
						quid       	"3300A6DF023E"
						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoQuery"
						quidu      	"32EE5ADE00C8")))
				    (object Association "$UNNAMED$92"
					quid       	"3300C360039F"
					roles      	(list role_list
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						quid       	"3300C36200A9"
						label      	"CreateQuery"
						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoQuery"
						quidu      	"32EE5ADE00C8"
						is_navigable 	TRUE)
					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$93"
						quid       	"3300C36200B3"
						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoConnection"
						quidu      	"32EE5A5300F0")))
				    (object Association "$UNNAMED$94"
					quid       	"330100FD00F7"
					roles      	(list role_list
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						quid       	"330100FD03BE"
						label      	"<<Get>>rdoEnvironments"
						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEnvironment"
						quidu      	"32EE5AF50302"
						is_navigable 	TRUE)
					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$95"
						quid       	"330100FD03C8"
						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEngine"
						quidu      	"32EE5A4100E6")))
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					quid       	"3301014C0399"
					roles      	(list role_list
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						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoConnection"
						quidu      	"32EE5A5300F0"
						is_navigable 	TRUE)
					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$97"
						quid       	"3301014D034B"
						supplier   	"Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEnvironment"
						quidu      	"32EE5AF50302"))))
				logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
				    (object ClassDiagram "Package Overview"
					quid       	"32EFAE650208"
					title      	"Package Overview"
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					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoErrors" @19
						ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
						location   	(1279, 196)
						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@19
						    location   	(1113, 62)
						    nlines     	1
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						    justify    	0
						    label      	"rdoErrors")
						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@19
						    location   	(1113, 12)
						    anchor     	10
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						    icon_style 	"Icon"
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						    compartmentItems 	(list Compartment
							"<<Get>> + Count()"
							"+ Refresh()"
							"<<Get>> + Item()"
							"+ Clear()"))
						width      	350
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						annotation 	8
						autoResize 	TRUE)
					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoEngine" @20
						ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
						location   	(517, 171)
						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@20
						    location   	(282, 62)
						    nlines     	1
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						    justify    	0
						    label      	"rdoEngine")
						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@20
						    location   	(282, 12)
						    anchor     	10
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						    max_width  	470
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						    compartmentItems 	(list Compartment
							"+ rdoCreateEnvironment()"
							"+ rdoRegisterDataSource()"
							"<<Event>> + InfoMessage()"))
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						annotation 	8
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					    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$2" @21
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						roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
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							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+<<Get>> rdoErrors"
							    pctDist    	0.076142
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							"+ Add()"
							"+ Refresh()"
							"+ Remove()"))
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					    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$0" @26
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							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+<<Get>> rdoEnvironments"
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							terminal_attachment 	(484, 342))))
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							"+ Execute()"
							"+ OpenResultset()"
							"+ CreatePreparedStatement()"
							"+ BeginTrans()"
							"+ CommitTrans()"
							"+ RollbackTrans()"
							"+ Cancel()"
							"+ Close()"
							"+ EstablishConnection()"
							"+ CreateQuery()"
							"<<Event>> + Connect()"
							"<<Event>> + BeforeConnect()"
							"<<Event>> + QueryComplete()"
							"<<Event>> + QueryTimeout()"
							"<<Event>> + Disconnect()"
							"<<Event>> + WillExecute()"))
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							    label      	"+<<Get>> Item"
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							    (707, 1621))
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							"+ CommitTrans()"
							"+ RollbackTrans()"
							"+ BeginTrans()"
							"+ OpenConnection()"
							"<<Event>> + BeginTrans()"
							"<<Event>> + CommitTrans()"
							"<<Event>> + RollbackTrans()"
							"+ Close()"))
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							    (212, 1043)
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							"<<Get>> + HelpFile()"
							"<<Get>> + SQLState()"
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							"+ OpenResultset()"))
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							"+ Execute()"
							"+ OpenResultset()"))
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							    (1546, 665))
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							    (1335, 962))
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							    (599, 1371))
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							    label      	"+<<Get>> rdoParameters"
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					documentation 	"This diagram shows how to access columns through a connection"
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							"<<Get>> + rdoColumns()"))
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							"+ GetChunk()"))
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							"<<Get>> + Item()"
							"<<Get>> + Count()"
							"+ Refresh()"))
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							    label      	"+<<Get>> Item"
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				    (object ClassDiagram "CreateRdoResultsetObject"
					quid       	"3300A39D0022"
					title      	"CreateRdoResultsetObject"
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						    Parent_View 	@125
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						    label      	"Use the OpenResultset method against an rdoConnection object. This is used to submit a query that you do not expect to execute more than once in your application. The returned rows are placed in an rdoResultset object.")
						width      	644
						height     	506)
					    (object NoteView @126
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						    bold       	TRUE
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						    Parent_View 	@126
						    location   	(1696, 47)
						    nlines     	17
						    max_width  	514
						    label      	"Use the OpenResultset method against an rdoQuery object. This technique is used to submit a query that you expect to execute more than once in your application or that requires one or more parameters. The returned rows are placed in an rdoResultset object and any parameters returned from the query are referenced via the rdoQuery object's rdoParameters collection.")
						width      	574
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						    italics    	FALSE)
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						    (1620, 1361)
						    (1808, 1359)
						    (1886, 933))
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							    label      	"+<<Get>> rdoParameters"
							    pctDist    	0.800000
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							    italics    	FALSE)
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							    label      	"+OpenResultset"
							    pctDist    	0.547840
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						    Parent_View 	@143
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						    Parent_View 	@143
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							    italics    	FALSE)
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								italics    	FALSE)
							    anchor     	1
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							    max_width  	534
							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+<<Get>> LastQueryResults"
							    pctDist    	0.800000
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				    (object ClassDiagram "Capturing Stored Procedure Output Parameters"
					quid       	"3300C1040256"
					title      	"Capturing Stored Procedure Output Parameters"
|Using the same technique used with parameter queries in SELECT statements, you can also capture the output parameters from a procedure.
					zoom       	100
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						    Parent_View 	@149
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						    Parent_View 	@149
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						    Parent_View 	@150
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						    compartmentItems 	(list Compartment
							"+ OpenResultset()"))
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							    label      	"+OpenResultset"
							    pctDist    	0.558621
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							supplier   	@149
							line_style 	0)))
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						    italics    	FALSE)
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						    Parent_View 	@155
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						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@155
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						    anchor     	10
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						    Parent_View 	@155
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						    compartmentItems 	(list Compartment
							"<<Event>> + Connect()"
							"+ EstablishConnection()"))
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					    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$92" @156
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							    italics    	FALSE)
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							    Parent_View 	@157
							    location   	(688, 521)
							    font       	(object Font
								italics    	FALSE)
							    anchor     	1
							    anchor_loc 	1
							    nlines     	1
							    max_width  	264
							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+CreateQuery"
							    pctDist    	0.489505
							    height     	24
							    orientation 	0)
							stereotype 	TRUE
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							supplier   	@150
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							client     	@156
							supplier   	@155
							line_style 	0)))
					    (object Label @160
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|1 - rdoConnection.Connect(...)
|2 - rdoConnection.EstablishConnection(...)
|3 - rdoConnection.CreateQuery(...)
|4 - rdoQuery.OpenResultset(...)
				    (object ClassDiagram "Processing Multiple RDO Result Sets"
					quid       	"3300D746026E"
					title      	"Processing Multiple RDO Result Sets"
|Any SQL statement can include multiple SELECT statements or stored procedures that invoke one or more SELECT statements. Each SELECT statement generates a result set that must be processed by your code or discarded before the RDO resources are released and the next result set is made available.
					zoom       	100
					max_height 	28350
					max_width  	21600
					origin_x   	439
					origin_y   	0
					items      	(list diagram_item_list
					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoQuery" @161
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						location   	(657, 300)
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						    Parent_View 	@161
						    location   	(422, 241)
						    nlines     	1
						    max_width  	470
						    justify    	0
						    label      	"rdoQuery")
						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@161
						    location   	(422, 191)
						    anchor     	10
						    nlines     	1
						    max_width  	470
						    justify    	0
						    label      	"<<Interface>>")
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						icon_style 	"Label"
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						    Parent_View 	@161
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							italics    	FALSE)
						    icon_style 	"Icon"
						    anchor     	2
						    nlines     	2
						    max_width  	466
						    compartmentItems 	(list Compartment
							"<<Get>> + RowsAffected()"))
						width      	488
						height     	242
						annotation 	8
						autoResize 	TRUE)
					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoResultset" @162
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						location   	(659, 1262)
						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@162
						    location   	(502, 1153)
						    nlines     	1
						    max_width  	314
						    justify    	0
						    label      	"rdoResultset")
						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@162
						    location   	(502, 1103)
						    anchor     	10
						    nlines     	1
						    max_width  	314
						    justify    	0
						    label      	"<<Interface>>")
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						icon_style 	"Label"
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						compartment 	(object Compartment
						    Parent_View 	@162
						    location   	(502, 1213)
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							italics    	FALSE)
						    icon_style 	"Icon"
						    anchor     	2
						    nlines     	4
						    max_width  	310
						    compartmentItems 	(list Compartment
							"<<Get>> + EOF()"
							"+ MoveNext()"
							"+ MoreResults()"))
						width      	332
						height     	342
						annotation 	8
						autoResize 	TRUE)
					    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$90" @163
						location   	(316, 762)
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						    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$91" @164
							Parent_View 	@163
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							quidu      	"3300A6DF023E"
							client     	@163
							supplier   	@161
							line_style 	0)
						    (object RoleView "OpenResultset" @165
							Parent_View 	@163
							location   	(-343, -500)
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							    Parent_View 	@165
							    location   	(428, 1052)
							    anchor     	1
							    anchor_loc 	1
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							    max_width  	450
							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+OpenResultset"
							    pctDist    	0.800000
							    height     	42
							    orientation 	1)
							stereotype 	TRUE
							quidu      	"3300A6DF0234"
							client     	@163
							supplier   	@162
							vertices   	(list Points
							    (316, 762)
							    (280, 812)
							    (513, 1090))
							line_style 	0)))
					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Data Services::RDO::rdoObjects::rdoConnection" @167
						ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
						location   	(656, 721)
						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@167
						    location   	(510, 692)
						    nlines     	1
						    max_width  	292
						    justify    	0
						    label      	"rdoConnection")
						stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@167
						    location   	(510, 642)
						    anchor     	10
						    nlines     	1
						    max_width  	292
						    justify    	0
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						icon_style 	"Label"
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						annotation 	8
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					    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$92" @168
						location   	(656, 525)
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						roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
						    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$93" @169
							Parent_View 	@168
							location   	(-1, 225)
							stereotype 	TRUE
							quidu      	"3300C36200B3"
							client     	@168
							supplier   	@167
							line_style 	0)
						    (object RoleView "CreateQuery" @170
							Parent_View 	@168
							location   	(-1, 225)
							label      	(object SegLabel @171
							    Parent_View 	@170
							    location   	(645, 468)
							    anchor     	1
							    anchor_loc 	1
							    nlines     	1
							    max_width  	450
							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+CreateQuery"
							    pctDist    	0.557823
							    height     	12
							    orientation 	0)
							stereotype 	TRUE
							quidu      	"3300C36200A9"
							client     	@168
							supplier   	@161
							line_style 	0)))
					    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$12" @172
						location   	(945, 973)
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						    (object RoleView "<<Get>> LastQueryResults" @173
							Parent_View 	@172
							location   	(289, 252)
							label      	(object SegLabel @174
							    Parent_View 	@173
							    location   	(906, 1068)
							    anchor     	1
							    anchor_loc 	1
							    nlines     	1
							    max_width  	534
							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+<<Get>> LastQueryResults"
							    pctDist    	0.610811
							    height     	7
							    orientation 	1)
							stereotype 	TRUE
							quidu      	"32EE5A710047"
							client     	@172
							supplier   	@162
							vertices   	(list Points
							    (945, 973)
							    (990, 1012)
							    (825, 1136))
							line_style 	0)
						    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$13" @175
							Parent_View 	@172
							location   	(289, 252)
							stereotype 	TRUE
							quidu      	"32EE5A710046"
							client     	@172
							supplier   	@167
							line_style 	0)))
					    (object NoteView @176
						location   	(1203, 1265)
						label      	(object ItemLabel
						    Parent_View 	@176
						    location   	(1065, 1205)
						    nlines     	2
						    max_width  	240
						    label      	"MyRs")
						width      	300
						height     	132)
					    (object AttachView "" @177
						stereotype 	TRUE
						client     	@176
						supplier   	@162
						line_style 	0)))
				    (object ClassDiagram "Using a Registered Data Source Name (DSN)"
					quid       	"3301006802FB"
					title      	"Using a Registered Data Source Name (DSN)"
|The simplest way to establish a connection is to use a registered Data Source Name (DSN) to hold information about the server. Since a DSN contains no information about the user or application, you need to provide that information either in the connect string or by using one of the prompt options that gathers the information from the user. 
					zoom       	100
					max_height 	28350
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						    compartmentItems 	(list Compartment
							"+ rdoRegisterDataSource()"))
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						    Parent_View 	@179
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						    location   	(571, 858)
						    anchor     	10
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						    anchor     	10
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							    label      	"+<<Get>>rdoEnvironments"
							    pctDist    	0.417323
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							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+OpenConnection"
							    pctDist    	0.287650
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							"+ Add()"))
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							"+ Add()"))
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							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+<<Get>> Item"
							    pctDist    	0.490975
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							terminal_attachment 	(1708, 1140))
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							terminal_attachment 	(1262, 1140))))
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						    anchor     	10
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							"+ rdoCreateEnvironment()"))
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							    Parent_View 	@198
							    location   	(407, 501)
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							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+<<Get>> rdoEnvironments"
							    pctDist    	0.800000
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							terminal_attachment 	(365, 524))
						    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$1" @200
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							supplier   	@196
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							terminal_attachment 	(365, 302))))
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						    anchor     	10
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							"<<Get>> + rdoConnections()"
							"+ OpenConnection()"))
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							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+<<Get>> Item"
							    pctDist    	0.442708
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							terminal_attachment 	(544, 675))))
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							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+<<Get>> rdoConnections"
							    pctDist    	0.800000
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							terminal_attachment 	(1109, 821))))
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							    (1862, 735)
							    (1862, 675)
							    (1471, 675))
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							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+OpenConnection"
							    pctDist    	0.729825
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							terminal_attachment 	(1862, 1052))))
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							    label      	"+<<Get>>rdoEnvironments"
							    pctDist    	0.800000
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							    (1078, 181)
							    (1206, 181)
							    (1206, 529))
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						    color      	8421376
						    default_color 	FALSE)
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							"<<Get>> + Value()"
							"<<Let>> + Value()"
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							"<<Get>> + Name()"
							"<<Let>> + Name()"
							"<<Get>> + Size()"
							"<<Let>> + Size()"
							"<<Get>> + AllowZeroLength()"
							"<<Let>> + AllowZeroLength()"
							"+ AppendChunk()"
							"+ GetChunk()"
							"+ ColumnSize()"))
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							    label      	"+<<Get>> Attributes"
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							    (1126, 362)
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							    (1312, 307))
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							terminal_attachment 	(885, 362))))
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							terminal_attachment 	(445, 131))
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							    max_width  	288
							    justify    	0
							    label      	"+<<Get>> Item"
							    pctDist    	0.411885
							    height     	37
							    orientation 	1)
							stereotype 	TRUE
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							client     	@236
							supplier   	@223
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							    (552, 131)
							    (612, 131)
							    (612, 215))
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					    Parent_View 	@240
					    location   	(368, 390)
					    nlines     	2
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					height     	180)
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					    Parent_View 	@241
					    location   	(946, 397)
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					height     	180)
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					supplier   	@240
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					    size       	11
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					    default_color 	FALSE)
					nlines     	5
					max_width  	900
					label      	"For ease of reading, the RDO object model has been seperated into two packages, one containing only constants, and the other containing the RDO objects"))))))
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		    (object ClassDiagram "Package Overview"
			quid       	"32FB76020390"
			title      	"Package Overview"
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			items      	(list diagram_item_list
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				    Parent_View 	@244
				    location   	(231, 108)
				    nlines     	2
				    max_width  	288
				    justify    	0
				    label      	"RDO")
				icon_style 	"Icon"
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				width      	300
				height     	180))))))
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		items      	(list diagram_item_list))
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		quid       	"32FB76020397"
		title      	"Three-Tiered Service Model"
		documentation 	"A three-tiered architectural approach separates the various components of a client/server system into three tiers of services. The user services, business and other middle tier services, and data services are the logical tiers that collaborate in an application"
		zoom       	100
		max_height 	28350
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			    italics    	FALSE)
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			    Parent_View 	@245
			    location   	(6, 6)
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			quidu      	"32FB7602038B"
			width      	300
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			location   	(600, 0)
			font       	(object Font
			    italics    	FALSE)
			label      	(object ItemLabel
			    Parent_View 	@246
			    location   	(606, 6)
			    nlines     	2
			    max_width  	-12
			    justify    	0
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			icon_style 	"Icon"
			hidden     	TRUE
			quidu      	"32FB7602038D"
			width      	300
			height     	180)
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			location   	(1200, 0)
			font       	(object Font
			    italics    	FALSE)
			label      	(object ItemLabel
			    Parent_View 	@247
			    location   	(1206, 6)
			    nlines     	2
			    max_width  	-12
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			icon_style 	"Icon"
			hidden     	TRUE
			quidu      	"32FB7602038F"
			width      	300
			height     	180)
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			location   	(1559, 170)
			font       	(object Font
			    italics    	FALSE)
			label      	(object ItemLabel
			    Parent_View 	@248
			    location   	(1415, 86)
			    nlines     	2
			    max_width  	288
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			    label      	"RDO")
			icon_style 	"Icon"
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			width      	300
			height     	180)
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			font       	(object Font
			    size       	9
			    color      	8388608
			    default_color 	FALSE)
			nlines     	8
			max_width  	731
|RDO Objects and Collections provide a framework for  using code to create and manipulate components of a remote ODBC database system. 
| for more details.
    root_subsystem 	(object SubSystem "Component View"
	quid       	"32FB76010332"
	physical_models 	(list unit_reference_list)
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		quid       	"32FB760203A9"
		title      	"Main"
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	quid       	"32FB76010333"
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		quid       	"32FB76020381"
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