Computer Programming fundamentals Part 1
All courses are conducted in and around
Sydney CBD, NSW On Weekends and Weekdays 9 AM to 6 PM.
If you proceed, next you will be asked your
contact details.
At this stage, you will NOT be charged and you
DO NOT have to do any payment. After receiving your contact, we will reach out to you regarding
location, date and timing of the training event. We will also discuss shortly your current
technical background in case you are enrolling for an
advanced course.
Once you
accept dates,
time and location of the course, we will
finalize your enrollment. When your enrollment is
finalized you can make the
payment online or at the training location.
Course ID
$384 AUD including GST for 16 hours.
A very basic introduction to computer programming. The course is well suited for absolute beginners and students who have no
experience or exposure to computer programming and who are planning to start or interested in Programming
and coding. Although the demos and labs are in the programming language you have opted for (see below), most of the concepts,
if not all, are applicable to any programming language and to any computer platform. None of the language-specific
quirks like multifiles, pointers, memory management are discussed and purposefully built in a very generic
way. While the default flavor of this course is in C#/Python, this is also conducted in Python 3.0, Java,
C/C++, Golang, Powershell and JavaScript.
Basic layman knowledge about the use of a computer. Ability to read, listen and speak English. An affinity towards science
and related subjects is something which takes you to higher levels for computer Programming so that is
desired. Students should bring a laptop preferably with a windows 7 or later OS. We will be using Visual
Studio Code with Mingw compiler for all practicals ( windows port of gcc ).
Hour1 - Introduction - Theory
Introduction. What is Computer Programming? Algorithm. Hardware, software. Files, Text files, binary files. Language understood
by humans. Language understood by computers. Tools IDE, text editor, compiler, Linker, interpreter and
loader, version control. Comparison of English and C Programming language. Talking to the computer.
Hour2 - Practical / Demo.
Setting up your environment. Algorithm - Demo - the nth root of m Hardware, software - demo OS hardware. Visual Studio code,
Files, Text files, binary files - demo inspecting the files. Writing the program for nth root of m -
demo. Demo of Tools IDE, text editor, compiler, Linker, interpreter and loader, version control. Looking
at the program and understanding how a computer can do what humans cannot and vice versa.
Hour3 - Hello world - Theory.
The very first hello world program. Understanding the hello world. Files. Binary generated.
Hour4 - Hello world - Practical.
1. Students write their very first computer program, ever - by reference. 2. Students write their very first computer program
without reference. 3. Seeing the binary generated.
Hour5 - Variables, input, keywords, literals, operations and output - Theory.
Taking input from the user. Giving output to the user. Variables, scope and memory. Keywords and literals. Arithmetic operation and
boolean operations. Formats, integer, floating point, strings. Why different data type?
Hour6 - variables, keywords, literals, input, operations and output - Practical.
With and Without reference students write a program which takes input from the user, keywords, literals, doing operations. Gives output
to the user and has different types of variables.
Hour7 - Conditions, input and output - Theory.
If and else Demo if and else. Switch and case.
Hour8 - Conditions, input and output - Practical.
With and Without reference Students write a program which has a conditional statement. conditional else statement. multiple
Hour 9 - Loops
While Do while for
Hour 10 - Loops - Practical.
With and without reference students write programs which have a While Do while For If else Switch - case
Hour 11 - Flow controls.
Break; Continue. Return. goto.
Hour 12 - Flow controls - Practical
With and without reference students write programs which have a While Do while For If else Switch - case Break; Continue.
Return. goto.
Hour 13 - Arrays
4. Arrays
Hour 14 - Array practical
With and without reference students write programs which have Array While Do while For If else Switch - case Break; Continue.
Return. goto.
Hour 15 - Project searching and sorting - Theory
Searching and sorting. Importance. Bubble sort. Binary search.
Hour 16 - Project implementation.
Checking of a number is present in an array with binary search. Conclusion and where to find more stuff and go from here. GitHub. StackOverflow.
Surviving a compilation error.
16 hours
Students should bring a laptop preferably with a windows 7 or later OS. We will be using Visual Studio code with Mingw compiler
( windows port of gcc ).
Mac and Linux also acceptable while Windows is highly recommended to maintain the uniformity. Mac and Linux users please follow this
before coming for the training.