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<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
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<FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" SIZE=2>
<FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=#500000>Behind the Scenes</FONT>
<P>This sample uses one file: Quote.asp. This file 
generates a random number based on the total number of quotes in the Quote table 
and moves the record pointer in the recordset to this 
random number. </P>
<P>Once the recordset has opened the table, a Visual Basic, 
Scripting Edition (VBScript) routine is run to generate the random number. The 
routine uses the Recordset.getCount method to determine the 
number of records in the recordset. </P>
<P>Once the random number is generated the record pointer 
in the recordset is moved using the Recordset.moveAbsolute 
method. The code below demonstrates how this done: 
<FONT face=Courier>
<P>Sub QuoteRecordset_ondatasetcomplete() <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Randomize() <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; intQuote 
= Int((QuoteRecordset.getCount()) * Rnd + 1) <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; QuoteRecordset.moveAbsolute(intQuote) <BR>
End sub </P>
<P>The quote and the author are displayed using two 
data-bound labels. The first one is bound to the quote field and the second one 
is bound to the author field.</P></FONT>