Refer and Earn

Do you think we are good?

If not let's talk. Otherwise, if you are also thinking like our other previous students and customers, that we are the best they ever had or at least if you think our services could be of help to build a career to someone, just spread that word and earn some bonus. This may not be just helping you to earn some income or giving us some business, but you may be able to help someone build a new career and perhaps different life - the very reason and hope which keeps us doing what we are doing. So what is the deal?

Refer us in five simple steps

  • 1. Your full name without space and all caps is your referral code. You can modify it if you wish to be unique. Say, for 'Robert Smith' it can be ROBERTSMITH or ROBSMITH or any such string of your preference.
  • 2. Share our training, consulting or mentoring services to your friends and family or anyone you care about along with your referral code, via your favourite social media, email, WhatsApp, forums or any method of your choice.
  • 3. Mail us your referral code and a short detail about how you have shared the information about us - to
  • 4. We will contact you back when a candidate enrols with your referral code to any of our programs. ( Yes, we do check this, as part of our enrollment process. )
  • 5. Post that you will get your referral bonus 100 AUD and the candidate will get referred discount of 50 AUD on top of all the other discounts we have in any program.
Contact Us if you have questions