Knowledge check.

- Choose one best answer from given 4 choices for each questions.
- Review before submit as you wont get a chance to review after submit.
- Max Time for quiz is 30 mins and Exam is 90 mins.
- Login is not required for an exam or a quiz.
- By submitting you formally acknowledge and accept terms and conditions mentioned here.

Question Number 1

Give the output of the following code snippet:
void main()
    int c;
    scanf ("%d",c);
    printf("Obtained value is %d", c);

Question Number 2

An unsigned constant in C is written with the terminal :

Question Number 3

The following program is used to concatenate two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void str_cat(char[], char[]);

int main()
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input a string : \n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input string to concatenate : \n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    str_cat(str1, str2);

    printf("String obtained on concatenation : %s \n", str1);

    return 0;

void str_cat(char str1[], char str2[])
    int count = 0, d = 0;

    while (str1[count] != '\0')
    str1[count] = str2[d];

    str1[count] = '\0';

Question Number 4

The following program is used to concatenate two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void str_cat(char[], char[]);

int main()
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input a string : \n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input string to concatenate : \n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    str_cat(str1, str2);

    printf("String obtained on concatenation : %s \n", str1);

    return 0;

void str_cat(char str1[], char str2[])
    int count = 0, d = 0;

    while (str1[count] != '\0')
    while (str2[d] != '\0')

    str1[count] = '\0';

Question Number 5

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x;
    b = y;

    while (b != 0)
        temp = b;
        b = a % b;
        a = temp;

    gcd = a % b;
    lcm = (x*y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 6

The following program is used to sort an array of structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>

struct student
    char name[50];
    int studId;
    int marks;

int main()
    struct student stud[10],temp;
    int i, num;
    printf("Enter number of students : \n");
    scanf("%d", &num);
    printf("Enter information of students:\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("Enter student ID: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].studId);
        printf("Enter name: ");
        scanf("%s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Enter marks: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].marks);

    for (i = 0; i <  num; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j <  i; j++)
            if (stud[i].studId <  stud[j].studId)
                temp = stud[i];
                stud[i] = stud[j];
                stud[j] = temp;

    printf("Student Information :\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("\nStudent ID %d:\n",stud[i].studId);
        printf("Name: %s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Marks: %d", stud[i].marks);
    return 0;

Question Number 7

Which of the following statements are true about macros in C?

Question Number 8

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x;
    b = y % 10;

    while (b != 0)
        temp = b;
        b = a % b;
        a = temp;

    gcd = a;
    lcm = (x*y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 9

Which of the following data types fall under the integral types classification in C?

Question Number 10

The following program is used to generate the palindrome of a number. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
int main()
    int value,num, reverse = 0;

    printf("Enter a number to reverse : ");
    scanf("%d", &value);

    num = value;

    while (num != 0)
        reverse = reverse * 10;
        reverse = reverse + num % 10;
    num = num / 10;
    if (value == reverse)
        printf(" %d is a Palindrome",value);
        printf(" %d is not a Palindrome", value);

    return 0;

Question Number 11

The following program is used to swap two strings. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int main()
    char str1[100], str2[100], temp[50];

    printf("Enter the str1 string\n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Enter the str2 string\n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    printf("\nBefore Swapping\n");
    printf("First string: %s\n", str1);
    printf("Second string: %s\n\n", str2);

    strcpy(temp, str1);
    strcpy(str2, temp);

    printf("After Swapping\n");
    printf("First string: %s\n", str1);
    printf("Second string: %s\n", str2);

    return 0;

Question Number 12

Which of the following statements is true about the ferror() function in C?

Question Number 13

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define fun(m, n) " m ## n "
int main()
    printf("%s\n", fun(k, l));

Question Number 14

The following program is used to add two distances ( inch to feet ) using structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct Distance
    int feet;
    float inch;
struct Distance dist1, dist2, sum;

void main()
    printf("Enter information for 1st distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist1.feet);
    printf("Enter inch: ");
    scanf("%f", &dist1.inch);
    printf("\nEnter information for 2nd distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist2.feet);
    printf("Enter inch: ");
    scanf("%f", &dist2.inch);
    sum = dist1.feet + dist2.feet;
    sum.inch = dist1.inch + dist2.inch;

    if (sum.inch>12.0)
        sum.inch = sum.inch - 12.0;
    printf("\nSum of distances=%d\'-%.1f\"", sum.feet, sum.inch);

Question Number 15

The following program is used to find the substring in a string without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int main()
    char str[100], sub[100];
    int position, length, count = 0;

    printf("Input a string  : \n");

    printf("Enter the position and length of substring\n");
    scanf("%d%d", &position, &length);
        sub[count] = str[position + count - 1];
    sub[count] = '\0';

    printf("Required substring is %s\n", sub);

    return 0;

Question Number 16

The following program is used to compare two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?

int main()
    int flag;
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input first string\n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input second string\n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    flag = str_compare(str1, str2);

    if (flag == 0)
        printf("Entered strings are equal.\n");
        printf("Entered strings are not equal.\n");

    return 0;


int str_compare(char a[], char b[])
    int count = 0;

    while (a[count] == b[count])
        if (a[count] == '\0' || b[count] == '\0')

    if (a[count] == '\0' && b[count] == '\0')
        return 0;
        return -1;

Question Number 17

The following program is used to generate the fibonacci series. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?

#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int count, n, num1 = 0, num2 = 1, result = 0;
    printf("Enter number of terms: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    printf("Fibonacci Series:\n %d  %d  ", num1, num2);
    count = 2;
    while (count == n)
        result = num1 + num2;
        num1 = num2;
        num2 = result;
        printf("%d ", result);
    return 0;

Question Number 18

The following program is used to merge two arrays into a single array. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void MergeArrays (int[], int, int[], int, int[]);

int main()
    int arry1[100], arry2[100], num1, num2, c, result[200];

    printf("Input number of elements in first array\n");
    scanf("%d", &num1);

    printf("Input %d integers\n", num1);
    for (c = 0; c <  num1; c++)
        scanf("%d", &arry1[c]);

    printf("Input number of elements in second array\n");
    scanf("%d", &num2);

    printf("Input %d integers\n", num2);
    for (c = 0; c <  num2; c++)
        scanf("%d", &arry2[c]);

    MergeArrays(arry1, num1, arry2, num2, result);

    printf("Result array:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  num1 + num2; c++)
        printf("%d\n", result[c]);
    return 0;

void MergeArrays (int arry1[], int num1, int arry2[], int num2, int result[])
    int i, j, k;
    j = k = 0;

    for (i = 0; i <  num1 + num2;)
        if (j <  num1 && k <  num2)

            if (arry1[j] <  arry2[k])
                result[i] = arry1[k];
                result[i] = arry2[k];

        else if (j == num1)
            for (; i <  num1 + num2;)
                result[i] = arry2[k];

            for (; i <  num1 + num2;)
                result[i] = arry1[j];

Question Number 19

The following program is used to shutdown the system. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>
#include< stdlib.h>

int main()
    return 0;

Question Number 20

What is the meant by ‘a’ in the following operation?
fp = fopen(“New.txt”, “a”);

Question Number 21

Which of the following is the general declaration of the minprintf() function?

Question Number 22

Give the use of the -(minus) sign in the prinft() format control string :

Question Number 23

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define Cprog
int main()
    int a = 2;
#ifdef Cprog
    a = 1;
    printf("%d", Cprog);


Question Number 24

The following program is used to check the connectivity using a system command. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    return 0;

Question Number 25

What is the return type of the minprintf() function :

Question Number 26

The following program is used to add two distances ( inch to feet ) using structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct Distance
    int feet;
    float inch;
struct Distance dist1, dist2, sum;

void main()
    printf("Enter information for 1st distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist1.feet);
    printf("\nEnter information for 2nd distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist2.feet);
    printf("Enter inch: ");
    scanf("%f", &dist2.inch);
    sum.feet = dist1.feet + dist2.feet;
    sum.inch = dist1.inch + dist2.inch;

    if (sum.inch>12.0)
        sum.inch = sum.inch - 12.0;
    printf("\nSum of distances=%d\'-%.1f\"", sum.feet, sum.inch);

Question Number 27

The following program is used to display the student details using structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct student
    char name[50];
    int studId;
    int marks;

int main()
    student stud[10];
    int i, num;
    printf("Enter number of students : \n");
    printf("Enter information of students:\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        stud[i].studId = i + 1;
        printf("\nStudent ID %d\n", stud[i].studId);
        printf("Enter name: ");
        scanf("%s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Enter marks: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].marks);
    printf("Student Information :\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("\nStudent ID %d:\n", i + 1);
        printf("Name: %s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Marks: %d", stud[i].marks);
    return 0;

Question Number 28

The following program is used to check if the given number is a prime number or not. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>

int main()
    int value, i, flag = 0;
    printf("Enter a positive value: ");
    scanf("%d", &value);
    for (i = 2; i < = value / 2; ++i)
        if (value % i == 0)
    if (flag == 0)
        printf("%d is a prime number", value);
        printf("%d is not a prime number", value);
    return 0;

Question Number 29

Give the output of the following code snippet :
int main()
    int x = 2;
    x = x < <  1;
    printf("%d\n", x);

Question Number 30

The following program is used to copy strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void copy_str(char[], char[]);

int main()
    char str[100], dest[100];

    printf("Input a string\n");

    copy_str(dest, str);

    printf("Source string:      %s\n", str);
    printf("Destination string: %s\n", dest);

    return 0;

void copy_str()
    int count = 0;

    while (s[count] != '\0')
        d[count] = s[count];
    d[count] = '\0';

Question Number 31

Give the output of the following code snippet :
void func(int a)
void main()

Question Number 32

The following program is used to find length of a string without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int string_length(char[]);

int main()
    char str[100];
    int length;

    printf("Input a string\n");
    scanf("%s", str);
    length = string_length(str);
    printf("Length of string %s = %d\n", str, length);

    return 0;

int string_length(char s[])
    int count = 0;

    while (s != '\0')

    return count;

Question Number 33

In printf function in C, which is the format specifier used to print hexadecimal values?

Question Number 34

The following program is used to merge two arrays into a single array. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void MergeArrays ();

int main()
    int arry1[100], arry2[100], num1, num2, c, result[200];

    printf("Input number of elements in first array\n");
    scanf("%d", &num1);

    printf("Input %d integers\n", num1);
    for (c = 0; c <  num1; c++)
        scanf("%d", &arry1[c]);

    printf("Input number of elements in second array\n");
    scanf("%d", &num2);

    printf("Input %d integers\n", num2);
    for (c = 0; c <  num2; c++)
        scanf("%d", &arry2[c]);

    MergeArrays(arry1, num1, arry2, num2, result);

    printf("Result array:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  num1 + num2; c++)
        printf("%d\n", result[c]);
    return 0;

void MergeArrays (int arry1[], int num1, int arry2[], int num2, int result[])
    int i, j, k;
    j = k = 0;

    for (i = 0; i <  num1 + num2;)
        if (j <  num1 && k <  num2)

            if (arry1[j] <  arry2[k])
                result[i] = arry1[j];
                result[i] = arry2[k];

        else if (j == num1)
            for (; i <  num1 + num2;)
                result[i] = arry2[k];

            for (; i <  num1 + num2;)
                result[i] = arry1[j];

Question Number 35

Give the output of the following code snippet : Assume input is given as x=20
void main()
    int x=1;
    int i=0;
    int n2=scanf("%d",&x);
    for(i=0; i< n2; i++)

Question Number 36

Give the output of the following code snippet :
int main()
    const int a = 10;

    return 0;

Question Number 37

The following program is used to add 'n' numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>

int main()
    int num, sum = 0, count, value;

    printf("Enter the number of integers to be added : \n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    printf("Enter %d integers\n", num);
    scanf("%d", &value);

    for (count = 1; count < = num; count++)
        sum = sum + value;

    printf("Sum of entered integers = %d\n", sum);

    return 0;

Question Number 38

The following program is used to merge the contents of two files. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    FILE *fs1, *fs2, *ft;
    char ch;

    fs1 = fopen("File1.txt", "r");
    fs2 = fopen("File2.txt", "r");

    if (fs1 == NULL || fs2 == NULL)
        perror("Error ");

    ft = fopen("Final.txt", "w");

    if (ft == NULL)
        perror("Error ");

    while ((ch = fgetc(fs1)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, ft);

    while ((ch = fgetc(fs2)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, ft);

    printf("Two files have been merged successfully");


    return 0;

Question Number 39

Which of the following statements is true about EOF in C?

Question Number 40

Binary operators % and + have what priority ?

Question Number 41

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define SWAP(a,b)(a=a*b,b=a/b,a=a/b)
void main()
    int a=3,b=10,c=5;
    printf("%d %d",a,b);

Question Number 42

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define var 10

int main()
#if var

    return 0;

Question Number 43

The following program is used to sort an array of values using Bubble sort technique. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be rearranged to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n);
int main()
    int array[100], n, c;

    printf("Enter number of elements\n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        scanf("%d", &array[c]);

    bubble_sort(array, n);

    printf("Sorted array in ascending order:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        printf("%d\n", array[c]);

    return 0;

void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n)
    int c, d, temp;

    for (c = 0; c <  (n - 1); c++)
        for (d = 0; d <  n - c - 1; d++)
            if (arry[d] > arry[d + 1])
                arry[d] = arry[d + 1];
                temp = arry[d];
                arry[d + 1] = temp;

Question Number 44

The following program is used to generate the palindrome of a number. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
int main()
    int value,num, reverse = 0;

    printf("Enter a number to reverse : ");
    scanf("%d", &value);

    num = value;

    while (num != 0)
        reverse = reverse + 10;
        reverse = reverse + num % 10;
        num = num / 10;

    if (value == reverse)
        printf(" %d is a Palindrome",value);
        printf(" %d is not a Palindrome", value);

    return 0;

Question Number 45

The following program is used to generate the palindrome of a number. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
int main()
    int value,num, reverse = 0;

    printf("Enter a number to reverse : ");
    scanf("%d", &value);

    num = value;
    reverse = reverse * 10;

    while (num != 0)
        reverse = reverse + num % 10;
        num = num / 10;

    if (value == reverse)
        printf(" %d is a Palindrome",value);
        printf(" %d is not a Palindrome", value);

    return 0;

Question Number 46

The following program is used to copy a file. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    char ch;
    FILE *source, *target;

    if (source == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    target = fopen("Destination.txt", "w");

    if (target == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    while ((ch = fgetc(source)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, target);

    printf("File copied successfully.\n");


    return 0;

Question Number 47

The following program is used to swap two strings. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int main()
    char str1[100], str2, temp;

    printf("Enter the str1 string\n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Enter the str2 string\n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    printf("\nBefore Swapping\n");
    printf("First string: %s\n", str1);
    printf("Second string: %s\n\n", str2);

    strcpy(temp, str1);
    strcpy(str1, str2);
    strcpy(str2, temp);

    printf("After Swapping\n");
    printf("First string: %s\n", str1);
    printf("Second string: %s\n", str2);

    return 0;

Question Number 48

The following program is used to sort an array of structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>

struct student
    char name[50];
    int studId;
    int marks;

int main()
    struct student stud[10],temp;
    int i, num;
    printf("Enter number of students : \n");
    scanf("%d", &num);
    printf("Enter information of students:\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("Enter student ID: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].studId);
        printf("Enter name: ");
        scanf("%s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Enter marks: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].marks);

    for (i = 0; i <  num; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j <  i; j++)
            if (stud[i].studId <  stud[j].studId)

                stud[i] = stud[j];
                stud[j] = temp;

    printf("Student Information :\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("\nStudent ID %d:\n",stud[i].studId);
        printf("Name: %s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Marks: %d", stud[i].marks);
    return 0;

Question Number 49

In printf function in C, which is the format specifier used to print decimal values?

Question Number 50

The following program is used to sort an array of structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>

struct student
    char name[50];
    int studId;
    int marks;

int main()
    struct student stud[10],temp;
    int i, num;
    printf("Enter number of students : \n");
    scanf("%d", &num);
    printf("Enter information of students:\n");
    printf("Enter student ID: ");
    scanf("%d", &stud[i].studId);
    printf("Enter name: ");
    scanf("%s", stud[i].name);
    printf("Enter marks: ");
    scanf("%d", &stud[i].marks);

    for (i = 0; i <  num; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j <  i; j++)
            if (stud[i].studId <  stud[j].studId)
                temp = stud[i];
                stud[i] = stud[j];
                stud[j] = temp;

    printf("Student Information :\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("\nStudent ID %d:\n",stud[i].studId);
        printf("Name: %s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Marks: %d", stud[i].marks);
    return 0;

Question Number 51

Give the output of the following code snippet :
void main()
    int x=1;
    int i=0;
    int n2=printf("%d\n",++x);
    for(i=0; i< n2; i++)

Question Number 52

Give the output of the following code snippet :
void main()

    printf("%d",printf("Hello World "));


Question Number 53

The following program is used to copy strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void copy_str(char[], char[]);

int main()
    char str[100], dest[100];

    printf("Input a string\n");


    printf("Source string:      %s\n", str);
    printf("Destination string: %s\n", dest);

    return 0;

void copy_str(char d[], char s[])
    int count = 0;

    while (s[count] != '\0')
        d[count] = s[count];
    d[count] = '\0';

Question Number 54

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define INFLOOP while(1)

int main()
    return 0;

Question Number 55

The following program is used to find length of a string without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int string_length(char[]);

int main()
    char str[100];
    int length;

    printf("Input a string\n");
    scanf("%s", str);
    length = string_length(str);
    printf("Length of string %s = %d\n", str, length);

    return 0;

void string_length(char s[])
    int count = 0;

    while (s[count] != '\0')

    return count;

Question Number 56

The following program is used to generate the fibonacci series. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?

#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int count, n, num1 = 0, num2 = 1, result = 0;
    printf("Enter number of terms: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    printf("Fibonacci Series:\n %d  %d  ", num1, num2);
    count = 2;
    while (count != n)
        result = num1 + num2;
        num1 = num2;
        num2 = result;
        printf("%d ", result);
    return 0;

Question Number 57

Which of the following statements is true about the feof() function in C?

Question Number 58

The following program is used to add two distances ( inch to feet ) using structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct Distance
    int feet;
    float inch;
struct Distance dist1, dist2, sum;

void main()
    printf("Enter information for 1st distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist1.feet);
    printf("Enter inch: ");
    scanf("%f", &dist1.inch);
    printf("\nEnter information for 2nd distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist2.feet);
    printf("Enter inch: ");
    scanf("%f", &dist2.inch);
    sum.feet = dist1.feet + dist2.feet;
    sum.inch = dist1.inch + dist2.inch;

    if (sum.inch>12.0)
        sum.inch = sum.inch - 12.0;
    printf("\nSum of distances=%d\'-%.1f\"", sum.feet, sum.inch);

Question Number 59

The following program is used to find length of a string without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int string_length(char[]);

int main()
    char str[100];
    int length;
    length = string_length(str);
    printf("Input a string\n");
    scanf("%s", str);
    printf("Length of string %s = %d\n", str, length);

    return 0;

int string_length(char s[])
    int count = 0;

    while (s[count] != '\0')

    return count;

Question Number 60

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define PI 3.14
int main()
    float r=3,area;
    area = 3 * r * PI;
    return 0;

Question Number 61

The following program is used to add two distances ( inch to feet ) using structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct Distance
    int feet;
    float inch;
struct Distance dist1, dist2, sum;

void main()
    printf("Enter information for 1st distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist1.feet);
    printf("Enter inch: ");
    scanf("%f", &dist1.inch);
    printf("\nEnter information for 2nd distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist2.feet);
    printf("Enter inch: ");
    scanf("%f", &dist2.inch);
    sum.feet = dist1 -> feet + dist2 -> feet;
    sum.inch = dist1 -> inch + dist2 ->inch;

    if (sum.inch>12.0)
        sum.inch = sum.inch - 12.0;
    printf("\nSum of distances=%d\'-%.1f\"", sum.feet, sum.inch);

Question Number 62

The following program is used to merge two arrays into a single array. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void MergeArrays (int[], int, int[], int, int[]);

int main()
    int arry1[100], arry2[100], num1, num2, c, result[200];

    printf("Input number of elements in first array\n");
    scanf("%d", &num1);

    printf("Input %d integers\n", num1);
    for (c = 0; c <  num1; c++)
        scanf("%d", &arry1[c]);

    printf("Input number of elements in second array\n");
    scanf("%d", &num2);

    printf("Input %d integers\n", num2);
    for (c = 0; c <  num2; c++)
        scanf("%d", &arry2[c]);

    MergeArrays(arry1, num1, arry2, num2, result);

    printf("Result array:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  num1 + num2; c++)
        printf("%d\n", result[c]);
    return 0;

void MergeArrays (int arry1[], int num1, int arry2[], int num2, int result[])
    int i, j, k;
    j = k = 0;

    for (i = 0; i <  num1 + num2;)
        if (j <  num1 && k <  num2)

            if (arry1[j] <  arry2[k])
                result[i] = arry2[k];

        else if (j == num1)
            for (; i <  num1 + num2;)
                result[i] = arry2[k];

            for (; i <  num1 + num2;)
                result[i] = arry1[j];

Question Number 63

The following program is used to copy a file. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    char ch;
    FILE *source, *target;
    source = fgets("CopyFile.txt", "r");

    if (source == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    target = fopen("Destination.txt", "w");

    if (target == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    while ((ch = fgetc(source)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, target);

    printf("File copied successfully.\n");


    return 0;

Question Number 64

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x;
    b = y;
    temp = b;

    while (b != 0)
        b = a % b;
        a = temp;

    gcd = a;
    lcm = (x*y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 65

The following program is used to swap two strings. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be removed to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int main()
    char str1[100], str2[100], temp[50];

    printf("Enter the str1 string\n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Enter the str2 string\n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    printf("\nBefore Swapping\n");
    printf("First string: %s\n", str1);
    printf("Second string: %s\n\n", str2);

    strcpy(temp, str1);
    strcpy(str1, str2);
    strcpy(str2, temp);
    strcpy(str2, str1);

    printf("After Swapping\n");
    printf("First string: %s\n", str1);
    printf("Second string: %s\n", str2);

    return 0;

Question Number 66

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x;
    b = y;

        temp = b;
        b = a % b;
        a = temp;

    gcd = a;
    lcm = (x*y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 67

The following program is used to concatenate two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void str_cat(char[], char[]);

int main()
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input a string : \n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input string to concatenate : \n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    str_cat(str1, str2);

    printf("String obtained on concatenation : %s \n", str1);

    return 0;

void str_cat(char str1[], char str2[])
    int count = 0, d = 0;

    while (str1[count] == str2[count])
    while (str2[d] != '\0')
        str1[count] = str2[d];

    str1[count] = '\0';

Question Number 68

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x;
    b = y;

    while (b != 0)
        temp = b;
        a = temp;

    b = a % b;
    gcd = a;
    lcm = (x*y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 69

Give the output of the following code snippet :
int main()
    const int a = 10;
    printf("%d ",a);
    return 0;

Question Number 70

The following program is used to display the student details using structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct student
    char name[50];
    int studId;
    int marks;

int main()
    struct student stud;
    int i, num;
    printf("Enter number of students : \n");
    printf("Enter information of students:\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        stud[i].studId = i + 1;
        printf("\nStudent ID %d\n", stud[i].studId);
        printf("Enter name: ");
        scanf("%s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Enter marks: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].marks);
    printf("Student Information :\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("\nStudent ID %d:\n", i + 1);
        printf("Name: %s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Marks: %d", stud[i].marks);
    return 0;

Question Number 71

The following program is used to concatenate two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void str_cat(char[], char[]);

int main()
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input a string : \n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input string to concatenate : \n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    str_cat(str1, str2);

    printf("String obtained on concatenation : %s \n", str1);

    return 0;

void str_cat(char str1[], char str2[])
    int count = 0, d = 0;

    while (str1[count] != '\0')
    while (str1[count] == str2[count])
        str1[count] = str2[d];

    str1[count] = '\0';

Question Number 72

The following program is used to reverse a string. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
#include < string.h>

int main()
    char str[100], reverse[100];
    int strlength, count, d;

    printf("Input a string\n");
    strlength = strlen(str);

    for (count = strlength - 1, d = 0; count >= 0; count--, d++)
        reverse[d] = str[count];

    reverse[d] = strlen;
    printf("%s\n", reverse);
    return 0;

Question Number 73

The following program is used to generate the fibonacci series. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?

#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int count, n, num1 = 0, num2 = 1, result = 0;
    printf("Enter number of terms: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    printf("Fibonacci Series:\n %d  %d  ", num1, num2);
    count = 2;
    while (count< n)
        result = num1 + num2;
        num1 = num2;
        num2 = result;
        printf("%d ", result);
    return 0;

Question Number 74

Which of the following fall under the category of multiplicative operators?

Question Number 75

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#if -2+5-6/2
int main()
    return 0;
int main()
    return 0;

Question Number 76

The following program is used to sort an array of values using Bubble sort technique. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n);
int main()
    int array[100], n, c;

    printf("Enter number of elements\n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        scanf("%d", &array[c]);

    bubble_sort(array, n);

    printf("Sorted array in ascending order:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        printf("%d\n", array[c]);

    return 0;

void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n)
    int c, d, temp;

    for (c = 0; c <  (n - 1); c++)
        for (d = 0; d <  n - c - 1; d++)
            if (arry[d] > arry[d + 1])

                temp = arry[d];
                arry[d + 1] = temp;

Question Number 77

Which is true about function tolower in C?

Question Number 78

The #if conditional directive only evaluates :

Question Number 79

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define var 20);
int main()
    printf("%d\n", var

Question Number 80

The following program is used to generate the palindrome of a number. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
int main()
    int value,num, reverse = 0;

    printf("Enter a number to reverse : ");
    scanf("%d", &value);

    num = value;

    while (num < = 0)
        reverse = reverse * 10;
        reverse = reverse + num % 10;
        num = num / 10;

    if (value == reverse)
        printf(" %d is a Palindrome",value);
        printf(" %d is not a Palindrome", value);

    return 0;

Question Number 81

The following program is used to generate the fibonacci series. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?

#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int count, n, num1 = 0, num2 = 1, result = 0;
    printf("Enter number of terms: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    printf("Fibonacci Series:\n %d  %d  ", num1, num2);
    count = 2;
    while (count< n)
        result = num1 + num2;
        printf("%d ", result);
    num1 = num2;
    num2 = result;
    return 0;

Question Number 82

Which of the following statements is true about the function rand()?

Question Number 83

What is a FILE in C?

Question Number 84

The following program is used to copy a file. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    char ch;
    FILE *source, *target;
    source = fopen("CopyFile.txt", "r");

    if (source == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    target = fopen("Destination.txt", "w");

    if (target == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    printf("File copied successfully.\n");


    return 0;

Question Number 85

What is the return type of rand() function?

Question Number 86

The following program is used to copy a file. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    char ch;
    FILE *source, *target;
    source = fopen(target,"r");

    if (source == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    target = fopen("Destination.txt", "w");

    if (target == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    while ((ch = fgetc(source)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, target);

    printf("File copied successfully.\n");


    return 0;

Question Number 87

The following program is used to sort an array of values using Bubble sort technique. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n);
int main()
    int array[100], n, c;

    printf("Enter number of elements\n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        scanf("%d", &array[c]);

    bubble_sort(array, n);

    printf("Sorted array in ascending order:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        printf("%d\n", array[c]);

    return 0;

void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n)
    int c, d, temp;

    for (c = 0; c <  (n - 1); c++)
        for (d = 0; d <  n - c - 1; d++)
            if (arry[d] > arry[d + 1])
                arry[d] = arry[d + 1];
                arry[d + 1] = temp;

Question Number 88

The following program is used to compare two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int str_compare(char[], char[]);

int main()
    int flag;
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input first string\n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input second string\n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    flag = str_compare(str1, str2);

    if (flag == 0)
        printf("Entered strings are equal.\n");
        printf("Entered strings are not equal.\n");

    return 0;


int str_compare(char a[], char b[])
    int count = 0;

    while (a[count] == b[count])
        if (a[count] == '\0' || b[count] == '\0')

    if (b[count] != '\0')
        return 0;
        return -1;

Question Number 89

The following program is used to compare two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int str_compare(char[], char[]);

int main()
    int flag;
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input first string\n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input second string\n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    flag = str_compare(str1, str2);

    if (flag == 0)
        printf("Entered strings are equal.\n");
        printf("Entered strings are not equal.\n");

    return 0;


int str_compare(char a[], char b[])
    int count = 0;

    while (a[count] == b[count])
        if (a[count] == '\0' || b[count] == '\0')
    return -1;

Question Number 90

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x;
    b = y;

    if (b != 0)
        temp = b;
        b = a % b;
        a = temp;

    gcd = a;
    lcm = (x*y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 91

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x;
    b = y;

    while (b != 0)
        temp = b;
        b = a % b;
        a = temp;

    lcm = (x*y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 92

The following program is used to print the effective username of the current user when invoked. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    return 0;

Question Number 93

The following program is used to add two complex numbers by passing structure to a function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?

    float real;
    float imag;
struct complex Add(struct complex n1, struct complex n2);
int main()
    struct complex n1, n2, temp;
    printf("For first complex number : \n");
    printf("Enter real part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n1.real);
    printf("Enter imaginary part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n1.imag);
    printf("For second complex number : \n");
    printf("Enter real part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n2.real);
    printf("Enter imaginary part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n2.imag);
    temp = Add(n1, n2);
    printf("Sum=%.1f+%.1fi", temp.real, temp.imag);
    return 0;
struct complex Add(struct complex n1, struct complex n2)
    struct complex temp;
    temp.real = n1.real + n2.real;
    temp.imag = n1.imag + n2.imag;

Question Number 94

The following program is used to add two complex numbers by passing structure to a function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct complex
    float real;
    float imag;
struct complex Add(struct complex n1, struct complex n2);
int main()
    struct complex n1, n2, temp;
    printf("For first complex number : \n");
    printf("Enter real part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n1.real);
    printf("Enter imaginary part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n1.imag);
    printf("For second complex number : \n");
    printf("Enter real part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n2.real);
    printf("Enter imaginary part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n2.imag);
    temp = Add(n1, n2);
    printf("Sum=%.1f+%.1fi", temp.real, temp.imag);
    return 0;
struct complex Add(struct complex n1, struct complex n2)
    struct complex temp;
    temp= n1.real + n2.real;
    temp.imag = n1.imag + n2.imag;

Question Number 95

Give the output of the following code snippet :
void main()

    int x = 5 % 2 * 4 / 2;
    printf("%d", x);

Question Number 96

The following program is used to delete a file. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int status;
    status = delete("Input.txt");

    if (status == 0)
        printf("File has been deleted successfully\n");
        printf("Unable to delete the file\n");
    return 0;

Question Number 97

The following program is used to sort an array of structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>

struct student
    char name[50];
    int studId;
    int marks;

int main()
    struct student stud[10],temp;
    int i, num;
    printf("Enter number of students : \n");
    scanf("%d", &num);
    printf("Enter information of students:\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("Enter student ID: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].studId);
        printf("Enter name: ");
        scanf("%s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Enter marks: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].marks);

    for (i = 0; i <  num; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j <  i; j++)
            if (stud[i] <  stud[j])
                temp = stud[i];
                stud[i] = stud[j];
                stud[j] = temp;

    printf("Student Information :\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("\nStudent ID %d:\n",stud[i].studId);
        printf("Name: %s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Marks: %d", stud[i].marks);
    return 0;

Question Number 98

The following program is used to generate the fibonacci series. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?

#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int count, n, num1 = 0, num2 = 1, result = 0;
    printf("Enter number of terms: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    printf("Fibonacci Series:\n %d  %d  ", num1, num2);
    count = 2;
    while (count< n)
        result = num1 / num2;
        num1 = num2;
        num2 = result;
        printf("%d ", result);
    return 0;

Question Number 99

Which of the following statements is true about the scanf() function in C?

Question Number 100

The following program is used to check if the given number is odd or even. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int value;
    printf("Enter the value to be checked : ");
    scanf("%d", &value);
    printf("%d is even", value);
        printf("%d is odd ", value);
    return 0;

Question Number 101

The following program is used to add two complex numbers by passing structure to a function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct complex
    float real;
    float imag;
struct complex Add(int n1, int n2);
int main()
    struct complex n1, n2, temp;
    printf("For first complex number : \n");
    printf("Enter real part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n1.real);
    printf("Enter imaginary part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n1.imag);
    printf("For second complex number : \n");
    printf("Enter real part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n2.real);
    printf("Enter imaginary part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n2.imag);
    temp = Add(n1, n2);
    printf("Sum=%.1f+%.1fi", temp.real, temp.imag);
    return 0;
struct complex Add(struct complex n1, struct complex n2)
    struct complex temp;
    temp.real = n1.real + n2.real;
    temp.imag = n1.imag + n2.imag;

Question Number 102

Which of the following type specifiers are used to denote a floating point value in the scanf() function?

Question Number 103

The following program is used to swap two values. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
int main()
    int value1, value2, temp;

    printf("\nEnter the value of value1 : ");
    scanf("%d", &value1);
    printf("\nEnter the value of value2 : ");
    scanf("%d", &value2);

    printf("Before Swapping\nvalue1 = %d\nvalue2 = %d\n", value1, value2);

    printf("After Swapping\nvalue1 = %d\nvalue2 = %d\n", value1, value2);

    return 0;

Question Number 104

The following program is used to concatenate two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
str_cat(char[], char[]);

int main()
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input a string : \n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input string to concatenate : \n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    str_cat(str1, str2);

    printf("String obtained on concatenation : %s \n", str1);

    return 0;

void str_cat(char str1[], char str2[])
    int count = 0, d = 0;

    while (str1[count] != '\0')
    while (str2[d] != '\0')
        str1[count] = str2[d];

    str1[count] = '\0';

Question Number 105

The following program is used to compare two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int str_compare(char[], char[]);

int main()
    int flag;
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input first string\n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input second string\n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    if (flag == 0)
        printf("Entered strings are equal.\n");
        printf("Entered strings are not equal.\n");

    flag = str_compare(str1, str2);
    return 0;


int str_compare(char a[], char b[])
    int count = 0;

    while (a[count] == b[count])
        if (a[count] == '\0' || b[count] == '\0')

    if (a[count] == '\0' && b[count] == '\0')
        return 0;
        return -1;

Question Number 106

What are the restrictions places on the names of variables and constants in C?

Question Number 107

Give the output of the following code snippet :
void main()
    1 <  2 ? return 1 : return 2;

Question Number 108

The following program is used to check if the given number is a prime number or not. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>

int main()
    int value, i, flag = 0;
    printf("Enter a positive value: ");
    scanf("%d", &value);
    for (i = 2; i < = value / 2; ++i)
        if (value == 0)
            flag = 1;
    if (flag == 0)
        printf("%d is a prime number", value);
        printf("%d is not a prime number", value);
    return 0;

Question Number 109

The following program is used to copy a file. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    char ch;
    FILE *source, *target;

    if (source == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    target = fopen("Destination.txt", "w");

    if (target == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    while ((ch = fgetc(source)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, target);

    printf("File copied successfully.\n");


    return 0;

Question Number 110

The following program is used to merge the contents of two files. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    FILE *fs1, *fs2, *ft;
    char ch;

    fs1 = fopen("File1.txt", "r");
    fs2 = fopen("File2.txt", "r");

    if (fs1 == NULL || fs2 == NULL)
        perror("Error ");

    ft = fopen("Final.txt", "w");

    if (ft == NULL)
        perror("Error ");

    while ((ch = fgetc(fs1)) == EOF)
        fputc(ch, ft);

    while ((ch = fgetc(fs2)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, ft);

    printf("Two files have been merged successfully");


    return 0;

Question Number 111

The following program is used to copy a file. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    char ch;
    FILE *source, *target;

    if (source == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");
    source = fopen("CopyFile.txt", "r");
    target = fopen("Destination.txt", "w");

    if (target == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    while ((ch = fgetc(source)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, target);

    printf("File copied successfully.\n");


    return 0;

Question Number 112

The following program is used to find the maximum value in an array. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>
int main()
    int array[100], maximum, size, count, location = 1;

    printf("\nEnter the number of elements in array : ");
    scanf("%d", &size);

    printf("Enter %d integers : ", size);

    for (count = 0; count <  size; count++)
        scanf("\n%d", &array[count]);

    maximum = array[0];

    for (count = 1; count <  size; count++)
        if (array[count] > maximum)
            location = count + 1;
        maximum = array[count];

    printf("Maximum element is present at location %d and its value is %d.\n", location, maximum);
    return 0;

Question Number 113

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x;
    b = y;

    while (b != 0)
        temp = b;
        b = a / b;
        a = temp;

    gcd = a;
    lcm = (x*y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 114

The following program is used to find the substring in a string without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int main()
    char str[100], sub[100];
    int position, length, count;

    printf("Input a string  : \n");

    printf("Enter the position and length of substring\n");
    scanf("%d%d", &position, &length);

    while (count <  length)
        sub[count] = str[position + count - 1];
    count = 0;
    sub[count] = '\0';

    printf("Required substring is %s\n", sub);

    return 0;

Question Number 115

The following program is used to swap two strings. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int main()
    char str1[100], str2[100], temp[50];

    printf("Enter the str1 string\n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Enter the str2 string\n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    printf("\nBefore Swapping\n");
    printf("First string: %s\n", str1);
    printf("Second string: %s\n\n", str2);

    strcpy(str1, str2);
    strcpy(str2, temp);

    printf("After Swapping\n");
    printf("First string: %s\n", str1);
    printf("Second string: %s\n", str2);

    return 0;

Question Number 116

The following program is used to check if the given number is odd or even. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int value;
    printf("Enter the value to be checked : ");
    if ((value % 2) == 0)
        printf("%d is even", value);
        printf("%d is odd ", value);
    return 0;

Question Number 117

The following program is used to generate the fibonacci series. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?

#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int count, n, num1 = 0, num2 = 1, result = 0;
    printf("Enter number of terms: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    printf("Fibonacci Series:\n %d  %d  ", num1, num2);
    count = 0;
    while (count< n)
        result = num1 + num2;
        num1 = num2;
        num2 = result;
        printf("%d ", result);
    return 0;

Question Number 118

The following program is used to generate the palindrome of a number. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
int main()
    int value,num, reverse = 0;

    printf("Enter a number to reverse : ");
    scanf("%d", &value);

    while (num != 0)
        reverse = reverse * 10;
        reverse = reverse + num % 10;
        num = num / 10;

    if (value == reverse)
        printf(" %d is a Palindrome",value);
        printf(" %d is not a Palindrome", value);

    return 0;

Question Number 119

The following program is used to merge the contents of two files. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    FILE *fs1, *fs2, *ft;
    char ch;

    if (fs1 == NULL || fs2 == NULL)
        perror("Error ");

    ft = fopen("Final.txt", "w");

    if (ft == NULL)
        perror("Error ");

    while ((ch = fgetc(fs1)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, ft);

    while ((ch = fgetc(fs2)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, ft);

    printf("Two files have been merged successfully");


    return 0;

Question Number 120

Give the importance of header files in C:

Question Number 121

Which of the following represents the function for scanf?

Question Number 122

Give the output of the following code :

void main()
    int x = 1, y = 0, z = 5;
    int a = x && y && z;

    printf("%d", a);

Question Number 123

Which of the following statements is true about EOF in C?

Question Number 124

The following program is used to find length of a string without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int string_length(char[]);

int main()
    char str[100];
    int length;

    printf("Input a string\n");
    scanf("%s", str);
    length = string_length(str);
    printf("Length of string %s = %d\n", str, length);

    return 0;

int string_length(char s[])
    int count = 0;

    while (s[count] == s[count+1])

    return count;

Question Number 125

The following program is used to delete an element from an array. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be removed to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>
int main()
    int array[100], position, count, n;

    printf("Enter number of elements in array : \n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter %d elements : \n", n);

    for (count = 0; count <  n; count++)
        scanf("%d", &array[count]);

    printf("Enter the location where you wish to delete element : \n");
    scanf("%d", &position);

    if (position >= n + 1)
        printf("Deletion not possible.\n");
        for (count = position - 1; count <  n - 1; count++)
            for (j = position - 1; count <  n - 1; j++)
                array[count] = array[count + 1];

        printf("Resultant array : ");

        for (count = 0; count <  n - 1; count++)
            printf("%d\n", array[count]);

    return 0;

Question Number 126

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define VAR 10
int main()
#if VAR
    printf("Hello World");

Question Number 127

The following program is used to sort an array of structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>

struct student
    char name[50];
    int studId;
    int marks;

int main()
    student stud[10],temp;
    int i, num;
    printf("Enter number of students : \n");
    scanf("%d", &num);
    printf("Enter information of students:\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("Enter student ID: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].studId);
        printf("Enter name: ");
        scanf("%s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Enter marks: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].marks);

    for (i = 0; i <  num; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j <  i; j++)
            if (stud[i].studId <  stud[j].studId)
                temp = stud[i];
                stud[i] = stud[j];
                stud[j] = temp;

    printf("Student Information :\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("\nStudent ID %d:\n",stud[i].studId);
        printf("Name: %s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Marks: %d", stud[i].marks);
    return 0;

Question Number 128

What are the restrictions places on the names of variables and constants in C?

Question Number 129

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x;
    b = y;

    while (b != 0)
        b = a % b;
        a = temp;

    gcd = a;
    lcm = (x*y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 130

The following program is used to merge the contents of two files. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    int *fs1, *fs2, *ft;
    char ch;

    fs1 = fopen("File1.txt", "r");
    fs2 = fopen("File2.txt", "r");

    if (fs1 == NULL || fs2 == NULL)
        perror("Error ");

    ft = fopen("Final.txt", "w");

    if (ft == NULL)
        perror("Error ");

    while ((ch = fgetc(fs1)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, ft);

    while ((ch = fgetc(fs2)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, ft);

    printf("Two files have been merged successfully");


    return 0;

Question Number 131

The following program is used to compare two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int str_compare(char[], char[]);

int main()
    int flag;
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input first string\n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input second string\n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    flag = str_compare(str1, str2);

    if (flag == 0)
        printf("Entered strings are equal.\n");
        printf("Entered strings are not equal.\n");

    return 0;


int str_compare(char a[], char b[])
    int count = 0;
    if (a[count] == '\0' || b[count] == '\0')

    while (a[count] == b[count])

    if (a[count] == '\0' && b[count] == '\0')
        return 0;
        return -1;

Question Number 132

The following program is used to compare two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int str_compare(char[], char[]);

int main()
    int flag;
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input first string\n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input second string\n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    flag = str_compare(str1, str2);

    if (flag == 0)
        printf("Entered strings are equal.\n");
        printf("Entered strings are not equal.\n");

    return 0;


int str_compare(char a[], char b[])
    int count = 0;

    while (a[count] == b[count])
        if (a == '\0' || b == '\0')

    if (a[count] == '\0' && b[count] == '\0')
        return 0;
        return -1;

Question Number 133

The following program is used to find the substring in a string without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int main()
    char str[100], sub[100];
    int position, length, count = 0;

    printf("Input a string  : \n");

    printf("Enter the position and length of substring\n");
    scanf("%d%d", &position, &length);

    if (count == length)
        sub[count] = str[position + count - 1];
    sub[count] = '\0';

    printf("Required substring is %s\n", sub);

    return 0;

Question Number 134

What are the qualifiers that can be applied to a character type in C?

Question Number 135

The following program is used to compare two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int str_compare(char[], char[]);

int main()
    int flag;
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    flag = str_compare(str1, str2);

    printf("Input first string\n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input second string\n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    if (flag == 0)
        printf("Entered strings are equal.\n");
        printf("Entered strings are not equal.\n");

    return 0;


int str_compare(char a[], char b[])
    int count = 0;

    while (a[count] == b[count])
        if (a[count] == '\0' || b[count] == '\0')

    if (a[count] == '\0' && b[count] == '\0')
        return 0;
        return -1;

Question Number 136

The putchar(c) function always outputs character c to the

Question Number 137

Which of the following is a valid way to define constants using #define in C?

Question Number 138

The following program is used to copy a file. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    char ch;
    FILE *source, *target;
    source = fopen("CopyFile.txt", "r");

    if (source == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    target = fopen("Destination.txt", "w");

    if (target == 1)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    while ((ch = fgetc(source)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, target);

    printf("File copied successfully.\n");


    return 0;

Question Number 139

Give the output of the following code snippet :
int main()
    int x=10;
    printf("%d, %d, %d\n", x< =5, x=20, x>=10);
    return 0;

Question Number 140

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define VAR 100
void func();
void main()
    int a=100;
#define VAR 200
    printf("%d ",VAR+a);

void func()
    printf("%d ",VAR);

Question Number 141

When does the scanf() function stop execution?

Question Number 142

The following program is used to check if the given number is a prime number or not. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>

int main()
    int value, i, flag = 0;
    printf("Enter a positive value: ");
    scanf("%d", &value);
    for (i = 2; i < = value / 2; ++i)
        if (value / i == 0)
            flag = 1;
    if (flag == 0)
        printf("%d is a prime number", value);
        printf("%d is not a prime number", value);
    return 0;

Question Number 143

The following program is used to find the maximum value in an array. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>
int main()
    int array[100], maximum, size, count, location = 1;

    printf("\nEnter the number of elements in array : ");
    scanf("%d", &size);

    printf("Enter %d integers : ", size);

    for (count = 0; count <  size; count++)
        scanf("\n%d", &array[count]);

    count = array[0];

    for (count = 1; count <  size; count++)
        if (array[count] > maximum)
            maximum = array[count];
            location = count + 1;

    printf("Maximum element is present at location %d and its value is %d.\n", location, maximum);
    return 0;

Question Number 144

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x;
    b = y;

    while (b != 0)
        temp = b;
        b = a % b;
        a = temp / b;

    gcd = a;
    lcm = (x*y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 145

The following program is used to copy strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void copy_str(char[], char[]);

int main()
    char str[100], dest[100];

    printf("Input a string\n");

    copy_str(dest, str);

    printf("Source string:      %s\n", str);
    printf("Destination string: %s\n", dest);

    return 0;

void copy_str(char d[], char s[])
    int count = 0;
    d[count] = '\0';

    while (s[count] != '\0')
        d[count] = s[count];

Question Number 146

The following program is used to delete an element from an array. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected and removed to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>
int main()
    int array[100], position, count, n;

    printf("Enter number of elements in array : \n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter %d elements : \n", n);

    for (count = 0; count <  n; count++)
        scanf("%d", &array[count]);

    printf("Enter the location where you wish to delete element : \n");
    scanf("%d", &position);

    if (position >= n + 1)
        printf("Deletion not possible.\n");
        for (count = position - 1; count <  n - 1; count++)
            for (j = position - 1; j <  n - 1; j++)
                array[count] = array[j];

        printf("Resultant array : ");

        for (count = 0; count <  n - 1; count++)
            printf("%d\n", array[count]);

    return 0;

Question Number 147

The following program is used to add two complex numbers by passing structure to a function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct complex
    float real;
    float imag;
struct complex Add(struct complex n1, struct complex n2);
int main()
    struct complex n1, n2, temp;
    printf("For first complex number : \n");
    printf("Enter real part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n1.real);
    printf("Enter imaginary part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n1.imag);
    printf("For second complex number : \n");
    printf("Enter real part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n2.real);
    printf("Enter imaginary part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n2.imag);
    temp = Add(struct complex n1, struct complex n2);
    printf("Sum=%.1f+%.1fi", temp.real, temp.imag);
    return 0;
struct complex Add(struct complex n1, struct complex n2)
    struct complex temp;
    temp.real = n1.real + n2.real;
    temp.imag = n1.imag + n2.imag;

Question Number 148

Give the output of the following code snippet :
int main()
    int a = 1, b = 1, d = 1;
    printf("%d, %d, %d", ++a + ++a, a++ + ++b, ++d + d++ );

Question Number 149

The following program is used to merge the contents of two files. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    FILE *fs1, *fs2, *ft;
    char ch;

    fs2 = fopen("File2.txt", "r");

    if (fs1 == NULL || fs2 == NULL)
        perror("Error ");

    ft = fopen("Final.txt", "w");

    if (ft == NULL)
        perror("Error ");

    while ((ch = fgetc(fs1)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, ft);

    while ((ch = fgetc(fs2)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, ft);

    printf("Two files have been merged successfully");


    return 0;

Question Number 150

The following program is used to add two distances ( inch to feet ) using structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct Distance
    int feet;
    float inch;
struct Distance dist1, dist2, sum;

void main()
    printf("Enter information for 1st distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist1.feet);
    printf("Enter inch: ");
    scanf("%f", &dist1.inch);
    printf("\nEnter information for 2nd distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist2.feet);
    printf("Enter inch: ");
    scanf("%f", &dist2.inch);
    sum.feet = dist1.feet + dist2.feet;
    sum.inch = dist1.inch + dist2.inch;

    if (sum  <  0)
        sum.inch = sum.inch - 12.0;
    printf("\nSum of distances=%d\'-%.1f\"", sum.feet, sum.inch);

Question Number 151

Give the output of the following code :
int main()
    int a = 10, b = 5, c = 5,d;
    d = b + c == a;
    printf("%d", d);

Question Number 152

Which of the following is true about the ungetc() function in C?

Question Number 153

The following program is used to execute a command in the OS. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>
#include< stdlib.h>

int main()
    int files;

    printf("Executing command : 'DIR'\n");
    files = systems("dir");

    printf("Returned value is: %d.\n", files);
    return 0;

Question Number 154

The following program is used to find the maximum value in an array. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>
int main()
    int array[100], maximum, size, count, location = 1;

    printf("\nEnter the number of elements in array : ");
    scanf("%d", &size);

    printf("Enter %d integers : ", size);

    for (count = 0; count <  size; count++)
        scanf("\n%d", &array[count]);

    maximum = array[0];

    for (count = 1; count <  size; count++)
        if (array[count] > maximum)
            maximum = array[size];
            location = count + 1;

    printf("Maximum element is present at location %d and its value is %d.\n", location, maximum);
    return 0;

Question Number 155

The following program is used to generate the fibonacci series. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?

#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int count, n, num1 = 0, num2 = 1, result = 0;
    printf("Enter number of terms: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    printf("Fibonacci Series:\n %d  %d  ", num1, num2);
    count = 2;
    while (count< n)
        result = num1 + num2;
        num1 = num2;
        printf("%d ", result);
    return 0;

Question Number 156

C preprocessor is conceptually the first step during compilation.

Question Number 157

The following program is used to sort an array of values using Bubble sort technique. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n);
int main()
    int array[100], n, c;

    printf("Enter number of elements\n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        scanf("%d", &array[c]);

    bubble_sort(array, n);

    printf("Sorted array in ascending order:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        printf("%d\n", array[c]);

    return 0;

void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n)
    int c, d, temp;

    for (c = 0; c <  (n - 1); c++)
        for (d = 0; d <  n - c - 1; d++)
            if (arry[d] > arry[d + 1])

                temp = arry[d];
                arry[d] = arry[d + 1];
                arry[d + 1] = temp;

Question Number 158

Substitution of macros do not take place within quoted strings. State true or false :

Question Number 159

The following program is used to generate the fibonacci series. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?

#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int count, n, num1 = 0, num2 = 1, result = 0;
    printf("Enter number of terms: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    printf("Fibonacci Series:\n %d  %d  ", num1, num2);
    count = 2;
    if (count< n)
        result = num1 + num2;
        num1 = num2;
        num2 = result;
        printf("%d ", result);
    return 0;

Question Number 160

Give the output of the following code snippet :
int main()
    char c = 'H';

Question Number 161

The following program is used to copy strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void copy_str(char[], char[]);

int main()
    char str[100], dest[100];

    printf("Input a string\n");

    copy_str(dest, str);

    printf("Source string:      %s\n", str);
    printf("Destination string: %s\n", dest);

    return 0;

void copy_str(char d[], char s[])
    int count = 0;

    while (s[count] != '\0')
        d[count] = s[count];
    d[count] = '\0';

Question Number 162

Give the output of the following code :
int main()
    const int i=0;
    printf("%d\n", i++);
    return 0;

Question Number 163

The following program is used to add two distances ( inch to feet ) using structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?

    int feet;
    float inch;
struct Distance dist1, dist2, sum;

void main()
    printf("Enter information for 1st distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist1.feet);
    printf("Enter inch: ");
    scanf("%f", &dist1.inch);
    printf("\nEnter information for 2nd distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist2.feet);
    printf("Enter inch: ");
    scanf("%f", &dist2.inch);
    sum.feet = dist1.feet + dist2.feet;
    sum.inch = dist1.inch + dist2.inch;

    if (sum.inch>12.0)
        sum.inch = sum.inch - 12.0;
    printf("\nSum of distances=%d\'-%.1f\"", sum.feet, sum.inch);

Question Number 164

The following program is used to find length of a string without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?

int main()
    char str[100];
    int length;

    printf("Input a string\n");
    scanf("%s", str);
    length = string_length(str);
    printf("Length of string %s = %d\n", str, length);

    return 0;

int string_length(char s[])
    int count = 0;

    while (s[count] != '\0')

    return count;

Question Number 165

The following program is used to display the student details using structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct student
    char name[50];
    int studId;
    int marks;

int main()
    struct stud[10];
    int i, num;
    printf("Enter number of students : \n");
    printf("Enter information of students:\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        stud[i].studId = i + 1;
        printf("\nStudent ID %d\n", stud[i].studId);
        printf("Enter name: ");
        scanf("%s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Enter marks: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].marks);
    printf("Student Information :\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("\nStudent ID %d:\n", i + 1);
        printf("Name: %s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Marks: %d", stud[i].marks);
    return 0;

Question Number 166

What are the qualifiers that can be applied to an integer data type in C?

Question Number 167

The following program is used to generate the palindrome of a number. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
int main()
    int value,num, reverse = 0;

    printf("Enter a number to reverse : ");
    scanf("%d", &value);

    num = value;

    while (num != 0)
        reverse = reverse * 10;
        reverse = reverse + num % 10;
        num = num + 10;

    if (value == reverse)
        printf(" %d is a Palindrome",value);
        printf(" %d is not a Palindrome", value);

    return 0;

Question Number 168

What are the two arguments taken by the putc() function in C?

Question Number 169

The following program is used to copy a file. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    char ch;
    FILE *source, *target;
    source = fopen("CopyFile.txt", "r");

    if (source == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    target = fopen("Destination.txt", "w");
    fputc(ch, target);

    if (target == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    while ((ch = fgetc(source)) != EOF)
        printf("File copied successfully.\n");


    return 0;

Question Number 170

The following program is used to sort an array of structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>

struct student
    char name[50];
    int studId;
    int marks;

int main()
    struct student stud[10],temp;
    int i, num;
    printf("Enter number of students : \n");
    scanf("%d", &num);
    printf("Enter information of students:\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("Enter student ID: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].studId);
        printf("Enter name: ");
        scanf("%s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Enter marks: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].marks);

    for (i = 0; i <  num; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j <  i; j++)
            if (stud[i].studId <  stud[j].studId)
                temp = stud[i];
                temp = stud[j];
                stud[j] = temp;

    printf("Student Information :\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("\nStudent ID %d:\n",stud[i].studId);
        printf("Name: %s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Marks: %d", stud[i].marks);
    return 0;

Question Number 171

The following program is used to find length of a string without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int string_length(char[]);

int main()
    char str[100];
    int length;

    printf("Input a string\n");
    scanf("%s", str[100]);
    length = string_length(str);
    printf("Length of string %s = %d\n", str, length);

    return 0;

int string_length(char s[])
    int count = 0;

    while (s[count] != '\0')

    return count;

Question Number 172

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define MSG Hello

int main()
    return 0;

Question Number 173

The following program is used to display the student details using structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct student
    char name[50];
    int studId;
    int marks;

int main()
    struct student stud[10];
    int i, num;
    printf("Enter number of students : \n");
    printf("Enter information of students:\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        stud[i].studId = i + 1;
        printf("\nStudent ID %d\n", stud[i].studId);
        printf("Enter name: ");
        scanf("%s", stud -> name);
        printf("Enter marks: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].marks);
    printf("Student Information :\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("\nStudent ID %d:\n", i + 1);
        printf("Name: %s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Marks: %d", stud[i].marks);
    return 0;

Question Number 174

Which preprocessor operator allows to concatenate actual arguments during macro expansion?

Question Number 175

Which of the following data types fall under the floating types classification in C?

Question Number 176

Which of the following functions are declared in the header file math.h?

Question Number 177

The C pre-processors are specified with which symbol?

Question Number 178

The following program is used to concatenate two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void str_cat(char[], char[]);

int main()
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input a string : \n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input string to concatenate : \n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    str_cat(str1, str2);

    printf("String obtained on concatenation : %s \n", str1);

    return 0;

void str_cat(char str1[], char str2[])
    int count = 0, d = 0;

    while (str2[d] != '\0')
        str1[count] = str2[d];

    str1[count] = '\0';

Question Number 179

The following program is used to find length of a string without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int string_length(char[]);

int main()
    char str[100];
    int length;

    printf("Input a string\n");
    scanf("%s", str);
    length = string_length(str);
    printf("Length of string %s = %d\n", str, length);

    return 0;

int string_length(char s[])
    int count = 0;

    while (s[count] != '\0')

    return count;

Question Number 180

Give the output of the following code snippet :
int main()
    int i = 3;
    int l = i / -2;
    int k = i % -2;
    printf("%d %d\n", l, k);
    return 0;

Question Number 181

Give the output of the following code snippet :
int x=10;
void main()
    int x=30;
        int x=20;
        printf("%d ",x);

Question Number 182

Which of the following are conditional directives in C?

Question Number 183

Name the escape sequence to print a new line character in printf function in C :

Question Number 184

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define join(p,q) p##q
int main()
    int join(a,b)=45;
    return 0;

Question Number 185

What is the difference between the printf() and the fprintf() functions?

Question Number 186

The associativity of the left and right shift operators, << and >> is from :

Question Number 187

The following program is used to find the substring in a string without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int main()
    char str[100], sub[100];
    int position, length, count = 0;

    printf("Input a string  : \n");

    printf("Enter the position and length of substring\n");
    scanf("%d%d", &position, &length);

    while (count <  length)
    sub[count] = '\0';

    printf("Required substring is %s\n", sub);

    return 0;

Question Number 188

The following program is used to sort an array of values using Bubble sort technique. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n);
int main()
    int array[100], n, c;

    printf("Enter number of elements\n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        scanf("%d", &array[c]);

    bubble_sort(array, n);

    printf("Sorted array in ascending order:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        printf("%d\n", array[c]);

    return 0;

void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n)
    int c, d, temp;

    for (c = 0; c <  (n - 1); c++)
        for (d = 0; d > n ; d++)
            if (arry[d] > arry[d + 1])

                temp = arry[d];
                arry[d] = arry[d + 1];
                arry[d + 1] = temp;

Question Number 189

Which of the following is an example of an unsigned long hexadecimal constant:

Question Number 190

Which of the following are types of C constants ?

Question Number 191

The following program is used to concatenate two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void str_cat(char[], char[]);

int main()
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input a string : \n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input string to concatenate : \n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    str_cat(str1, str2);

    printf("String obtained on concatenation : %s \n", str1);

    return 0;

void str_cat(char str1[], char str2[])
    int count = 0, d = 0;

    while (str1[count] != '\0')
    while (str2[d] != '\0')
    str1[count] = str2[d];
    str1[count] = '\0';

Question Number 192

The following program is used to check if the given number is odd or even. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int value;
    printf("Enter the value to be checked : ");
    scanf("%d", &value);
    printf("%d is even", value);
        printf("%d is odd ", value);
    return 0;

Question Number 193

What is the default return-type of function putchar()?

Question Number 194

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define CUBE(x)((x)*(x)*(x))
void fun()
    int x=2,y=1;
    int z=CUBE(++x + --y);
    printf("%d ",y);
void main()
    int a=3,b=10,c=5;
    int d;

Question Number 195

The following program is used to copy strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void copy_str(char[], char[]);

int main()
    char str[100], dest[100];

    printf("Input a string\n");


    printf("Source string:      %s\n", str);
    printf("Destination string: %s\n", dest);

    return 0;

void copy_str(char d[], char s[])
    int count = 0;

    while (s[count] != '\0')
        d[count] = s[count];
    d[count] = '\0';

Question Number 196

Give the output of the following code snippet :
extern int x;
int x=20;
void main()
        int x=30;
        printf("%d ",x);

Question Number 197

The following program is used to display the student details using structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct student
    char name[50];
    int studId;
    int marks;

int main()
    struct student stud[10];
    int i, num;
    printf("Enter number of students : \n");
    printf("Enter information of students:\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        stud[i].studId = i + 1;
        printf("\nStudent ID %d\n", stud[i].studId);
        printf("Enter name: ");
        printf("Enter marks: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].marks);
    printf("Student Information :\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("\nStudent ID %d:\n", i + 1);
        printf("Name: %s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Marks: %d", stud[i].marks);
    return 0;

Question Number 198

Give the output of the following code snippet :
void func(int a);
void main()

Question Number 199

The following program is used to swap two values. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
int main()
    int value1, value2, temp;

    printf("\nEnter the value of value1 : ");
    scanf("%d", &value1);
    printf("\nEnter the value of value2 : ");
    scanf("%d", &value2);

    printf("Before Swapping\nvalue1 = %d\nvalue2 = %d\n", value1, value2);

    value2 = temp;
    temp = value1;
    value1 = value2;

    printf("After Swapping\nvalue1 = %d\nvalue2 = %d\n", value1, value2);

    return 0;

Question Number 200

The following program is used to swap two values. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
int main()
    int value1, value2, temp;

    printf("\nEnter the value of value1 : ");
    scanf("%d", &value1);
    printf("\nEnter the value of value2 : ");
    scanf("%d", &value2);

    printf("Before Swapping\nvalue1 = %d\nvalue2 = %d\n", value1, value2);

    temp = value1;
    value1 = value2;

    printf("After Swapping\nvalue1 = %d\nvalue2 = %d\n", value1, value2);

    return 0;

Question Number 201

Which function is used to generate a sequence of pseudo-random integers from a specified range?

Question Number 202

The following program is used to sort an array of structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>

struct student
    char name[50];
    int studId;
    int marks;

int main()
    struct student stud[10],temp;
    int i, num;
    printf("Enter number of students : \n");
    scanf("%d", &num);
    printf("Enter information of students:\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("Enter student ID: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].studId);
        printf("Enter name: ");
        scanf("%s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Enter marks: ");
        scanf("%d", &stud[i].marks);

    for (i = 0; i <  num; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j <  i; j++)
            if (stud[i].studId <  stud[j].studId)
                temp[i] = stud[i];
                stud[i] = stud[j];
                stud[j] = temp;

    printf("Student Information :\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i<  num; ++i)
        printf("\nStudent ID %d:\n",stud[i].studId);
        printf("Name: %s", stud[i].name);
        printf("Marks: %d", stud[i].marks);
    return 0;

Question Number 203

Which of the following are types of C constants ?

Question Number 204

The following program is used to copy strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void copy_str(char[], char[]);

int main()
    char str[100], dest[100];

    printf("Input a string\n");

    copy_str(dest, str);

    printf("Source string:      %s\n", str);
    printf("Destination string: %s\n", dest);

    return 0;

void copy_str(char d[], char s[])
    int count = 0;

    while (s[count] != '\0')
        d[count] = s;
    d[count] = '\0';

Question Number 205

Give the output of the following code snippet :
extern void func();
extern int a;
int a=20;
void main()
void func()

Question Number 206

The following program is used to generate the palindrome of a number. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
int main()
    int value,num, reverse = 0;

    printf("Enter a number to reverse : ");
    scanf("%d", &value);

    num = value;

    if (num == 0)
        reverse = reverse * 10;
        reverse = reverse + num % 10;
        num = num / 10;

    if (value == reverse)
        printf(" %d is a Palindrome",value);
        printf(" %d is not a Palindrome", value);

    return 0;

Question Number 207

Give the output of the following code snippet :
void main()
void func(int a)

Question Number 208

The following program is used to find the factorial of a number. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int n, count;
    int fact = 1;
    printf("Enter a value: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    if (n<  0)
        printf("Factorial of negative number does not exist");
        printf("Factorial of %d is %d ",n,fact);
    return 0;

Question Number 209

The following program is used to generate the palindrome of a number. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
int main()
    int value,num, reverse = 0;

    printf("Enter a number to reverse : ");
    scanf("%d", &value);

    num = value;

    while (num != 0)
        reverse = reverse + num % 10;
        num = num / 10;

    if (value == reverse)
        printf(" %d is a Palindrome",value);
        printf(" %d is not a Palindrome", value);

    return 0;

Question Number 210

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x;
    b = y;

    while (b == 0)
        temp = b;
        b = a % b;
        a = temp;

    gcd = a;
    lcm = (x*y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 211

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define FUNC(x)  while(i!=0) \
				  printf("%d ",x);\

int main()
    int z=10,i=2;

Question Number 212

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x % y;
    b = y;

    while (b != 0)
        temp = b;
        b = a % b;
        a = temp;

    gcd = a;
    lcm = (x*y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 213

Which of the following operator has the highest precedence in the following?

Question Number 214

Give the output of the following code snippet :

#define A B + 2
#define B C + 4
#define C 10 + 5
int main()
    int var = A * B - C;
    printf("%d\n", var);

Question Number 215

The following program is used to check if the given number is odd or even. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int value;
    printf("Enter the value to be checked : ");
    scanf("%d", &value);
    if ((value % 2) == -1)
        printf("%d is even", value);
        printf("%d is odd ", value);
    return 0;

Question Number 216

The following program is used to add two complex numbers by passing structure to a function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct complex
    float real;
    float imag;
struct complex Add(struct complex n1, struct complex n2);
int main()
    struct complex n1, n2, temp;
    printf("For first complex number : \n");
    printf("Enter real part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n1.real);
    printf("Enter imaginary part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n1.imag);
    printf("For second complex number : \n");
    printf("Enter real part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n2.real);
    printf("Enter imaginary part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n2.imag);
    temp = Add(n1, n2);
    printf("Sum=%.1f+%.1fi", temp.real, temp.imag);
    return 0;
struct complex Add(struct complex n1, struct complex n2)
    struct complex temp;
    temp.real = n1.real + n2.real;
    temp.imag = n1.imag + n2.imag;

Question Number 217

Binary operators + and - have what priority ?

Question Number 218

The following program is used to check if the given number is a prime number or not. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>

int main()
    int value, i, flag = 0;
    printf("Enter a positive value: ");
    scanf("%d", &value);
    for (i = 2; i < = value / 2; ++i)
        if (value % i == 0)
            flag = 1;
    if (flag == 0)
        printf("%d is a prime number", value);
        printf("%d is not a prime number", value);
    return 0;

Question Number 219

Give the output of the following code snippet :
void main()

    printf("%+07d\n", 762);


Question Number 220

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x;
    b = y;

    while (b != 0)
        temp = b;
        b = a % b;
        a = temp;

    gcd = a;
    lcm = (x + y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 221

The following program is used to merge two arrays into a single array. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void MergeArrays (int[], int, int[], int, int[]);

int main()
    int arry1[100], arry2[100], num1, num2, c, result[200];

    printf("Input number of elements in first array\n");
    scanf("%d", &num1);

    printf("Input %d integers\n", num1);
    for (c = 0; c <  num1; c++)
        scanf("%d", &arry1[c]);

    printf("Input number of elements in second array\n");
    scanf("%d", &num2);

    printf("Input %d integers\n", num2);
    for (c = 0; c <  num2; c++)
        scanf("%d", &arry2[c]);

    MergeArrays(arry1, num1, arry2, num2, result);

    printf("Result array:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  num1 + num2; c++)
        printf("%d\n", result[c]);
    return 0;

void MergeArrays (int arry1[], int num1, int arry2[], int num2, int result[])
    int i, j, k;
    j = k = 0;

    for (i = 0; i <  num1 + num2;)

        if (arry1[j] <  arry2[k])
            result[i] = arry1[j];
            result[i] = arry2[k];

    else if (j == num1)
        for (; i <  num1 + num2;)
            result[i] = arry2[k];

        for (; i <  num1 + num2;)
            result[i] = arry1[j];


Question Number 222

What is the return type of the printf() function in C?

Question Number 223

The following program is used to find the maximum value in an array. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>
int main()
    int array[100], maximum, size, count, location = 1;

    printf("\nEnter the number of elements in array : ");
    scanf("%d", &size);

    printf("Enter %d integers : ", size);

    for (count = 0; count <  size; count++)
        scanf("\n%d", &array[count]);

    maximum = array[0];

    for (count = 1; count <  size; count++)
        if (array[count] > maximum)
            location = count + 1;

    printf("Maximum element is present at location %d and its value is %d.\n", location, maximum);
    return 0;

Question Number 224

The following program is used to compare two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int str_compare(char[], char[]);

int main()
    int flag;
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input first string\n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input second string\n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    flag = str_compare(str1, str2);

    if (flag == 0)
        printf("Entered strings are equal.\n");
        printf("Entered strings are not equal.\n");

    return 0;


int str_compare(char a[], char b[])
    int count = 0;

    if (a[count] == b[count])
        if (a[count] == '\0' || b[count] == '\0')

    if (a[count] == '\0' && b[count] == '\0')
        return 0;
        return -1;

Question Number 225

Give the output of the following code snippet :
int main()
    int i = 2;
    int j = ++i + i;
    printf("%d\n", j);

Question Number 226

The following program is used to find the factorial of a number. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int n, count;
    int fact = 1;
    printf("Enter a value: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    if (n> 0)
        printf("Factorial of negative number does not exist");
        for (count = 1; count < = n; ++count)
            fact = fact * count;
        printf("Factorial of %d is %d ",n,fact);
    return 0;

Question Number 227

The syntax to print a % using printf statement can be done by.

Question Number 228

The following program is used to delete an element from an array. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>
int main()
    int array[100], position, count, n;

    printf("Enter %d elements : \n", n);

    for (count = 0; count <  n; count++)
        scanf("%d", &array[count]);

    printf("Enter number of elements in array : \n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter the location where you wish to delete element : \n");
    scanf("%d", &position);

    if (position >= n + 1)
        printf("Deletion not possible.\n");
        for (count = position - 1; count <  n - 1; count++)
            array[count] = array[count + 1];

        printf("Resultant array : ");

        for (count = 0; count <  n - 1; count++)
            printf("%d\n", array[count]);

    return 0;

Question Number 229

The following program is used to add two complex numbers by passing structure to a function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct complex
    float real;
    float imag;
struct complex Add(struct complex n1, struct complex n2);
int main()
    struct complex n1, n2, temp;
    printf("For first complex number : \n");
    printf("Enter real part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n1.real);
    printf("Enter imaginary part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n1.imag);
    printf("For second complex number : \n");
    printf("Enter real part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n2.real);
    printf("Enter imaginary part :\n");
    scanf("%f", &n2.imag);
    temp = Add(n1, n2);
    printf("Sum=%.1f+%.1fi", temp.real, temp.imag);
    return 0;
struct complex Add(struct complex n1, struct complex n2)
    struct complex temp;
    temp.real = n1.real + n2.real;
    temp.imag = n1.imag + n2.imag;

Question Number 230

The following program is used to copy a file. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlibrary.h>

int main()
    char ch;
    FILE *source, *target;
    source = fopen("CopyFile.txt", "r");

    if (source == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    target = fopen("Destination.txt", "w");

    if (target == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    while ((ch = fgetc(source)) != EOF)
        fputc(ch, target);

    printf("File copied successfully.\n");


    return 0;

Question Number 231

Give the output of the following code snippet :
void main()
    int x = 5.3 % 2;
    printf("%d", x);

Question Number 232

The following program is used to compare two strings without using string function. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
int str_compare(char[], char[]);

int main()
    int flag;
    char str1[100], str2[100];

    printf("Input first string\n");
    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Input second string\n");
    scanf("%s", str2);

    flag = str_compare(str1, str2);

    if (flag == 0)
        printf("Entered strings are equal.\n");
        printf("Entered strings are not equal.\n");

    return 0;


int str_compare(char a[], char b[])
    int count = 0;

    while (a[count] == b[count])
        if (a[count] == '\0' || b[count] == '\0')

    if (a[count] == '\0' && b[count] == '\0')
        return 0;
        return -1;

Question Number 233

The following program is used to reverse a string. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
#include < stringlength.h>

int main()
    char str[100], reverse[100];
    int strlength, count, d;

    printf("Input a string\n");
    strlength = strlen(str);

    for (count = strlength - 1, d = 0; count >= 0; count--, d++)
        reverse[d] = str[count];

    reverse[d] = '\0';
    printf("%s\n", reverse);
    return 0;

Question Number 234

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define MIN(x,y) (x< =y?x:y);

void main()
    int a=9,b=10,d;

Question Number 235

The unary + operator has greater priority than the binary + operator. State true or false :

Question Number 236

While including a header file, if the file name is specified between <>, then where is the file searched?

Question Number 237

The following program is used to sort an array of values using Bubble sort technique. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n);
int main()
    int array[100], n, c;

    printf("Enter number of elements\n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        scanf("%d", &array[c]);

    bubble_sort(array, n);

    printf("Sorted array in ascending order:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        printf("%d\n", array[c]);

    return 0;

void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n)
    int c, d, temp;

    for (c = 0; c <  (n - 1); c++)
        for (d = 0; d <  n - c - 1; d++)
            temp = arry[d];
            arry[d] = arry[d + 1];
            arry[d + 1] = temp;


Question Number 238

Give the output of the following code snippet :
void main()
    float x = 0.1;
    printf("%d, ", x);
    printf("%f", x);

Question Number 239

The following program is used to sort an array of values using Bubble sort technique. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n);
int main()
    int array[100], n, c;

    printf("Enter number of elements\n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        scanf("%d", &array[c]);

    bubble_sort(array, n);

    printf("Sorted array in ascending order:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        printf("%d\n", array[c]);

    return 0;

void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n)
    int c, d, temp;

    for (c = 0; c <  (n - 1); c++)
        for (d = 0; d <  n - c - 1; d++)
            if (arry[d] > arry[d + 1])

                temp = arry[d + 1];
                arry[d] = arry[d + 1];
                arry[d + 1] = temp;

Question Number 240

Give the output of the following code snippet :
void main()
    float x=100.25,y=200.50;
    float z;
    z=x % y;


Question Number 241

The following program is used to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, x, y, temp, gcd, lcm;

    printf("Enter two values : \n");
    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

    a = x;
    b = y;

    while (temp < = 0)
        temp = b;
        b = a % b;
        a = temp;

    gcd = a;
    lcm = (x*y) / gcd;

    printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);
    printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

    return 0;

Question Number 242

What does the following segment of code do?
fprintf(fp, “Copy”);

Question Number 243

The following program is used to add 'n' numbers. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include< stdio.h>

int main()
    int num, sum = 0, count, value;

    printf("Enter the number of integers to be added : \n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    printf("Enter %d integers\n", num);

    for (count = 1; count < = num; count++)
        scanf("%d", &value);

    printf("Sum of entered integers = %d\n", sum);

    return 0;

Question Number 244

The following program is used to sort an array of values using Bubble sort technique. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n);
int main()
    int array[100], n, c;

    printf("Enter number of elements\n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        scanf("%d", &array[c]);

    bubble_sort(array, n);

    printf("Sorted array in ascending order:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        printf("%d\n", array[c]);

    return 0;

void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n)
    int c, d, temp;

    for (c = 0; c <  (n - 1); c++)
        if (arry[d] > arry[d + 1])

            temp = arry[d];
            arry[d] = arry[d + 1];
            arry[d + 1] = temp;

Question Number 245

The following program is used to swap two values. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
int main()
    int value1, value2, temp;

    printf("\nEnter the value of value1 : ");
    scanf("%d", &value1);
    printf("\nEnter the value of value2 : ");
    scanf("%d", &value2);

    printf("Before Swapping\nvalue1 = %d\nvalue2 = %d\n", value1, value2);

    value1 = value2;
    value2 = temp;

    printf("After Swapping\nvalue1 = %d\nvalue2 = %d\n", value1, value2);

    return 0;

Question Number 246

The following program is used to add two distances ( inch to feet ) using structures. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
struct Distance
    int feet;
    float inch;
struct Distance dist1, dist2, sum;

void main()
    printf("Enter information for 1st distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist1.feet);
    printf("Enter inch: ");
    scanf("%f", &dist1.inch);
    printf("\nEnter information for 2nd distance\n");
    printf("Enter feet: ");
    scanf("%d", &dist2.feet);
    printf("Enter inch: ");
    scanf("%f", &dist2.inch);
    sum.feet = dist1.feet + dist2.feet;
    sum.inch = dist1.inch + dist2.inch;
        sum.inch = sum.inch - 12.0;
    printf("\nSum of distances=%d\'-%.1f\"", sum.feet, sum.inch);

Question Number 247

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define CUBE(x)((x)*(x)*(x))
void fun()
    int x=2;
    int y=CUBE(x);
    printf("%d ",y);
void main()
    int a=3;
    int b;

Question Number 248

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#define FUNC(x,y,z) x##y##z
void main()
    int val=100;
    int val12=200;
    int val123=300;

Question Number 249

Give the output of the following code snippet :
int main()
    const int a;
    return 0;

Question Number 250

The following program is used to merge two arrays into a single array. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void MergeArrays (int[], int, int[], int, int[]);

int main()
    int arry1[100], arry2[100], num1, num2, c, result[200];

    printf("Input number of elements in first array\n");
    scanf("%d", &num1);

    printf("Input %d integers\n", num1);
    for (c = 0; c <  num1; c++)
        scanf("%d", &arry1[c]);

    printf("Input number of elements in second array\n");
    scanf("%d", &num2);

    printf("Input %d integers\n", num2);
    for (c = 0; c <  num2; c++)
        scanf("%d", &arry2[c]);

    MergeArrays(arry1, num1, arry2, num2, result);

    printf("Result array:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  num1 + num2; c++)
        printf("%d\n", result[c]);
    return 0;

void MergeArrays (int arry1[], int num1, int arry2[], int num2, int result[])
    int i, j, k;
    j = k = 0;

    if (j <  num1 && k <  num2)

        if (arry1[j] <  arry2[k])
            result[i] = arry1[j];
            result[i] = arry2[k];

    else if (j == num1)
        for (; i <  num1 + num2;)
            result[i] = arry2[k];

        for (; i <  num1 + num2;)
            result[i] = arry1[j];


Question Number 251

Shifting a value x two positions to the right i.e x >> 2 is equivalent to :

Question Number 252

The following program is used to generate the palindrome of a number. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be reordered to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdio.h>
int main()
    int value,num, reverse = 0;

    printf("Enter a number to reverse : ");
    scanf("%d", &value);

    num = value;

    while (num != 0)
        reverse = reverse * 10;
        num = num / 10;
    reverse = reverse + num % 10;
    if (value == reverse)
        printf(" %d is a Palindrome",value);
        printf(" %d is not a Palindrome", value);

    return 0;

Question Number 253

The following program is used to sort an array of values using Bubble sort technique. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be corrected to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n);
int main()
    int array[100], n, c;

    printf("Enter number of elements\n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        scanf("%d", &array[c]);

    bubble_sort(array, n);

    printf("Sorted array in ascending order:\n");

    for (c = 0; c <  n; c++)
        printf("%d\n", array[c]);

    return 0;

void bubble_sort(int arry[], int n)
    int c, d, temp;

    for (c = 0; c <  (n - 1); c++)
        for (d = 0; d <  n - c - 1; d++)
            if (arry[d] > arry[d + 1])

                temp = arry[d];
                arry[d] = arry[d + 1];
                arry[d + 1] = arry[d - 1];

Question Number 254

Give the output of the following code snippet :
#include (stdio.h)

void main()

Question Number 255

The following program is used to copy a file. Which of the following statement(s) given in the choices should be added to the program at some point to make the program compile, link and run and give the desired output?
#include < stdlib.h>

int main()
    char ch;
    FILE *source, *target;
    source = fopen("CopyFile.txt", "r");

    if (source == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

    target = fopen("Destination.txt", "w");

    if (target == NULL)
        printf("Press any key to exit...\n");
    fputc(ch, target);

    printf("File copied successfully.\n");


    return 0;