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<TITLE>Samples Gallery - Introduction</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" SIZE=5>Introduction</FONT>
<FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" SIZE=2>
<P>Whether you want to access a database, use scripting on the client or server, or use 
new features of Internet Explorer 4.0 this gallery of samples is for you. The gallery is 
broken down into four major sections: Database, Scripting, Integrated and Web samples.</P>

<P>Database samples shows how to retrieve and post information to a database using some 
of the Design Time controls that ship with Visual InterDev. Scripting samples shows how 
to use VBScript and JavaScript on the client and server to read, write, and verify client 
input. Integrated samples demonstrate how to incorporate items that could be used in more 
than one application. Web samples show how to enhance your web application with Themes, 
multimedia, and advertisements.</P>