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<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
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<FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" SIZE=2>
<FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=#500000>Behind the Scenes</FONT>

<P>This sample uses one file: Query.asp. After the user 
enters the search criteria the results are displayed using a data-bound grid. 

<P>To create the dynamic query a function must be called to 
set the SQL statement for the recordset. The function first determines if the 
user selected CONTAINS or BEGINS WITH from the first drop-down and then builds 
the SQL statement. </P>

<P>The new SQL statement is sent to the recordset and the 
new recordset is opened. The function below shows the code that is executed once 
the Search button is clicked: </P>

<FONT FACE="Courier">
<P>function Button1_onclick() { <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; if (Listbox2.getValue(Listbox2.selectedIndex) == 
&quot;Contains&quot;) { <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
newSQL = &quot;Select * FROM Customers WHERE (&quot; + 
Listbox1.getValue(Listbox1.selectedIndex) + &quot; LIKE '%&quot; + 
Textbox1.value + &quot;%')&quot;; } else { newSQL = &quot;Select * FROM 
Customers WHERE (&quot; + Listbox1.getValue(Listbox1.selectedIndex) + &quot; 
LIKE '&quot; + Textbox1.value + &quot;%')&quot;; } <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; DTCRecordset1.setSQL(newSQL); <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;; <BR>
} </P>

<P>After the new recordset is opened the results are 
displayed using a data-bound grid. The grid displays the data in pages of ten 
records each.</P></FONT>